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206 SERMONS upon the SERM.XXVI. in Hell. Mark, not only the Soul, but the Body : The Body is not only the Inftru- ment, but the Occafion of many Sins ; the Law in the Members, bruitilh motions of Lufts ; the Eye is fed with Lufhs Therefore the body hath its (hare. (1.) For the Body ; what the Torment !hall be we cannot tell, the Scripture is filent ; only in the general, that it (hallhave its (hare of Puniíhment, is certain ; and not only by the Grief and Anguifh of the Sodl, but by Pain Itfiding in the -Body. As the Saints have not only an Happinefs for their Souls, but their Bodies ; their vile Bodies (hall be changed. At the day of Judgment, when their Bodies are uni- ted to their Souls, their Torments are increafed : Here in the Text, 'tis laid, De- part ye : the whole Man, no part free. There is a Place of Torment, as we prov- ed before, as well as a State of Torment ; therefore the Body bath its Inconveni- ences : their Eyes meet with nothing but affrighting Speaacles, the Devils and the Damned : Every time they look on their Tempter, it revives their Guilt as 'the Saints when they look on their Redeemer, it filleth their Hearts full of Love and Adoration. What fee they but Devils to. torture them, or .other Damned tormented with them ? Wives and Children through their negligence, or Neigh- bours by their curled Example, brought into this place of torment : Their Ears are filled with nothing but Yellings and Howlings, and hideous Outçries. More parti- cularly I (hall not define. (z.) For the Soul The Souls Evils wife from a lively and effeaual Senfe of the Wrath ofGod, and the gnawings of Confcience : There is a Fire, and a Worm, Mark 9. 44. the Wrath of God, and the Horrors of Confcience : There is an Al- lufion to the Worms that breed in dead Bodies, and the Fire wherewith they were burned. L Let us fpeak a little of the Worm that breedeth - within ; the Worm of Con- fcience confifteth in three things. There is, s. Memoria pro'teritorum. 2. Senfus pr,efentium. 3. Meats futurorum. All the Periods and Difiinétions of Time yield matter of Sorrow and Anguifh to them, p4, prefect, and to come. (s.) Canfc:ence worketh on what is pail, the remembrance- of their former en- joyments :.Mtferum eft disiffe, fuie Beaton: 'Tis the miferableft thing that can be to outlive our Happinefs ; to think of what we once enjoyed, but now want, Euk. 16. 25. Son, remember' that thou in thy life time receivedit thy good things : Thy day is part, now no more Pleafures, now all thy Carnal Delights are fpent The Riches of Gods goodnefs -that I defpifed, I (hall enjoy no more. The reffe- Rion on paff Comforts ; I was thus and thus, buz where hath fin brought me ? The very remembrance will aggravate their prefent Mifery, efpecially when the me- mory fhall be quickened by Confcience to confider their Ingratitude ; their car - nal Confidence, how they neglected God in the abundance of all things, and nothing remaineth, but the fin of their Comforts and the Curfè : Where now are all your ftately Hotifes, pleafant Gardens, softly Tables, furnifhed with delicious Meats ? your gorgeous and pompous Apparel, your merry Meetings ? Thfe things I have enjoyed, but now they are come to their full and final Period. (z.) The Time waled r this is a Commodity never valued 'till it be loft, and then it cannot be recovered ; in Hell they fee the folly of it, the mifpence of time is a killing circumftance, experience maketh us value time : The horrours of the Damned may be gueffed at by the Complaints of the dying : Oh ! for a little time, if they had but one year, one month more : here men are Prodigal of, no- thing fo much as time, as if they had more than they could tell what to do with but when they corne to die, Oh, if God would (pare them a little longer ! (3.) Efpecially Opportunities of Grace fleighted : God reckoneth to a day, how long, how often he hath warned them, Luk, i3. 7. Thefe three years ?came I,. leek, ing fruit from this Sig -tree, but behold I find none; cut it down : Here is Chrifts righteous expectation, Theft three years came I Jerking fruit ; their ungrateful feu - ftration, But I find none and then his final denunciation, Cut it down : Whenever God reckoneth with a People, he reckoneth with them for time and opportuni- ties of Grace ; Did not I warn you ? What means we have had, and offers of Grace, Gods drawing nigh to us in an acceptable time ; every Sermon will fling our