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2 1 S E K MONS upon the S E R M® XXVII, SERMON XXVII. M A T T H. XXV. y. 46. And theft fhall go away into Everlafling Punifhment; but the Righ- teour into Life Eternal. H E Words are a Conciufon of a notable Scheme' and Draught, which Chrat gives us of the laß judgment. In that Day there will be, s. A Congregation. z. A Segregation. 3. A D.fcuJon of the Caufe. 4. A Solemn Doom and Sentence both of Abfoiestion and Condem- nation. 5. And laftly, Execution: Without which the whole Procefs of that Day would be but a folemn and ufelefs Pageantry. The Execution is in the Text. Wherein obferve, First, A Diftinition of the Perfons : Thefe, and the Righteous. See the laff: Sermon on z Cor. 5. t o. Page 163, &c. Secondly, As there are different Perfns, fo different Recompenfes. See z Cor. 5. so. Page to4i &c. Thirdly, .obferve, thefe different Recompenfes are difpenfed with refpea to'the dif- ferent ,Qualifications, and State of the Perlons judged ; as their Cafe fhall appear up- on Tryal ; according to their Works. Some are Wicked, and others Righteous : God muff needs deal differently with them ; (t.) 'ro Phew the Holinefs of his Nature.. The Holy God delighteth in Holinell, and Holy Perlons; and hateth Sin, and the Workers of Iniquity : And.therefore, will not deal with the one, as he dealeth with the other. Both Parts of his Holi- nefs are fpoken of in Scripture, his Delight in Holy Things, and Perlons. See the Fourth Sermon on z Cor. S. so. Page 97. (z.) The Rsghteoufnefs of his Government requireth, that there'fhould be a diffe- rent Proceeding with the Godly, and the Wicked : That every Man lhould reap according to what he hath fown, whether he bath fown according to the Flelh, or the Spirit: That- the Fruit of his Doings fhould be given into his Bofom. And this, though it be not evident in this Life, where Good and Evil is promifcuoufly difpenfed -; becaufe now is the Time of God's Patience, and our Tryal : Yet, in the