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'2o4 . SERMONS upon the S E R M. XXVI. Wicked to want God, againfl whom they have inch an extream Averfenefs and Hatred ? They á eefenfible of the Lofs of Happinefs ; their Judgments are changed, though not renewed. Foggs of Error, AtheiCm and Unbelief then vanifh ; and they are 'convinced by Experience. There are no Atheifts in Hell ; they learn to prize Hap pinefs, by bitter Experience. As Rational Creatures, they cannot but be fenfible of their Lofs, that know the worth of what is loft ; and fo great a Bleffednefs loft, cannot but breed Sadnefs, and Dejeftion of Spirit. They look on God, not as löve- ly in Himfelf, but as one that might be profitable to them. Oculos quoi occlufir culpa, aperiet pang. It would leffen their Torments, if their Vnderfìandings might be taken away. By fad Experience, they know what'tis to want God; though ftill their Hatred of God remaiïeth. Heaven, that I am Phut out of, is a Blaring which others enjoy ; Laza- rus is in Abraham's Bofom. (z.) The Sight of Chrifl. They had -a Glimpfe before they went into Hell, of the Glory of his Prefence : 2 Theft. 1. 9. They fhall be punted with Everlafling Deflruc7i- on, from the Pretence of the Lord. That Ihort Experience of Chrifl's Appearing, will remain in their Minds ; to all Eternity 'twill flick by them, how they are thruft out. Chrifl himfelf, that 'lath the Keyes of Death and Hell, (hall bid them go ; as it he had Paid, I cannot endure your Prefence any longer. (3.) From the Company of the Bleffed : Luk, 13. 28. Te fballfee Abraham, Ifaac and yaco6, and all the Prophets, in the .K,indom of God, and your felves Phut out. Envy is a part of their Torment, as well as their Lofs : Luk. 16. 27. And in Hell he lift up his Eyes, being in Torments, and taw Abraham afar of, and Lazarus in Abraham's Bo- fom. 'Tis a Torment to think, that others of the fame Nature and Intereft,, do en- joy what they have forfeited. s (4.) Their Abode in theft Happy Manftons, which are in Chrifl's Father's Houle 'Rev. 22. 54, 15. Bleffed are they that do his Commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the Gates into the City : For without are Dogs, -and _Sorcerers, and Whoremongers, and Murtherers, and Idolaters, and whofoever loveth and maketh a Lie. II. This Lofs is the more bitter and grievous, becaufe 'tú a Lofs of their own procu- ring r Forfaking of God was their Sin, and now their Mifery. They firft Excom- municated God fora Trifle ; yob. 22. 7. Depart from us, we defre not the I(ytow- ledge of God. Man is like the Devil : Art thou come to torment us befofe our time ? Rom. s.. 2$. They did not like to retain God in their knowledge ; therefore, .God gave them over to a Reprobate Mind. They abhorred the Thoughts of God; 'twas their Bur - then : The Fool bath faid in his Heart, There is no God. Now they are filled with their own Thoughts. Man was firft a Fugitive, before he was an Exile. III. The Lots is irreparable. Defpair is a confiant Ingredient to their Sorrow : They cannot hope ever to be admitted into God's Pretence any more. There re many Ups and Downs in a Chriftian's Experience. God hideth his Face, thde he may Thew it: afterwards the more glorioufly. This is a Curfe, that fhall never be rever- fed. .Twas the Churches Prayer, Return again, and caufe the Light of thy Counte- nance to Thine on us, and we fhall be Paved, Pfal. 80. 19. like the Sun - Thine after a cloudy Night. But here are Foggs of Darlcnefs for evermore : The Sun is to thine no more on them, to all Eternity : z Pet. 2. r 7. To whom is refereed the Blacknefs of Darknefs for ever. Hell is a Region, upon which the Sun fhall never Thine. 1. 'Z) S E. Lay to Heart your Diftante from God by Nature : Let us not draw this great Judgment upon our felves. Our Sin will be our Torment. We ate eftranged from the Womb, Ifa. 58. 3. As a Stream runneth away from the Fountain further and further ; fo are we abfent from God, both in Heart and AfíeEEtions, as well as in State : Ephef 2. 13. Te were afar. off : As the Prodigal went into a far Country. Thoughts of God are not only Strangers, but unwelcom Guefts. 'he Devils be- lieve, and tremble : So we. Guilt will not fuffer us to look God in the Face, Pfal. ro.4. 2. Be not quiet, 'till you come out of this Eftate by Chrirl : He is the Bridge be- tween Earth and Heaven, yob. 14.6. There can be no Familiarity between us, and God,