Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE: Pag. Glory of Chrilts Perfon, what iris. i..8 What Chrifis coming in his Glory, and in the Glory of his Father, ftgnifies. 142 Why Chriff muff come ik his Glor}l. 148,150 Some foregoing appearances of Chr :, thatgive a tafle of this Glory. 149 Goats, the wicked Goats, and wherein. 164 God, the Party wronged by fin, and the Supream fudge. 145 Godlinefs and Holinefs, the difference between them. 42 Godly men defcribed by their fruitfulnefi in good 'works. 213 Good of others robe regarded by us. 91 Goodnefs of God, God_ganderh on the credit of his Goodnefs. 112, Good Works, vid. Works. Grace,rhe terms whereby'tis exprefi dinScriprure.12 Saving work of Grace, how it differs from a common work. 12 Whether a man may by the ufe. of cm-anion Grace, obtain fpecial Grace. 128 Vid. Common Grace. State of Grace may be known. 12 A little Grace is hardly difcernable. 52 The Effelfs of Grace. 14 They that have true Grace defire more. 53 Every one muff baveGrace of his own. 49 They that have moll Grace,hasse none toffiare. 52 None can bave fufcient Grace for themfelves and others too. 4.9 Motives to excite as to get Grace into our Hearts. 51 ï'beje that think they have Grace enough to bring them to Heaven, and there refl,reproved. 54 Thofe that would have more Grace, midi-have re- courfe to Ordinances. 55 Grace initial may be loft. 131 Sanetiffying Grace in fume meafure may lei,- I There is no intercifion of the Habit ofGrace, though there may be an iutermiffun of the AQs of Grace. 26 tîracioufnefs of rewarding Mercy not fully flan till the laß judgment. 211 H. Atred of Sin produced by Grace. 16 Sin as Sip to be hated. 17 Hatred of fin to be greater than former Love t0 it. 17 Heaven fee out by Lieht, and why. 133 Why called a Kingdom. 169 Joyes of Heaven whence they arife. 104 Why soaped the Joy of the Lord. los The Efntiaf Happinefs of Heaven thefame as to all the Saints. 106 yet there are degrees of Glory in Heaven. 007 Reafom why there are degrees of Glory. x0 dell, that- there is a Hell, proved. 192 A Place of inexpreffble Torment. 133 , Yid. Torments of Hell. 4 State of Torment as well as a(late ofDeath. Set forth by Darknefs, andouter Darknefs, and why. Yid. Darknefs. 133 Indignation of the damned in Hell agahoß God, the Saints and themfelves. 136 Pag. Sorrow of the domain Hell. - t 36 The wicked go to Hell at Death. 196 They have not their full Torments till the dy ej Yudgmenr. _ Punifhmenr of Hell may conftt with Gods being mert4fut. 193 Fire of Hell, vid. Fire. Dontfhment of Hell, u. Punifbment of Lofs, and Punifhtnent of Senfe. Hiding Talents agresor fin, and why. - 96 He that hides his Talents faulty, as well as he that abufes them. 96 What is the taufe of this unfsithfulncfs in hi- ding Talents. 96 Honour, the Honour that find be put on the Saints at the day of ,ÿudginent. 165 Hope, what it is. 7 Weak, and groundkfs Hope of Heaven. 9 Cold and carelefs Hope what. 24 What kind of Hope may be in Hypocrites. 7 Hope of wicked men will fail them,. and when. Hope of Heaven, how it fheweth it felf 47 17z Hero this Hope puts us on a diligent pimfuir of this Blef/èdnefs. 172 This Hope mutt moderate our Cares, Pears and Sorrowes as to temporal things. 173 Humility, Saints have a humble finjo of3 their own good Works. i$3 i8 Hypocrites fluid bedifcovered at the de* ofYidv went. i 6¢ I. IDlenefs, the evil of it, Vid. Sloath. 96 Impotency, why God requires Duty of fallen Creatures, that have no power to perform it, 114 Natural Impotency no Excufe to the floath- 123 ful Inclination of heart:towards good, how expref- fed in Scripture. 1 Increafe, Diligence the Means, and God's blef fang the Caufe of all :increafe. 127 Our Increafe fhould be of the fame Talent that is given us. 127 This Increafe is given by degrees. 129 And is to be continued tilt it be full and per- fell. 129 Indignation of the Damned in Hell againff God, the Saints, and them /elves. 136 infants, what to judge of Infants that dye -in In- fancy. t Inheritance of Heaven, the Properties of ir. 169 Joyes of Heaven, whence they artje. 104 Why called the Joy of the Lord. 105 Judge, we' are not to judge of Others .Or our felves by the outward efleem of others. 435 Judge, the Quafifiearions of a Judge, Wfdom, YUAce, Power, Authority. 042 Theft Qualifications found in Ch'rifl. 143 Chrill the Judge of the World. 1 2 1Why Christ Judge of the World rather than F e_ Air or Spirit. 146 In what Nature Chrill is Judge. 147 Why Chrift as Mediator is Judge . of the World. Why Chrifl as Judge tailed King. 1677 Judtments temporal may be kept off from the wicked