22 SERMONS upon Serro. 2. John 6.37..1 that the Father giveth me, 'hall come to me. He knoweth them by Head and Poll : Ifa.4q.I2. Behold, theft frail come from far; and lo, theft from the Land of the North, and from the Wel, and they, from the Land of Sinim. Man by Man, they are told out to him. 2. He is to keep then, and look after them. Though there be many thoufands, yet every (ingle Believer falleth under the care of Chrift ; and accordingly he knoweth their Names, and their Neceffities. John Io. 3. He calleth his own Sheep by Name, and leadeth them out. He knoweth his Sheep by Name, John, Anna, Thomas. As the High Prieft carried the Names of the Tribes upon his Bofom, fo Chrift ..knows the Names of all the Flock of God. There is not a poor Servant, or Scullion, who are defpicable Creatures in the World, but Chrift looks after him. Pfal. 34.6. This poor Man cried, and the Lord heard him, and faxed him out of all his Troubles. Poor Soul ! he is under fuch Temptations, encumbred with fuch Troubles, in filch a Task or Ser- vice ! my Father gave me a charge of him, I mull look to him. So many Lambs as there are in the Flock of Chrift, there is not one forgotten. 3. Chrifi is to give an account of them unto God. He doth it by his confiant Intercef- fion ; of which this Prayer is a Copy. They have kept thy Word : lam glorified in them. Chrift is fpeaking good words of them to the Father : He giveth you a good Report behind your back. Satan is an Accufer 5 he loveth to report ill of Believers : but Chrift telleth the Father, how his Lambs thrive. It is a grief to your Advocate, when he cannot fpeak well of you in Heaven. But folemnly he will do it at the laft Day, when he is to prefent the Elea to the Tribunal of God. Heb. 2. 13. Behold, I, and the Children which God bath given me. Oh, it is a goodly fight to fee Chrift, and all his little Ones, come together to the Throne of Grace. There is not one forgotten in the pretence of Chrift, and all his Angels. Chrift will not be afhamed to own a poor defpicable Boy, a Man - Servant,. or a Maid - Servant, fo they be faithful. Luke 12. 8. Whofoever ¡tall confefi me before Men, him fiall the Son of ,.Ian alfa confefs before the Angels of God. I'died for this poor Creature, and fhed my Blood for him. This is intended, 1 Cor. 15. 24. Then cometh the end, when he ibal! have delivered up the King- dom to God, even the Father. A Kingdom is fometimes put for the Form of Govern- ment, fometimes for Subjeas governed : the Kingdom, that is the Church, is folemnly prefented as a Prey matched out of the.Teeth of Lions. EpheC 5.27. I'm mme9csdary, That he might prefent it to himfelf a glorious Church, not having fpot or wrinkle, or any filch thing ; but that it fhould be holy and without blemifh. Chrift will prefent his Bride in triumph. Vfe t. Comfort to Believers. 1. Concerning the fafety of their eternal Eftate. Chrift bargained for thee by Name. That the Father and the Son fhould pitch upon fueh a forlorn and wretched piece of the Creation as thou arr, and they fhould talk together of thy Heaven ! Son, this is one for whom thou muff die ! that thy Name fhould be in the Eternal Regifter, writ- ten with the Lamb's Blood, in his own Book of Life ! I mutt have a care of him. Ay, you will fay, this were an excellent Comfort, if I were Cure I were one of them that is given to Chrift. I Anfwer, If he hath given Chrift to you, he bath given you to Chrift. God maketh an offer in the Gofpel ; Are you willing to receive him for Lord and Saviour.? then you put it out of quetlion. To as many as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Children of God. You are Fellow-Heirs with Chrift ; Chrift is given to you in time. 2. In your particular ftraits, Chrift hath a care of you : Do you think he will break his Engagement ? Chrift hath plighted his Truth to God the Father. Our groundlefs Jealoufies queftion the truth of Chrift's Word, and folemn Agreement. When we fay, the Lord bath forgotten me ; this is in effea to fay, Chrift is not faithful in his. Charge. The Prophet chideth them, Ifa. 40.27. Why fayefi thou, 0 Jacob, and fpealtefi, 0 Ifrael ; my Way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is patted over from my God ? God doth not take notice of my Cafe : fuch Mifirufi, is a lie againft the care of Chrift. üfs 2.