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Veri I. the ï 'th Chapter of St. f OH N: 9 6. Chrift knew the Hour was come, yet he feeketh not an hiding- place, or to avoid the Storm by flight. How many natural and fupernatural Ways had Chrift to efcape ?. he could have (mitten them with a Beam of Majefty. It noteth the willingnefs of Chrift to fuffer all this Trouble and Danger for our fakes, as our Conqueror. When Chrift was to grapple with our' Enemies, he did not decline the Battel, but with Cou- rage, and Confidence, entred into the Lifts with Death and Hell. As our Sacrifice, he went willingly to the Altar, not like a Swine, but like a Sheep 3 not with Howling and Reluaancy, but with a ready Patience. 7. The Aft of Chrift's Death was quickly over; it was but a fhort (pace of time, he calleth it an Hour. Pfal. t to. 7. de Torrente bibet, He Thall drink of the `Brook in the way, a Draught of Death; He tafíed Death for every one; Heb. 2. 9. At one Draught he drunk Hell dry as to the Elect. Objebt.. But we were to fuffer eternally, and Chrift was to bear our Sorrows. I Anfwer, Though Chrift paid the fame Debt, yet through the Excellency of his Perron, it was done in a fhorter time. A paiment in Gold, is the fame Sum with a paiment in Silver, or Brats ; only through the excellency of the Metal, it taketh up lets room. 8. The Hour is come. By way of Argument, he theweth the occaflon of his Prayer, in this Hour of Sadnefs and Ignominy ; I am to be betrayed, condemned, buffeted, crucified; my Majefty will be obscured, and my Death, like a Vail, drawn upon my Glory. Now, glortfy,me in this Hoer. Indeed, thus it was in all Chrift's weaknefs and abafement, there was Come adjunct of Glory. In his Incarnation,' he is thruft out into a Manger, a place for Hodes ; but there he is worlhipped. A Star in Heaven, is hung up for a Sign of that Inn where Chrift lay ; a new Bone -fire to weh come that great, but poor Prince, into the World. He is apprehended by the Souldiers, but they are driven back, and twice checked in their rude Attempt, by the Beams and Emiffions Qf his Divine Glory. He is tempted by the Devil in the Wildernels, but Angels are lent to minifter to him. He had not wherewith to pay tribute to Cefar, but the Sea payeth Tribute to him, and a Filh bringeth the Mony. When he was . crucified and fcoffed at; Heaven it felt becometh a Mourner, and puts on a Vail of Darknefs ; the High Prieft did not rend his Cloaths, but the Vail . of the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom. ' One Thief fcoffed him, -but another pro» claimed him King. When Man denied him, the Creatures preach up hia.Glory. Thus. Chrift, in the faddeft Hour, is (till glorified. And thus it is with rhel Children of God ; Afflictions on wicked Men are evil, and all evil ; but to the Saints, a mixed Difpenfation : tweet Experiences they have in the midft of fad Calamities, and Mercy in the midft of Wrath. [Glorify thy Son.] This is the Requeft it fell: What is the meaning of it ? Origerä underftandeth it; of the very Ignominy of the Croft it fell, which was ro Chrift a Glo- ry 5 Gloria falvatoris, patibnlum triumphant is. The Crofs -was not a Gibbet, but a Throne of Honour ; and Calvary to Chrift, was as glorious as Olivet : It is expreffed by lifting up. But certainly this cannot be intended here, becaufe it was the loweft Ad of his Humiliation and Abatement. This is made the Motive and Reafon of his Re- quell; the Hour is come, by which (as we have feen) he intendeth that fad ignomi- nious Hour. In thorn, it is meant either of God's glorifying him in his Sufferings, or God's glorifying him after his. Sufferings; as will appear by the Sequel; and two pa- rallel places. t. Glory in his Sufferings. It is faid, john t 3. 31, 32. Therefore when he mm gone out, yefus Paid, Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God be glorified in him, God (hall elfo glorify him in himfelf, and (hall ftraightway glorify him. The meaning is, now he is to thew himfelf a glorious Saviour, by which God than allo be glorified; fór which he will uphold, and reward him. So, Glorify thy Son; Hein- tendeth thofe Pafräges, by which his Glory is manifefted to the World. And fo he in= tends; (t.) Miracles; While Chrift fuffered, the Frame of Nature feasted to be out of Conde. Mat. 27. 5 t. The Vail df the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bot- tom ; and the Earth did quake, and the Rocl¿s rent, And verf 54. When the Centurion, and they that were with him, fly theft things; they feared greatly, fling, Truly this was the Son of God. (2.) Support and Strength. This was Chrift's laft Combat, and he was to difcover the Strength, and the Power of the Godhead. Now he prayeth for thofe Tokens and B b b Signify