22 SERMONS upon the. S E R M.III. in fin, rather than againft it. Methinks it looks like going to the Day of Judg- ment : Here we receive the Pledges of our Salvation or Damnation. 3. We should come with 071 in our 4'effels as well as in -our Lamps. (I -) Our Lamps should be kept burning bright. If you are fluggifh now, 'cis a fign you are flight in the whole. Surely, now the ping fstteth at his Table, Cant. 1. z. our Spickard fbould fend forth the finell thereof; a lively exercife of Grace. Now we come for meat which perifheth not ; now is our familiar converfe with Chrift, and near Communion with him; now we come to our Legal Invelliture ; Chrift and all . his benefits are delivered by these Cigna which he bath inftituted. As if a man should fay, Here is my House, when a Deed is delivered, and you give up the Key, or give poffelcon'of Land by a Turf : This is our folemn taking polfefion of him and all his benefits. We receive Chrift in the Promifes of the Covenant, but here is a particular dole Application. In the Word Chrift is offered, and expofed to all, as the Brazen. Serpent; that whoever looked upon him might be healed : But this Supper is like the Blood fprinkled upon the Door -ports. In the Word, Chrift and Immortality are brought to light ; now Chrift is Hain before our eyes: The Bread is put into our hands and mouths. (2.) We fhould come with Oyl in oar l/effels. Would we have the Spirit blow upon a dead Cole? He findeth nothing in us to work upon. We are bidden to cxaìnine ; and what muff we examine ? 1 Cor. i 1. 28. The Apoflle will tell you : Whether you be in the faith or no ? z Cor- 13. 5. But to (peak to this cafe : I con - ,fefs, that in Foro Eccleffe, in the Court of the Church, all are Virgins that take their Lamps, that do profess to believe,; all there muff be admitted : But in Fo- ro Cali, in the Court of Heaven, none but Converted ones are admitted But in Foro Confcientia, in the Court of Conscience, I dare not difcourage thbfe that have the grace of the fecond or third ground : 'Tis a means to flrengthen them in Faith, Hope, and Love, and make them more firm in the Covenant of God. And the difference is too nice between temporary Grace and laying Grace, for any to exclude themfelves. I am bound to come with Grace, but I am not bound to come with Alfurance. Befides, in the Kingdom of Grace Chrift will not shut them out. They that have good affeftions should come, but with this caution ; I would prefs them to mind the renouncing and engaging part of the Covenant, and earneftly to break, the League between themfelves and their own wayes, and' engage themfelves more firmly to God for time to come ; that you may not think as you have done, or fpeak as you have done, nor behave your felves in your Relations as you have done ;- but throw fin out of doors. I would, prefs you in the Apo.!tles words, Heb. 10 22. Let us draw near with a true heart, having our Hearts fprinkled from an evil Confcience, and our Bodies wa(hed with clean water. The one relateth to the Duty -part, Let us draw nigh with a true heart ; the oilier relateth to the Promiffory part. Though your Grace be common Grace, 'ds this way moulded into fpecial. z Dofî. That this will.be found to be 'true Wifdom, and the other Folly. For Wifdom, (to begin with that.) Wifdom is Bides (lei cr obliqui. Wisdom lyeth, r. In propofing a right End. 2. In the Choice of fit Means. And, 3. In an earneft Profecution of the End by there Means. This is the property of Wifdom in the General, and it holdeth true in Godly Wifdom. The wife Virgins did fo : Their End was right ; to be admitted in to the Nuptial Feaft, or everlafting enjoyment of God : And then they ufe right Means, fuch as will bring them to the end. We do not ufe to draw Ships in the Sea with Horses, -nor draw Wagons with the Wind. We muff not ufe contrary means, nor infufficient means. We cannot go to to the bottom of a Well that is'thirty foot deep, with a' line that is but ten foot : We mull ufe fuch as will certainly do. The Wif- dom of God hath fixed Means for us, and we are doubly Fools if we will not ufe them opportunely, carefully and conftantly : Eire 'cis a Prize put into a fools hand, Prov. 16. 17. The Wife Virgins did all this; fought Oyl in time both for their Lamps and Veffels, Luk. 13. 24. On the contrary,. he that contents himfelf with a profcflion of Chrift, without a work of Grace upon his Heart, is a Fool ; he is not