Ver. 2. the 17th Chapter öf Ste J O H N. t 'LW 2. Blet the Lord Jefus Chrift for opening a Doór of Life for them that were dead in, and by Sin. The Tree of Life was fenced by a flaming Sword : no Crea- ture could enter, till Chrift opened the Way. 2 Tim. 1. io. y hit appearing he bath abolified Death, and bath brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gofpel. Chrift came from Heaven on purpofe to overcome Death, and take away the Sting of it and he is gone to Heaven on purpofe to make way for us. Our Life cork Chrift his Death ; John 16. 5. Now I go away to him that font me. [To as many as thou haft gizien him.] Let us fee the import of this Phrafe. t. How we are laid to be given to Chrift. 2. Who are they that are given to Chrift. t. How we are laid to be given to Chrift. (i.) By way of Reward. There was an eternal Bargain and Compa &. Ifa. 53. to; When thou fialt make his Soul an Oèring for Sin, he full fee his Seed, &c. We are Members of his Body, Children of his Family, Subjects of his Kingdom. This is a ground of Certainty to the EIe&, The Lord l;neweth thofe that are his, 2 Tim. 2:18: He made no blind Bargain; he had leifure enough to café up his Account from all Eternity. . (a.) By way of Charge, to be redeemed, juftified, fan&ified, glorified. John 6. 37, 38, 39, 40. All that the Father giveth me, (hall come to me ; and he that cometh to me, I will in no wife raft out. Far I came dawn from Heaven, not to da mine own Will, but the Will of him that feet me. And this is the Father's Will which bath lent me, that of all which he bath given me, I fould loft nptbing, but Amid raffe it up again at the laf Day. And this is the Will of him that feet me, that every one that fresh the Son, and believeth on him, may bave everlafting Life ; and I will raffe him op at the lafi Day. When theEleft were made over to Chrift, it was not by way of Alienation, but Oppignora- tion 5 they were laid to Pledg in his Hands, and God will call Chrift to an account: None given to him by way of Charge can mifcarry : You tuft Chri(k,and God nutted him with all the Souls of the Bed. 2. Who are they that are givetî to Chrift ? I Anfwer, The Ele& are intended in this Scripture, as is clear; He bath a Power over all flefh, but, to give eternal Life to as many as are given to him. So, Verf 24. I will that all they whom thou haft given me, may t be with me. None but the Ele are faxed. So, Verf. to. All mine are thine, and thine are mine. Where Chriffs Charge, and the Father's Ele&ion, are made commenfura- ble, and of the fame extent and latitude. They are oppofed to the World, Verf. 9. I pray for them ; I pray not for the World, but for them wham`:than haft given me, for they are thine. I confers, it is fometimes ufed, in a more refkrained fence, of the Apof ties and Believers of that Age, as Verf. 6. Thine they wore, and thou gavots them me; and they have kept thy Word. And, Verf, 12. Rafe that thou gavels. me I have kept; and vane of them is loft, but the Son of Perdition. ' Thefe were, ¿seXtwrL'dv fiz uss76T8a1; the Ele& of the Bed. I confers, fometimes the Word is ufed in a larger fence, for Chri(k's univerfal Power over all Flefh. Pfal. 2. 8. Ask of me, and I will give thee the Heathen . for thine Inheritance, and the utmofi parts of the Earth for thy Pofifion ; not by way of Charge, but by way of Reward, they were given to him ; or rather, a Power over . them was given to him. There is a peculiar difficulty, Verf. 1a. concerning the Son of Perdition, how he was given to Chrift. But i (hall handle it, when I come to that lace. Chrift havingfpoken of the Apostles keeping his Word,taketh occafion to (peak f 7udas his Apollacy. Note hence ; 1. That there was, from all Eternity, a Pone Tradition and Difpoftion of all that füall be faced, into the Hands of Chrift. All God's Flock are committed to his keeping. This giving Souls to Chrifl, was founded in an eternal Treaty, Ifa. 53. to. Christ received them by way of Grant and Charge ; he bath a Book, where all their Names are re- corded and written ; Rev. 13. 8. All that dwell upon the Earth (hall worfhip him, whole Names are net written in the Boak of Life of the Lamb fain from the Foundation of the World. B ev.a 1.27.None fiall enter in,who are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life.T he Book of Life is there attributed to Chrifk, becaufe he took this fotenïn Charge uport .himCelf, to conduit the Heirs of Salvatioir so Gloiÿ; He 'e ed fee they tome' tó Jòhtl