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Ver. 3, 4. xx.vth Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 2 I But how (hall we get it ? I anfwer, (i.) You have this Oyl from Chrifè. The UnEtion is from the Ho- ly.One, 2 Job. 2. zo. As the Precious Oyl, was firft poured on Aaron's Head, and then came down to the Skirts of his Garment ; fo Chrift is firft poffelfed of the Spirit, and then we have it by our Union with him. yob. t 16. Of his fulnefs we receive Grace for Grate. We muf} go to the Fountain every day to fèek new fupplies. Chrift was anointed with the Oyl of gladnefs above his fellows, Zech. 4. Chrift is reprefented by the Bowl and the 'two Olive Trees, that alwayes poured forth Golden Oyl. Chrift as Mediator, is the Store -houfe of the Church ; who is intrufled with all Gifts and Graces for our benefit. Oh bring your empty Veffels to this golden Olive -tree. The Widdow only brought Casks, the Oyl fail- ed not till the Veffels failed. (2.) It you would have it from Chrift, you mull ufe the Means of Grace ; the Word, Prayer, Sacraments, Meditation. We need continual fupplies, muft Lu ufe continual Prayers, feek the Grace of the Spirit to keep in our Lamps, k. II. 13. So the Word ; God droppeth in fomething to the Soul that waiteth on him. Mark. 4. 24. Take heed bow you hear ; for with what meafure ye mete it /hall be mea- fared to you again. If we be earneft and diligent in waiting upon God, God will abound to us in blefliing his Word to us. So for Meditation ; Mat. 13.19. The Highway Ground did not bring the Word to their minds again ; cloth not re- volve it, mindeth it not, heedeth it not. So for the Lords Supper ; 'tis a means to root us in the Love of God when we fo often renew our Oath of Allegiance to him, to excite our Faith in Chrift. All there are a price put into our hands, to get Oyl in our Lamps, and prepare for his Coming. (3.) peep your Veffels clean. The Spirit dwelleth not but in á clean Heart : Doves build not their Habitations on Dung - hills. He cometh as an efficient Caufe, as a Spirit offing, before he comes as a Spirit inhabiting, and purifi- eth our Hearts by Faith. (4.) After you have gotten this Oyl, cherifb it, that it may not decay. Of its own nature it would do fo ; witnefs that flock of Original Righteoufnefs which Adam had. Gods Promife by which it is fecured, fuppofeth our endeavours to wafte it. Luk.8. 18. Whofoever bath, to him (hall be given; but whofoever bath not, from him /half be taken even that which he feemeth to have. (ç.) Do not only cherifb, and keep it from decay, but fee that you encreafe it. 2 Pct. r. ç. Add to your faith vector, and to vertus knowledge. r Thef 3. ro. Per- felt what is lackinn. 1 Thef. 4. i. That as you have received of us how you ought to walk, and pleafe God, fo you foould abound therein. A little Faith will be as no Faith ; not honourable to God, nor comfortable to you, not ufèful to others. All our doubts, perplexities, uncertainties, come from the fmallnefs of our Graces : 'Twill not make an Evidence, therefore give diligence. No endeavour, labour, purfuit after God, but hath its recompenfe ; not an earneft thought, an earneft Prayer, or time fpent : What fhall I fay ? They whole Hearts are upon the wayes there- of, go on from ftrength io ftrength : You are almof} at home ; nearer than when you fir/} believed : JThen you thought, all your pains too much, now all too little. Let me apply all to the Sacrament. r. There we come to meet the Bridegroom in a way of Grace: The Marriage Covenant between God Incarnate, and his efpoufed Ones, is here celebrated and folemnized. The- Sacrament is a Transfiguration of the laf} Marriage Supper ; to afeertain us what entertainment' we (hall have at the Day of Judgment, when the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, flail be made ready, and cloathed with fine, Linnen, Rev. 19. 23. and then be received in to the Nuptial Feaf}. Bleffed are they that are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. All is now prepared in this Duty. z. In foine refpeE{ there lhould be a Serious Preparation for the one, as for the other ; as we would prepare to dye, or prepare to meet Chrift the Judge. Chrift did not wafh his Difciples feet when he took them with him to Tabor, to his Transfigu. ration, but when he took them with him at his laf} Supper, f oh. 13. 7. Surely, to null upon the pretence of the Bridegroom with a perfunaory, carelefs, common frame of fpirit, is a dangerous thing. When a People come hand over head, prepare themfelves flightly, pray' flightly before they come, and live carelefly and negli- gently ; they flight the Bridegroom, and wrong themfelves ; f}rengthen themfelves in