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------ Ver. 4 I xxv'h Chapter of St. MATTHEW. have the Company of good Angels ; but you muff dwell with Devils. If the De- vil should appear to thee in fome terrible Shape, would not thy Heart fail tltee ? Thou canft not look upon any in Hell, but thou muff remember Enemies to thy Soul, as well as to God. I. `US E. This fhould make us confider the folly of Sinners, that will run this hazard for a little Temporal Satisfa&ion : For as he cryed our, For bow /hart a Pleafure have I loft á /kingdom! when he had parted with his Soveraignty for a Draught of Water ; fo you, outgf a deftre of prefent Contentment, forfeit Hea- ven, and run the hazard of Eternal Torments. When thou art about to Sin, think of this. We need all kind of Helps. (r.) To flir us up to Godlinefs. If Men were as they fhould be, fweet Arguments would be enough ; but now we need..the.Scourge.: 'Tis good. ig__counterballance any Temptation, when 'tis violent. My Heart will call me Fool to all Eternity. ,Can I dwell with Everlafting Burnings ? (a.) To rauh us up to the Confideration of our natural Mifery : I. Partly, that we may flee from the Wrath to come, Matth. 3.7. There is no way, but by Tefus Chris' t. We need every Day to look back. In their Flight to Z,,oar they were not to look back upon Sodom, left there Mould be Relentings kindled. But 'tis good to look back in this Senfe; we (hall fee nothing but Fire and Brimftone behind us. 2. That we may be thankful to Chrift : 1 Theft; t. Ió. Even Yefus, which bath deli- vered us. from Wrath to come. He was fubl}ituted in our Room and Place ; he fuffe- red a kind of Hell in his own Soul, or elfe this mutt have been our Portion. 2. `USE. Are we of the number. There is a Catalogue of the Damned Crew : Rev. 21. 8. But the Fearful, and `Unbelieving, and Abominable, and Murtherers, and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and Idolaters, and all Lyars, have their part in the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimflone. The Fearful: Such as for the Fear of Men,'fwerve from the Holy Profellìon, and Praétice of Godlinefs. The `Unbelieving : All that re- main in an impenitent Eftate. Abominable, Murtherers, Whoremongers : Impure Gao- flicks, filch as Ranters s í Cor. 6. 9. Be not deceived ; neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor Abufers of themfèlves with Mankind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, fball inherit the kingdom of God. Is there any likelihood of Deceit there. Corrupt Nature is alwayes deviling one Shift or another, wherein to harden Confcience. Idolatrous : 'Tis dangerous, not to be right in Worfhip. The Covetous cometh in, Gal. 5. 5. Nor Covetous Man, who is an Idolater : Let no Man deceive you; for becaufe of theft things, the Wrath of God cometh upon the Children of Difobedience. We think it a fmall Matter. Ad Lyars : Not only the grofs Lyar, but the Heretick ; as Herefie is called a Lie : 'Tis good to keep to. the Pattern of found Words. The Hypocrites Hell is his Portion : Matth. 24. 51. Appoint him his Portion with the Hypocrites : there /ball he Weeping, andgnafhing of Teeth. Hÿpocrifie, 'tis a praLtical Lie. E e SERMON