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8 SERMONS upon Serm.i, the Aftli &ion ; the Time, the Meafure, the Inítruments. It is the Comfort of à Chri- ftian, that nothing can befal him, but what his Father will. ,4 Sparrow cannot fall to the Ground withóset oser Heavenly Father, Mat. to. 29. The wife Lord hath brewed our Cup, and moulded and fhaped evéry Crofs. All the ounces of Gall and Wormwood are weighed out by a wife Decree, and our Cup is. tempered by God's own Hand. We ftorm many times, becaufe of filch and filch Accidents, and Circumftances of the Crofs, as if we would have God ask our Vote and Advice, and as if our Opinion were a better Ballance wherein to weigh things, than Divine Providence. Providence reach- eth to every particular Accident. Your Doom was long lince written : filch a Veffel of Mercy, thall be thus and thus broached and pierced : every Wound and Sorrow is numbred. 2. That Hour, which was determined and foretold in the Prophecies. God doth all things in fit Seafons ; he bath his Days and Hours. Daniel underfitood by Books, the number of the Tears, Dan. 9. 2. Habak. 2. 3. The Ligon is for an appointed time. It eafeth the Heart of much dittraaion, when we confider there is a Period fitted. There is a Clock with which Providence keepeth Time and Pace, and God himfelf fetteth it. It is good for us to wait the Lord's Leiture. God himfelf waiteth as well as we ; Ifa. 30. 18. He waiteth, that he may be gracious. He letteth, the eourfe of Caufes run on, till the fit Hour and Moment of Execution be tome; when he may difcover himfelf with molt advantage to his Glory, and the Comfort of his Servants ; and God wait- eth with as much earneftnels as you do, (I (peak after the manner of Men); Ifa. t6. I4. Tat now hath the Lord foken, Paying, Within three Tears, as the Tears of an Hire - ling, and the Glory of Moab 'hall be contemned, &c. as the Hireling waiteth for the Time of his Freedom, and when he is to receive his Wages. Moab was a bitter Ene- my. Therefore let us wait ; John 8.7. Tour Times are always ready, but my, Time is not yet come. We draw Draughts of Providence with the Pencil of Fancy, and then confine God to the Circle of our own Thoughts, as if he muff be always ready at our Hours. 3. The Hour is come ; the Sufferings of God's People are very fhort. To our Senfe and Feeling, they Teem long, becaufe Carnal AffeEtions are loon tired ; but the Word doth not reckon by Centuries, and Years, but Moments. Pfal. 30. 5. Weeping may endure for a Night, but Joy cometh in the Morning. All Temporal Accidents are nothing, compared to Eternity. The Sorrows of our whole Life, are but one Nights Darknef. This light Affliction, that is but for a Moment, faith the Apoftle, 2 Cor.4.17. Set Time againft Eternity, and we fhall'want words to declare the fhortnef óf it. Our Hour will be loon ended. Wait a while, and we (hall be beyond Fears. The Mar- tyrs in Heaven do not think of Flames, and Wounds, and Saws ; thele were the Suf- ferings of a Moment. John 16. 2 t. A' Woman, when fie h in Travail, bath farrow, be- caufe ber Hour is come : but as f on as fhe is delivered of the Child, fie remembreth no more the Anguifb, for joy that a Man is born into the World. John 16. 16. l little while, and ye flsall not fee me : and again, a little while, and ye Ail/ fee me. To Faith, the time between Chritt's departure, and his fecond coming, is but as the time between his Death and Refurreí(ion ; for of that Chrift allo fpeaketh, as is clear by the fubfequent Context. We meafure all by fence, and therefore cry, How long ! how long ! as Men in pain will count Minutes ; but look to the endlefs Glory within the Vail, and it is nothing. We fhould efpecially take this Comfort to our felves in Sicknefs and Death; it is but an Hour : Wink and thou flialt be in Heaven, Paid a Martyr: 4. The Hour is come, faith Chrift, and therefore prayeth. When the fad Hour is come, the only Remedy is Prayer. We fhould not defpond, but meet Sorrows with a generous Confidence : now the only way is to pray. If we cannot look for a Deli- verance, we may pray for a Mitigation, for thortning Affii &ion. Mat. 24.20. Pray that your flight be not in the Winter, nor on the Sabbath Day, when it may be tedious to Body or Soul. Pray that you may glorify God in Sufferings, as Chrift fueth out Sup- port in this Requeft. llfually when Evils are unavoidable, we give over all Addteffes; yet our Condition is capable of Mercy : if the Hour be come, beg that a Spirit of Glory may ref( upon you. 5. - Quiff knew his Hour. There was no Traitor by ; Judas was not prefent; the Souldiers were not come to apprehend him : All was yet in the dark, and kept fecret in the Bofom of the Prietts and Elders. It confirmeth us in the belief of the Omnif ciency of Chrift: He knew the moment of his Suffering, before there was any appear - ance of it. All things are open and naked before him, with whom we have to do. And he flab our Thoughts afar of 6. aria