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12 SERMONS upon Serm.i. without a plenary Satisfaftion ; If Chrift himfelf be the Redeemer, Juftice will not bate him one Farthing. His Mere; he (pared not his own Son. What (Canty, low Thoughts fhould we have of the Divine Mercy, if we had not this Inftance of Chrift ? His Truth in fulfilling of Prophecies; Pfa1.40.7, 8. Then find I, Lo, I come ; in the volume of the Book it is written of me. I delight to do thy Will, 0 my God ; yea, thy; Lam is within. my Heart. This was molt difficult for God to grant, for us to believe ; yet rather then he would go back from his Word, he would fend his own Son to fuller Death for a tinful World. All things were to be accomplifhed, though it colt Chrift his precious Life. God had never a greater Gift, yet Chrift came when he was pro - mifed : He will not flick at any thing, that gave us his own Son. His Wifdom, in the wonderful contrivance of our Salvation. When we look to God's Heaven, we fee his Wifdom ; but when we look on God's Son, we fee the manifold Wifdom of God, Ephef. 3. ro. The Angels wonder at thefe Difpenfations to the Church. His Power, in de- livering Chrift from Death, and the glorious Effedts of his Grace. His Majefty, in the Transfiguration and Afcenfion of Chrift. O then, ftudy Chrift, that you may know God. There is the faireft Tranfcript of the Divine Perfeáions ; the Father -was never publifhed to the World by any thing fo much as by the Son. 2. Obferve ; Our Refpetus to Chrifi muff be fo managed, that the Father, alfo may be glorified : for upon thefe terms, and no other, will Chrift be. glorified ; 2 Cor. a. 20. For all the Promifis in him are Tea, and in him Amen, to the Glory of God by us., Phil. 2. to, I I. That at the Name of Yefus every Knee (hall bow, and every Tongue ¡hall con - fefs, that efus Chrift is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. John 14. 13. Whatfo. ever ye fhall ask in my Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Look, as the Father will not be honoured without' the Son John 5.23. That all Men fliould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father 5 he that honoùreth not the Son, ha- noureth not the Father that hash fint him ; fo neither will the Son be honoured without the Father. It condemneth them, who out of a fond refpe& to Chrift, negle& the Father. As the former Age carried all refpe& in the Name of God Almighty, without any diftin& reflation on God the Son : So many of late carry all things in the Name of God the Son, that the Adoration due to the other Perlons, is forgotten. The Wind of Error, doth not always blow in one Corner. When the heat of fuch an Humour is fpent, Chrift will be as much vilified and debated. Our Hearts Ihould not be frigidly and coldly affe&ed to any of the Divine Perlons. 3, Obferve 5 It is the proper Duty of Sons, to glorify their Father. Mal. r. 6. If I be a Father, where is mine Honour I Mat. 5. 16. Let your Light fo Thine before. Men, that others teeing your good Works, may glorify your Father which is in Heaven. How mute this be done ? 1. By reverend Thoughts of his Excellency, elpecially in Worfhip; then we ho- nour him, when we behave our felves before him, as before a great God; this is to make him glorious in our own Hearts. When we conceive of him as more excel- lent than all things. Ufually we have mean bate thoughts, by which we ftreighten or pollute the Divine Excellency. 2. By ferious Acknowledgments, give him Glory. Rev. 4. I I. Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive Glory, and Honour, and Power; for thou haft created all things, and for thy Pleafure they are, and were created. Now this is not in naked alcriptions of Praifeto him, pratling over words : but when we confefs all the Glory we have above other Men, to Gifts or Dignity, is given us of God ; this is to makè him the Father of Glo- ry. Ephef. 1. 17. That the God of our Lord yefus Chrift, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wifdom and Revelation, in the knowledg of him. 3. When we make the advantage of his Kingdom, the end of all our A&ions ; 1 Cor. lo. 31. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of Gods Phil. I.20. Chri'f'hall be magnified in my Body, whether it be by Life or by Death. Chrift had glorified him, yet he leeks now to do it more. Self will be mixing with our Ends, but it mull be beaten back. We differ little fromBeath, if we mind only our own Conveniences. 4. By making this the aim of our Prayers. We Ibould defire Glory and Happi nefs upon no other terms. Ephef. r. 6. To the Praife of the Glory of his Grace, wherein he hash made as accepted in the Beloved. It is a mighty encouragement in Prayer, when we are Cure to be heard. John 12.28. Father, glorifie thy Name : then came there a Ynic