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Ver.2. the 17thChapter áf St. JOHN. a Authority to execute judgment alp, pecanfe he is the Son of Man. It is the (tile of God himfelf, he is called, Numb. 16. 22. The God of the Spirits of all Pep : And more ex- preis to this purpofe, Jer. 32. 27. Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all Flefh : Is there any thing too hard for me ? So that it noteth not a naked Authority, but an Authority armed with a Divine Power. Now becaufe God will not giv'e his Glory to another, we may hence obferve 5 I. That Chrif k true God ; for otherwife he could not have fuch an Abfolute Power; It is proper to his Divine Nature, though, as it is a Gift, his whole Perfon God-Man be invefted with it. He is called the only God, not excluding the Father, who fubfi4- eth with him in the fame Effence, but including the Son. Ifa. 45. 22, 23. I am God, and there is none elfe : I have fworn by my. felf, the Word is gone out in 7(ighteoufnefi, and ¡hall not return,that unto me every Knee (Ball bow, and every Tongue (ball fwear : which is applied to Chrift, Rom. 14. it. and Phil. 2. 9, s o, i-1. He is called the great God ; the Supper of the Lamb, is called, the Supper of the great God, Rev. 19. 17. The true God, 1 John 5. 20. It should fortify Chrifüans againft thofe abominable Opinions, wherein the Godhead of Chrift is queftioned. 2. Obferve, That Chrifi as Mediator, hath power over all Fleßs. All Kings and Mo- narchs have certain Bounds and Limits, by which their Empire is terminated ; but God hath fet Chrift higher than the Kings of the Earth. He is the true Catholick King, his Government is unlimited. Pfal. 89. 27. Alfa I will make him, my FirfI Born, higher than the Kings of the Earth. All Power is given unto me, both in Heaven and in Earth, Mat. 28. 18. And, Dan. 7. r4. There was given him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all People, Nations, and Languages fhould five him : His Dominion is an everlafling Dominion, which (hall not pals away ; and his Kingdom, that which pall not be deflroyed. There is come difference about .i1e extent of Chrift's Mediatory Kingdom. 1. It is not only confined to the Ele&. We múf# diftingui(hbetween Chrift's Pottier,' and his Charge. He hath a Power given him over all ; but there are fome given to him by way of fpecial Charge, which is given for the Ele &, as to all fpiritual Ends,, to refcue them from the Power of Satan, as in this Yerfe. As 7ofepb in Egypt, the Power of all the Land was made over to him, though his Brethren had a fpecial Right in his Affe&ions. The Kingdom of Chrift, as meetly Spiritual and Inward, is proper to the Ele& : that Kingdom where Chrift hath no other Deputy, and Vicar, but his Spi- rit : but for his judiciary Kingdom, that is Univerfal 5 Pfal. 2.8. I will give thee the Heathen for thy Inheritance, and the utmofi parts of the Earth for thy Fenian. There is a Reign over Mankind, and thofe that do not fubjeâ themfelves to Chrift as a Re- deemer, shall find him as a Judg. Therefore in Pfal. a. the Judiciary A&s of his Power are only mentioned, breaking them with a Rod of Iron, and véxing them in his hot difpleafxre. He is Lord over them in Power and Juftice, as God's Lieutenant; they (hall pay him Homage and Subje&ion, as King of the World or elfe they (hallperith. He over-ruleth them as Rebels; but he reigneth in the Church, as over voluntary Subje &s. 2. It is not confined to the Church, and things meetly Spiritual. This Kingdoth is as large as Providence : and in the exercife of Juftice and Equity, Magiftrates are but his Deputies. Chrift is, Acexias iÿ x6e,e©, The only Lord God, and our Lord Jefas Cbriff. He is King of W ations, Jer. to. 7. King of Saints, Rev. 15. 3. Head over all things to the Church, EpheC 1.22. Supream and Abfolute in the World, but Head to the Church. He hash a Rod of Iron to rule the Nations, and a Golden Scepter to guide the Church. In the World, he ruleth by Providence; in the Church; by his Teftimonies t Pfal. 93. The Lord Reigneth. Pfal. 24. r. The Earth is the Lord's. And then, Vert: 4. Who (hall dwell in his Holy Hill? I confefs, there is a Queftïon, Whe- ther Magiftrates be under Chrift as Mediator ? Whether they hold their Power from him ? But I fee no reafon why we Ihould doubt of it, Pince all things are put into' Chrift's Hands ; and that not only by an Eternal Right, but given to him ; which noteth his Right as Mediator. Chrift bath a Right of Merit, as Lord of all Creatures. He is Lord both of the Deadand Diving, Rom 14.9. The whole Creature is delivered up to Chrift, upon his undertaking the Work ofRedemption ; he hash a Right of executing the Dominion of God over every Creature. Chrift, the Wifdom of the Father, faith, By me Kings Reign; and Princes decree yuflice. By we Princes Rule, Ccc and