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18 SERMONS upon Serra 2, and Nobles;. even all the Judges of the Earth, Prov. 8. 15, t6. And exprefly he is faid to be Artier of the Kings of the Earls, Rev. r. 5. Tlfe r. Comfort to God's Children : All is put into the Hands of Chrilt. A Devil cannot ttir further than he giveth leave; as the Devils could not enter into the Herd of Swine without Chrifl's leave, Mark 8. When thou art in Satan's Hands, the Devil is in Chrift's : Neither Angels, nor Principalities, nor Powers, can hurt. The Reigns of the World are in a wife Hand. The Lord reigneth though the Waves roar, Pfal.9 9. I. It was much comfort to Jacob,and his Children, to hear that Jofeph did all in Egypt: It Ihould be fo to us, that Jefus doth all in Heaven : He holdeth the Chain of Calks in his own Hand. It will be much more for thy Comfort at the laft Day. A Client con, ceiveth great Hope, when one formerly his Advocate is advanced to be Judg of the Court. Thy Advocate is thy Judg : He that died for thee, will not deftroy thee. Thy Chrift bath power over all Fief'', to damn whom he will, and fave whom he will. Úfe 2. An Invitation to bring in Men to Chrift. Oh, who would not chufe him to be Lord, that} whether we will or no, he is our Mailer ? He can hold thee by the Chains of an invincible Providence, that art not held with the Bonds of Duty. Oh; it is better to touch the Golden Scepter, than to be broken with the Iron Rod; and to feel the Efficacy of his Grace, than the Power of his Anger. Chrift is refolved Creatures (hall (loop. The Apofile proveth the Day of Judgment, Rom. 14. to, rt. We (hall all Rand before the Judgment Seat of Chrìft. For it is written, As I live, faith the Lord, every Knee (hall bow to me, &c. Chrift will bring the Creatures on their Knees; at the laic Day, all Faces (hall gather Blacknefs, and the flouteft Hearts be ap- palled. Chrift will have the better it is better be his Subje ts, than his Captives. Vfe 3. To Magiftrates, to own the Mediator. You hold your Power from Chrift, and therefore mutt exercife it for him. Pfal. 2. IO, I I, 12. Be wife now therefore, 0 ye Kings : be inftrulled, ye Judges of the Earth; (it is their Duty chiefly to obferve Jefus Chrift). Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kits the Son,lefi he be angry, and you perifh from the way, when his Wrath is kindled but a little. Acknow- ledgChrift your Lord, or elfe he will blafi your Counfele, you ¡hall perifh in the mid- way; when you have carried on your Deligns a little while, you ¡hall perifh ere you are aware 5 Chrift will call you to an Account. Two things Chrift is tender of, His Servants, and his Truth. His Servants are weak to appearance, but they have a great Champion : what is done to them, Chrift counteth as done to himfelf; Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me ? Aets 9.4. when he raged againft the Saints. Ifa.49.23.Kings (hall be thy 51('urfing- Fathers; and their ,ueenshy urfng- Mothers. Chrift bath little Ones that Ihould be nurfed, and not oppreffed. But chiefly his Truth : It is Truth maketh Saints; Joh.17. 17. Santlify them through thy Truth 5 thy Word is Truth. You (hould own your Lord and Matter, and not be indifferent to Chrift or Satan : to tolerate Errors, efpecially direly againft Chritt's Perfon, Nature, and Mediatory Offices, is but lorry Thankfulnefs to your great Ma- ter. He did not give you a Commif ìon to countenance. Rebels againft himfelf. Whiff} you maintain the Power and Purity of his Ordinances, Chrift will own you, and bear you out ; but when, for fecular Ends, Men hug his Enemies, they are in danger to perifh in the mid -way, in the courfe of their Attempts. [That he fhould give Eternal Life.] That, fignifieth the End why Chrift received fo much Power for the Elects fake, that he might be in a capacity to conduct them to Glory ; which otherwife could not be, if Chrift's Power were more limited and re- (trained. I might, t. Obferve, That Chris Power in the World, is exercifid for the Church's good. Ephef. i. 22. He is the Head over all things to the Church. All Difpenfations are in the Hand of a Mediator for the Elects fake, to gain them from among others, to protect them againft the Affaults of others. (1.) To gain them : 2 Pet. 3. 9.' He is not willing that any fhould perifh, but that all fhoutd come to repentance. If the 'Ele/ were gathered, Providence would be loon at