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SER iVÌ O N S upon Senn. 2. Víe r. To (hew us the great Lout and Condefeention of Chrift. The Crofs was fad Work; all the Wages, was the Salvation of our Souls. In the Eternal Covenant, he aimed at no other Bargain. Ifa. 53. to. When thou !salt make his Soul an Ofèring for . Sin, he !ball fee his Seed, he !ball prolong his Days, and the Pleafrere of the Lord (hall pro. 'per in his Hands ; that he might be effe &ual to fave Souls. They told David, 2 Sam: 18. 3. Thou art worth ten thoufand of ur : if we flee away, they will not care for us ; neither if half of us die, will they care for us. Publick Relation makes Kings more va- luable. Chrift's Soul was worth millions of ours ; and his Life was more valuable than the Life of Men and Angels; yet to fave ours, Chrift layeth down his own ; and he pleafed not himfelf, That the Pleafure of the Lord might profper in our Salvation. Vfe 2. It teacheth us more felf denial. to do all for God's Glory, and the good' of the Ele &, both in Life and Death. Phil. 2. s 7. Tea, and if I be offered sop on the Sacri- fice and Service of your Faith, I joy and rejoice with you all. A Man that mindeth alto- gether his own things, liveth but a brutifh Life, beneath Grace and Reafon ; Reafon will tell us, that Man was made fociable, and not only born for himfelf; Grace raif- eth Allions to the highelt fell: To deny our felves, is one of the firft and moft glorious Precepts of Chriftianity. 2. Obferve; That the Comfort, and Salvation of Man, doth much depend upon the Glorification of Chr. Glorify me, that I may give Eternal Life. The ends of his Of -' fice are much furthered. 1. His Glorification is a Pledge of ours. God would do every thing firft in Chrift; ele&him, adopt him, pour out the Spirit on him, raife him, glorify him ; as the Scrip- ture every where manifefts. Our Nature is in Heaven, as an Eätñeft of our Ferfrit being there. He is called our Fore - runner, Heb. 6. 30. being gone before into Hea- ven, as a Fore - runner and Harbinger, to take up room ; and the Captain of our Salva- tion, Heb. 2. 11. When the Head is in Heaven, the Members will follow. Whole Chrift mutt be there, he is not content with his Heaven without us. John a 4. 3. IfI go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto my felf, that where I am, there ye may be alto. John 17. 24. Father, .1 will that they elf . whom thou haft given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my Glory that thou haft given me. 2. His Glorification is a pledg of his Satisfa &ion. Our Surety is let out of Prifon; and when the Surety is releafed, the Debt is paid ; all the Work is accompli(hed and effefted. John 16. to. He will convince the World of Righteonfnef, becaufe 1 go to the Father. There is enough done to bring Souls to Glory, for Chrift is received to Glo- ry ; I am fatisfied, I have found a Ranfom. So, John 17. 4, g. 1 have glorified thee on the Earth, I have finilied the Work thou haft given me to do. And now, 0 Father, glorify thou me with thine own fell. Chrift had .never come out of the Grave, never afcended, if any thing elfe had remained to be done. 3. Chrift glorified, is a clearer ground of Hope to the Creature. When Chrift was in the Flefh, he was poor, defpifed, crucified; the A polite calleth it, the Weaknefs of God. Many look'd for a Kingdom from him ; many believed in him when he was up- on Earth ; the Thief owned him upon his Crofs; Remember me when thou comeji to thy Kingdom. If the Thief could fpy his Royalty, under the Ignominy of the Crofs, what may we expe& from Chrift in his glorified Eftate? When David was hunted as a Flea, or a Partridg upon the Mountains, there were fix hundred clave to him, and had great hopes of his future Exaltation ; they might look for more from David on the Throne. Chrift is now exalted, and bath a Name above all Names; he hill retaineth our Nature, and that is an Argument of Love ; we go to one that is Bone of our Bone, and he is glorified in our Nature ; that is an Argument of his Power. 4. Chrift is really put into a greater capacity to do us good. t. He bath feized on Heaven in our right; John 14. 3. I go to prepare a place for you. God the Father prepared it by his Decree ; but Chrift, by his Afcenfion, went to hold it in our Name; he took poffeffion of it for Himfelf, and his People, and ever lance Heaven -Door bath flood open. 2. The advantage of his Interceffion : 1 Joh.2.1. If any Matt fin, we have an Advo- cate with the Father,Jefu, Chrifl the Righteous.Chrift is our Advocate at God's right Hand; we have a Friend at Court. Offenders hope to be fpared, if they have intereft in any, that have the Prince's Ear. Jefus Chrift is now in Heaven at God's right Hand, re- prefenting