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Ver. I. the 17th Chapter óf St. J O they were the firft Martyrs of either Teftamene. If you want Atflidions, you want one of the neceffary way-marks to Heaven. 3. Glorify me. Chrifi feeketh not the empty things of this World, but to be glorified With the Father. We want fome Spiritual Ambition, and are too low and groveling in our Defares and Hopes. If you be rifen with Chrifi, feek thofe things that are above, where Chrift ftteth at the right Hand of God, Col. 3. r. It is no Treafon to afpire to the Heavenly Kingdom; ¡place Seek firfi the Kingdom of God, and the Righteoufnei thereof; and to feek a l on Chriffs own Throne. Neither is it any culpable felf- reeking, to feek Self in God. John 5.44. How can ye believe, that receive Honour one of another, and feek not the Honour that cometh from God alone ? Job. 2.43. They loved the Praife of Men, more than the Praife of God. Here we may feek our own Honour and Glory without a Crime. O behold the liberality and indulgence of Grace ! God bath fet no flint to our Spiritual Delires; we may feek, not only Grace, but Glory. 4. Chrift himfelf prayeth to be glorified, it noteth the Truth of his Abafement. He is the Lord of Glory, r Cor. 2. 8. and had a natural and eternal Right 5 he thought it no robbery to be equal with God, and yet Christ himfelf is now upon his Knees: If he had laid, Let them be glorified, that bad been much, that he would open his Mouth to plead for Sinners : But he faith, Glorify me, or, glorify thy Son ; which is a ftrange Condefcention, that he that had the Key of David, should now be knocking at the Father'sGate, and receive his own Heaven by Gift and Intreaty. He might take, with- out robbery, Glory as his due ; yet, as our Mediator, he is to ask. When he took our Nature, he brought himfelf under the Engagement of our Duty. 5. Chrift asketh what he knew would be given : So, John 8. 5o. 1 feek not my own Glory; there is one that feeketh and judgeth. The Father was zealous for the Son's Glory : there was an Oracle from Heaven to affure him of it : John 12. 28. Father, gf rify thy Name. Then came there a Voice from Heaven, faying, 1 have both gloried is and will glorify it again : meaning, by ftrengthning him in the Work of Redemption. And yet now again, Glorify thy Son, that he may glorify thee. Obf. Providence doth not take away Prayers, We are to ask, though our Heavenly Father knoweth we have need of there things, and we know God will give them to us : John 16. 26, 27. At that day ye shall ask in my Name ; 1 fay not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you : for the Father himfelf loveth you : The meaning is, though there be need of my great Inftance, and I need not tell you I will make Interceffton ; I pats by that now, I only tell you of that free Accefs you have to God, and his great,Affeftion to you, yet íh11 you mull ask. Affurance is a ground of the more.,earneft Regueft. When Daniel underflood byBooks the number of the Years, then he was moil camel in Prayer 5 and when Eli- jah heard the found of the Rain, he prayed. Prayer is to help on Providences, that are already in motion. [That thy Son 12115 may glorify thee.] Here is another Argument : It is ufual in Prayer, to fpeak of our felves in a third Perron; fo doth Chrift here, That thy Son may glorify thee. This may be underflood.many ways; partly, as the Glory of the Son, is the Glory of the Father ; partly, by accomplishing God's Work ; that I may deflroy thy Enemies, and fave thy Elehl ; partly, by the preaching of the Gofpel in Chrift's Name, to the Glory of God the Father. He Both, as it were, fay, I defire it for no other end, but that I may bring Honour to thee. From this Claufe,' r. Obferve ; That Gods Glory is much advanced in left's aryl., In the Scriptutes there is a Draught of God ; as Coin bears the Image of C,efar, but C.efar's Son is his lively Refemblançe : Chrift is the living Bible ; we may read much of the Glory of God, in the Fare of Jefus Chrift. We (hall ftudy no other Book when we come to Heaven ; for the prefent it is an advantage to Rudy God in Jefus Chriff. The Apo- nte hath an expreffion, 2 Cor. 4. 4. Left the Light of the Glorious Gofpel of Chrifi, Who is the Image of God, fhould thine unto them. Chrift is the Image of God, and the Go- fpel is the Pi &ure of Christ 5 the Pihture which Christ himfelf bath prçlented to his Bride. There we fee the Majefty and Excellency of his Perron; and in Chrift, of God. And, Veil: 6. the Apoftle faith, To give the Light of the Excellency of the Know- ledg of the Glory of God, in the Face of lefts Chrift. In Christ, we read God glori- ous : in his Word, Miracles perfonal ExceIledlies, Transfiguration, Refurre &ion, We read much of God: There we read his lattice; that he Wo skt not forgive Sins B 1.36 à Oithoüf