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Ver. 46. xxvth'Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 2.11 the Life to come, when God will °fudge the World in Righteoufnefs, Alfa 1I. 3e. it is neceffary, that it fhould go well with the Good, and ill with the Bad ; or, as the Apoffle faith, z Thep. I. 6, y. It is a righteous thing with God to recompenfe Tri- bulation to them that trouble you : And to you that are troubled, refl with ùs; when the Lord Jefui Chrill pall be revealed from Heaven, with his mighty Angels: Marti Both Parts of the Recompenfe belong to the Righteoufnefs of his Government , to give Reif to the Troubled, as well as Tribulation to the Troublers. Indeed, with the one he dealeth in ffria Jullice ; to the other he difpenfeth a Reward of Grace Yet that alto belongeth to his Righteoufnefs ; that is, his New-Covenant Righteouf- nefs : For fo 'tis Paid, Heb. 6.1o.- God is not unrighteous, to forget your Work and La- bour of Love. As he bath bound himfelf by gracious Promife, to give Life and Glo- ry to the Penitent, Obedient and Faithful. . (3.) The Gracioufnefs of his rewarding Mercy, and free Love to his faithful Ser- vants. Though they were involved in the fame Condemnation with others, as to their Original and firff Effate, and the Merit of their evil Altions, and the con- fiant Imperfeltion of their belt Works ; yet fine it was the fincere Bent of their ,Hearts to ferve and honour God, he will give them a Crown of Life. They might have perifhed everlaffingly, as others do, if God fhould enter into a ffrilt Judg- ment with them : But when others receive the Fruit of Their Doings, he dealerh gracioufly with them, pardoning their Failings, and accepting them in the Beloved.. God is not bound in Juffice, from the Right and Merit of their Aaions, to reward them that have done him molt faithful Service ; but meetly of his Grace, upon the Account of ChriSS. i Pet. 1. 13. Hoping unto the End, for the Grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of our Lord 3efus ChriSS : And, Jude as. Look- ing for the Mercy of our Lord Jefus ChriFt, unto Eternal Life: And, z Tim. 1. 1S. The Lord grant, that he may find Mercy o the Lord in that Day : Namely, when the Lord fhall judge the Quick. and the Dead, and fhall diffribute Punifhments and Rewards. In Tome ineafiire we fee Grace here ; but never fo fully and perfealy, as then. t. Partly becaufe now we have not fo full a view of our Vnworthinefs, as when our A&ions are fcanned, and all things are brought to Light; whether they be Good or Evil. And, z. Partly becaufe there is not fo full and large a Manifeffation of God's favour now, as there is in our full and final Reward. 'Tis -Grace now, that he is pleafed . to pats by our Offences, and to take us into his Family, and give us fome taffe of his Love, and a right to his Heavenly Kingdom. But then, us another manner of Grace and Favour, when our Pardon fhall be pronounced by our Judges own Mouth ; and he (hall not only take us into his Family, but into his immediate Prefence, and Heavenly Palace: Not only give us a Right, but Poffeffìon ; Come ye Bleffed of my Father, Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you. And (hall not only have fofne re- mote Service and Miniffration ; but be everlaffingly employed in loving, and de- lighting in, and praifing of God. This is Grace indeed ! . The Grace of God, or his free Favour to Sinners, is never feen in all its Glory, or Gracioufnefs, till then. And 'tis the more amplified, when we fee how God dealeth with others, who as to Natural Endowments, were every way as acceptable as our felves ; and as to Spi- rituals, Grace alone making the Difference. Fourthly, Obferve, the Wicked are deferibed. by Sins of Omiffion ; as Vezf 42, 43. Thofe that have not vifited, not cloathed, not fed, not harboured ; Thefe fhall go into Everlafting Punifhment. But the Righteous, by their Faithfulnefs in Good Works, or Alls of Self-denying Obedience, {hall go into Life Eternal. I. The Wicked by their Omiffion of neceffary Duties. Becaufe we think Omions no Sins, or light Sins, I (hall take this occafion to fhew the Hainoufnefs of them. Sins are commonly .diffinguilhed into, s. Sins of Omion ; and, 2. Sins of Commif- fien. (r.) A Sin of Commifion, is when we do thofe things which we ought not to doe. (a.) A Sin of °melon, is when we leave t *done thofe thing's which we ought to do. But wl e we look more narrowly into thefe things, we flail find both in eve- Eez ry