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2 14 SERMONS upon the S E K M. XXVII. Fifthly, Obferve, The Notions whereby their different Eflate in the other World is'expreffed, Punifhment and Lif`. See Serm. laft, on 2Cor. ç. to. Page 104, loç. Sixthly, Obferve, Eternity is affixed to both : Everlaffing Punifhment, and Eternal Life. See laft Sermon on a Cor. ç. jo. latter end of Page 105. and beginning of Page 106. 'Seventhly, Obferve, Thefe are fpoken of not only- as Threatned, but Executed : When the Caufe hath been fufficiently tryed and cleared; and Sentence palled, there will be Execution : The Execution is certain, fpeedy, and unavoidable. See lait Sermon on a Cor. 5. to. Page 107. Eighthly, Obferve, Sentence is Executed on the Wicked ,firft : It beginneth with them, for 'tis faid, Thefe (hall go away into everlafling Punifhment, and the Righteous into Life Eternal. Now this is not meerly becaufe the Order of the Narration did fo require it. See lait Sermon on ,a Cor. 5.1o. Page tog. The V S E, Is to preis u,s, r To Believe there things. 2. Serioufly to confider of them. (i.) To Believe them : Moll mens Faith about the Eternal Recompenfes, is but pretended ; at beft, too cold and Speculative : An Opinion rather than a found Belief, as appeareth by the little Fruit and.,Effea that it hath upon us ; for if- we had fuch a fight of them as we have of other things, we fhould be other man- ner of Perfons than we are, in all holy Converfation and Godlinefs. We fee how cautious man is in tatting Meat in which he doth fufpea Harm, that it will breed in him the Pain and torments of the Stone, and Gout, or Chollick ; I fay, though it be but probable the things will do us any Hurt.. We know certainly that the wages of Sin is Death, yet we will be rafting forbidden Fruit. If a man did but fufpe& an Houfe were falling, he would not flay in it an Hour : We know for certain, that continuance in a carnal Eftate, will be our eternal ruine ; yet who doth flee from Wrath to come ? If we have but a little hope of Gain, we will take pains to obtain it : We know, that our Labour is not in vain in the Lord ; Why do we not abound in his work i i Cor. 15. 58. Surely we would do more to prevent this Mifery; to obtain this Happinefs, when we may do it upon' fuch eafie Terms, and have fo fair an Opportunity in our hands; if we were not ftrangely ftupified, we would not go to Hell to fave our felves a labour. There are two things which are very wondrous : a. That any fhould fufpell the Chriflian Faith, fo clearly promifed in the Pre - diaions of the Prophets before it was fet a -foot, and confirmed with fuels a num- ber of Miracles after -it was fet a-foot : Received among the Nations, with fo uni- verfal a confent in the Learned part of the World, notwithftanding the meannefs of the Inftruments firft employed in it, and perpetuated to us throughout fo ma- ny Succeffions of Ages; who have had experience of the Truth and Benefit of it. That now in the latter end of Time, any fhould fufpe& this Faith, and think it a fond Credulity, is a wonder indeed. 2. But a greater Wonder by far is it, that any fhould embrace theChriftian Faith, and yet live fanfully ; That they fhould Believe as Chriftians, and yet Live as Atheiffs. You cannot drive a dull Ais into the Fire that is kindled before him: Surely in vain is the Net fpread in the fight of any Bird. How can men believe Eternal Torments, and yet with fo much bo dnefs and eafinefs run into the fins that do defèrve them ? Many times they are not compelled by any Terror, nor asked by any Tempter, nor invited by any Temptation ; but of their own accord feek out Occafions of their Ruine. On the other fide, Can a Man believe Heaven, and do nothing for it ? If we know that it will not be loft Labour, there is all the reafon we fhould not grudge at it.- (z.) Seri-