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Ver. 46. xxvth Chapter òf St. MATTHEW. 2 13 Worlds Good, and feeth his Brother in need, and fhutteth up his Bowels of Comoaßon from him ; hone dwelleth the Lóve of God in him? 4. When 'tis eafie. This is to Rand with God for a Trifle e Luk. s6. 24. -And he cried and laid, Father Abraham, have Mercy on me, and fend Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his Finger in Water, and cool my Tongue ; for I am tormented in this Flame: Defderavit guttam, qui non dedit icarn. 5. When convinced : Yam. 4. 17. Therefore to him that knoweth to do Good, and cloth tt not, to him it is Stn. III, hr many Cafes, Sins of Omigion may be more hainous and damning, than Sinsof Common. They are the ruine of the molt part of the Carnal World. They are defcribed to be without God, Epher 2. 12. Of the Wicked within the Pale, 'tis faid, Pfal. to. 3, 4. The Wicked, through the Pride of hi, Heart, evil! not feek after God; God is not in all his Thoughts. Of the catelefs Profeffor ; 7er. 2. 32. My People bave forgotten me Uaves without number. Sins of Omilliion may be more hainous than Sins of Commilfion ; (r.) Partly, becaufe there harden' more. Foul Sins fcourgge the Confcience withRe- morle and Shame, but thefe bring on infenfibly, Sleightnefs, and Hardnefs of Heart. And therefore, Chrift faith, Publicans and Harlots fhould enter into the I¿ingdom of God, before Pharifees, that negleEted Faith, Love and Judgment, Matth. 21. 3t. O.) Partly, becaufe Omigions make way for Commiionr e Pfal. x4. 4. They that called not upon God, did eat up his People as Bread. They lie open to grofs Sins , that do not keep the Heart tender, by a daily Attendance upon God If a Man do not that which is Good, he will fo on de. that which is Evil. Oh then ! let us bewail Pur Unprofitableneis ; that we do no more Good, that we do fo much negleEt God ; that we do no more edifie our Neighbour, fo that God's belt Gifts lie idle up- on our hands : That Child, is counted undutiful, that cloth wrong and beat his Father ; fo all° he that giveth him not due Reverence. How feldom do we think of God ! Every Relation puts new Duties upon us, but we'little regard them; every Gift, every Talent. II. The Godly by their Fruitfulnefi in good Works, and AEts of Self - denying Obe- dience : They fed, they refrefhed, they harboured, they cloarhed, they, vifited, verf. 35,8c 36. The queftion is not, Have you heard, prayed, preached ? There are dif- claimed. Mattb.7. 2 2. Many will fay unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophet - ed in thy Name, and in thy Name have cafe out Devils, and in thy Name have done many wonderful 'Yorks? And then will I profefs unto them, I never knew you : depai4from me, ye that work Iniquity. Luke t 3. 26. Then (hall ye begin to fay, We have eat and drunk to thy pretence, and- thou haft taught in our flreets ; but be (hall fay, I tell you, I know you not, depart from me all ye workers of Iniquity. Nay, nor have you Be- lieved ; yam. 2. 20. Wilt thou know, 0 vain man, that Faith without' Works is dead? No, Chrift telleth us of another Tryal: Well then, a Religion that coils nothing, is worth nothing: A Notional Religion, a Word Religion, is not a Chriftianity of Chrifts malting. Surely Heaven is worth fomething ; and it will colt us fome- thing, if we mean to get thither : There is more, in there Works of coftly Chari- ty than we ufually think of : t Tim. 6. 18, 19. Luke 16. g. t yob. 4. t9. Hereby the know that we are of the Truth, and (hall afire our Hearts- before him. Hereby, by what ? I¡ we love not en Werd; and Tongue only, but in deed and in truth: Re- frefh the Bowels of the Poor, own Brethren though 'with danger of our Lives Heaven is but a Fancy to them that will venture nothing for the Hopes of it. What have you done, to Phew your thankfulnefs for fo great a Mercy tendred to you ? A cold Belief and a fruitlefs Profeflion, will never yield you Comfort t Good words are not dear,'2,,nd a little countenance given to Religion, cofts no great matter ; and therefore do not think that Religion lyeth only in hearing Ser- mons, or a few curlòry Prayers, and drowfie Devotions : We fhould mind thole things about which we fhall be queftioned at the day of Judgment. Have you vi- fired, fed, cloatbed, harboured; owned the Servants of God, when the World hath frowned on them? Comforted them in their ftreffes? Wherein really have you d,:ny'ed you felees for the Hopes of Glory ? Fifthly,