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Ver.2. the i7th Chapter of St: JOHN. t 3 Voice from Heaven, Paying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. He begs, that G od would glorifie his Name, in giving him the Vil ory in this lati Combat. We ask of God, for God. Thole that honour me, I will honour them, r Sam. 2. 30. 5. When we are content to be put to ( haine, fo God be honoured ; to hazard all, fo we may glorify his Name, though it be with the lofs of Life it felt. Jo(h. 7. 19..%Yly Son, give, I pray thee, Glory to the Lord God of Iliad, , and make confeon unto him. Mal. 2.2. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to Heart, to give Glory unto my Name, (that is, by an ingenuous ConfetGon) I will even find a Curie upon you. 6. When you make others to glorify God. 2 Cor. 9. 53. They glorify God, for your profed fnbjeliion unto the Gof el of Chrift. Chrillians are to be Holy, for ChriR's Honour lieth at flake. 7. When we can rejoice in God's Glory, though advanced by others, be the In- Rrumentswho they will; as Paul did, Phil. r. 18. Notwithftanding every way, whether in Pretence, or in Truth, Chriji is preached, and I herein do rejoice, yea, and will rem joke. 8. When we are affeftedfor God's dithonour, though done by others: SERMON II I O H N XVII. 2. ;Is thou haft given him Power over all Fiefh, that be fliould give Eternal Life to as many as thou haft given him. Ere is the next Reafon of Chrift's Reque(t ; the fornier was the Glory of God, and here is another, the Salvation of Men : Un- lefs the Father glorified him, he could not accomplith the Ends of his Office, which was, to glorify the Father in the Salvation of Man ; which could not be, unlefs he were fuftained in Death, de= livered out of Death, and received into Glory. If Chri be not t /en, your Faith is vain, and ye are yet in your Sins, i Cor. r 5. 57. How Rtould we know our difcharge from Sin, if our Surety had not been let out of Prifon ? Where Ihould we have gotten an Advocate to appear for us in the Heavens ? or a King to pour out the Royal Largefs of Gifts and Graces, to accompany the Gofpel, that it might be fuccel3ful for our Souls ? From the Context, I (hall obferve two Points. r. Obferve 5 That next to God's Glory, Chr 's Aim was at our Salvation. Chrift doth not mention his own Profit, but that thy Son may glorify thee, and that he may give eter- nal Life. Thefe two were the fcope of his Sufferings, and riling again to Glory. (r.) Of his Sufferings ; Dan. 9. 26. The Meas ,(hall be cut of but not for himfelf not for his own Defery nor his own Profit ;,for no Fault, no Benefit of his own. So, `Ram. r 5. 3. Chr J1 plea' fed not himjl f; as it is written, The Reproaches of them, that re- proached thee, have fallen upon me. The meaning is, he filtered the outrages of the Wicked, to promote the Salvation of the Elelt; or the burden of our Sins, by which God was dithonoured, fell on him. Chrift fought not fweet thingsfor himfelf; he had no refpea to his own Eafe, but our Happinefs. (a.) In his riling to Glory, he Rill eyed us ; when he went to Heaven, he went thither on our Errand ; to feize upon it in our right, and to prepare it for our rdming: John 54.3. I go to prepare a place for you : Not fo much to be glorified himfelf, as to get us thither. Heb. 9. 24. ii.tcpcma3iivali There, to appear in the prefente of God for us. Chrift went to Heaven, that we might have a Friadd in Court : He is entred into the Heavens to appear for us ; as if that were all the bufinte of Chrift in Heaven, to remain there as our Advocate. Vfë à: