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The TABLE. Pag. wicked by the Society of the godly. so One Judgment makes way for another. 198 Judgment-day proved. X33,34 Cavils againf! itanfwered. ' 154 The Convenien of 'itch a day. 34 The bufnefs of hat day (Hall be to glori(re Gods Holinefs, rewarding fuflice, and Truth. 178 1111 fhall come to Judgment. 156 Infants and Grown Perfns. 156 Dead and living. 157 Good and Bad. 158 Believers and Vnbelievers. 158 High and low. 160 At Judgment-day all (hall be judged accord- ing to their works. 177 Why works of Mercy and Charity rather than Piety are then mentioned. 176 Whether the fins of the righteous find then be mentioned. 176 Who fhall be judged by the Gofpel. 158 Whether Papifls, Turk, Yews (fine Chrift (hall be judged by the Gofpel. 158 By what rule Pagans (hall be judged. 159 There fhall be a feparation of good and bad at the Judgment-day, and why. 564 Hypocrites (hall be difcovered at the day. of Judgment. 164 The Honour that fhall be put on the Saints at the day of Judgment. 165 The godly (hall be firjl abfolved before the wic- ked are condemned, and why. 166 Judgement -day fhould be believed, feared,loved, byy the Saints, and hoped for. 154 It fhould make us patient under difgraces. 154 Thoughts ofJudgement fhould make us femur, and why. 16o ,Jufice and Righteoufnefs of Chrift explained. 144 Juftice of God, 3 *. 178 Juftification oppofed to Accufation. 175 How we are justified by Faith, and bow by Work. 175 K. IJJ Ing, why Chrif! as yadge ofthe World, is call. \ ed a King. 167 Kingdom of Heaven, what it frgnifies. 3 Why Heaven is called a Kingdom. 169 Knowledge of Chrif:. How Chrift knowes his People. 66 Chrift knowes all his Sheep. 162 Knowledge of God intuitive and approbative. 66 L. LAmps, going out of Lamps of oolifh Virgins, what it fsgnifies. 47 When their Lamps !hall go out. 48 Trimming of Lamps, v. Trimming. Law andGrace firive for Pillory inthe hearts of thofe that have any fenfe of Religion. i1 t Lawes of God, no Tyranny in them. 113 Left hand, why Sinners are fee on the left hand at the day of 7udgmenr. 169 Lofs, vide Punilhment of Lofs. Love to God, what it is. 7 Feeble and fleepy'Love, what. 24 Pag. What a lend of Love is due to Chrifl, 5sg Lye, dierente between a Lye and an Untruth. 41 M. Arriage-Union between Chrift and Be- lievers, the foundation of it layed in Chrifli Incarnation, 57. Entred into at Converfion. 57 The prefent flare ofit in this world. 58 The Confummation of it in another world. 59 Why the Second Coming of Chrift is called a Con - fummation of this Marriage. The duties that refult from this Marriage - Union. 58 Motives to be efpoufed es Chi-u i. 60 N Ame of God, what it is. 112 Poor trembling Souls to fludy the Name of God. 112 New - Creature, why God expelis more honour from them thanfrom the World. 89 O. ODium Abominations Sc odium Inimici- tiw. Omiffions, Sins of Omillion, and Commifio , what they are, and how diflingui(hed. t 38,21 1 Omiffions Sins as well as Commifions. 117 They are both in every aelual fin. 138, 312 Thegreaenefs of Sins ofOmifion. i38,21í Some Sins of Omiffion greater than others. 139, 212 In many cafes Sins of Omifion are greater than Sins of Commi¢on. 139, i13 The Caufes of them. 139,212 The Efells of them. 1 39, 212 Ornifion of holy Duties, breeds Security. 28 Omillions make way for Commiffons. 140,213 Opportunities of doing good may be loft. 13o Ordinances, confdred as Dales, Priviledges, Means, Talents. thlay be loft. 131 Oyl, not only to be had in Lamps, but in Vet- fels. 11 Oyl in Veils, what it is. 12, 14 To get Oyl in Vefels ss our true wifdom. 22 Direilions to get it. 21 PAmbles, why Chrif! taught by Parables. 1 The lends of Parables, Argumentative, and Reprefenrative. Patience of God toSinners. 198 Prayer, what a Praying Frame is. 74 IYatching to Prayer, in Prayer, after Prayer, what it is. Poor, three forts of Poor, Devil's Poor, Chrifli Poor, the World's Poor. 189 Power of Chrift as Lord and Owner diflinit from his Power as Governour and Ruler, 81 The Right Chrifl loath to this Power. Si Chrift cannot be divefledof this Power... 82 Power P.