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6 SERMONS upon Semi. when we may quicken others; as one Bird, Petting all the reft a chirping; and we profefs we are not afhamed of God, or his Worfhip 5 but in private alto. God made Body and Soul, and will beferved 11q both. Words are as giving vent to, or as the broaching of a full Veffel. Strong Affeftions cannot be confined to Thoughts. Pfal.39. á, 3. ,115 Heart was hot within me while I was inuring, the Fire burned, then fßake I with my Tongue. Muting, makes the Fire to burn. There is a. continual Prayer, by Ejaculations and Thoughts; but words become folemn, and Rated times of Duty. Words are a boundary to the Mind, and fix it more than Thoughts, which are ufually light and skipping. The Mind may wander, but words are as a Trumpet, to fummon them again into the prefence of God. Our roving Madnefs, will be fooner difcerned in Words than in Thoughts. When a Word is loft, or mifplaced, we are more a- fhamed ; and by Words, a dull fluggifh Heart is fometimes quickned and awakned. It is good to ufe this Help. Now I cone to the Prayer it felt. [Father.] It is a 'Word of Confidence, and Tweet Relation, in which there is Much of Argument ; in that Chrift, as God's only Son, fpeaketh to his own Father : Father, glorify thy Son. A Father is wont to be delighted with the Glory and Honour of a Son ; as the Mother of Zebedee's Children fought their Preferment, Matth. 20.20. It is good to obferve, that Chrift doth not fay, our Father, as involving our Intereft with his, becaufe it is of 'a diftinß Kind. Chrift would obferve the diftin&ion be- tween us and himfelf : he is a Son that is equal with the Father,eternal with his Father but we are adopted Sons, made fo. When he fpeaketh to his Difciples, he faith not, our Heavenly Father, but [ your ] Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all thefe things, Mat. 6.32. And, John 20. 17. I afend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God ; clearly diftinguifhing his own Intereft from ours. And mark, Chrift ufeth the Argument of Son, and Father, to thew that he was not there- fore glorified, becaufe a Son, but therefore a Son, becaufe glorified. We may note hence ; I. That it is very fweet. and comfortable in Prayer, when we can come and call God, Fa- Mer. It is a Word of Affe &ion, Reverence, and Confidence; in all w the excel- lency of Prayer confifteth. So Chrift in all his Addreffes, Father, if itWifible, let this Cup pat from me, Mat. 26. 39. So alfo all his Prayers are bottom'd on this Rela- tion ; Verf 5. Ind now, 0 Father, glorify thou me with thihe own felf. Mat. I I. 25. I thank thee, 0 Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, &c. He path taught us the fame, to pray, Our Father which art in Heaven, Mat. 6. 9. The great Work of the Spirit, is to help us to fpeak thus to God ; not with Lips that feign, but from our Hearts. Rom. 8. i 5. re have received the Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. We confine the Spirit's Afíiftance to earneft Tendencies, and vigorous Motions ; the main Work is, to help us to cry, Father, with a proper and genuine Confidence. Now all can- not do thus a wicked Man cannot fay fafely to God, ,my Father. Whofoever claims Kindred of God, while he is unjuft and filthy, it- is not a Prayer, but a Contumely and Slander. He that fanePieth, and thole that are fantfifi'ed, are all of one : for which caufe, he is not afiamed to call them Brethren, Heb. 2. II. Chrift ,counteth none to be of his Kindred, but the Regenerate. Pagans are Strangers, and Carnal Men in the 'Church are Baftards; they had need ftudy Holinefs, that would claim Kindred of Chrift. Con-, rider then, What Claim and Intereft have you in God ? It is fad, if we can only come as Creatures, cry as Ravens for Food, out of a general Title to his Providence, or to cry, Father, and lie; to take his Name in vain. It is fweeter to fpeak to God as a Son, then as a Creature; Lord, Lord, is not half fo fweet as, Our Father. This is a Tweet invitation to Prayer. Mat. 7. 9. What Man of you, who if his Son ask Bread, will he give him a Stone ? Verf I t. If ye then, that are Evil, know how to give good Gifts to your Children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to them that ask him ? It is a Confolation in Prayer. Gal. 4. 6. Becaufe ye are Sons, he bath fine forth the Spirit of his Son into your Hearts, crying, abb.' Father. It is a ground of Hope and Expellation after Prayer. re have received the Spirit of Adoption, to call God, Father. 2. Chrift was about to fuffer bitter things from the Hand of God, and yet he cálleth him Father. In Afüfions, we mutt fill look upon God as a Father, and behave our f lees as Children. Chrift felt him a Judg, yet counts him a Father. God as a Jude, was now about to lay on him the Sufferings of all the Elch , yet Chrift calls him, Father, to