Ver. 5. xxvth Cbltpter. of St. M A T T fi E W. 3i r Cor. 4. 9. We are made a (pec?acle to the World, _Angels, and Men. Mifcarriages will tend. to Gods difhónour. (4.) When Grace is afleep, fin breaketh loofe. There is no fin but a man is expofed to in a fecure Effate : therefore the Devil laboureth as much as he can, to call us into this temper. When David walked at cafe on the top of his Houle, little did he know the evil of his own Heart, and the danger of the Tempta- tion. (5.) Every leffer indifpofition that hindreth any degree of Communion with God, fhould be grievous to the Children of God. If we do not take heed to the begin- nings of fins, further Mifchief will enfue when Temptations are near, importu- nate and confiant. Little flicks fet green ones on fire ; when the thatch once ta- keth fire, 'ds hard to quench it, therefore we fhould not reff in fuch a temper. (6.) Confider, Gods Eye is ever upon us, and heholdeth all our ways!, Job 31. 4. Doth not he fee my wages, and count ali my ftepps ? fhall we fleep when the great God looketh on us,? How dreadful is his difpleafure ! there is no dallying with Thirdly, Means. r. Pray to God, for his quickening Spirit, that he would fir us up to watchful - nefs: David is ever and anon crying out for quickening Grace. 2. We fhould frir up our felves : Much of this temper cometh upon us, .becaufe of our own lazinefs, and ordinary indifpofition, 2 Tim. r. 6. Stir up the gift of God that is in thee : Ifa. 64.6. There is none that ftirreth up himfelf to take hold of thee. 3. We fhould maintain a lively fenfe of Chrifts appearing : Luk. 52. 35. This look- ing, and longing, and waiting keepeth the Soul alive and awake, Heb. 9. ult. Jo them that look for ,him : Phil. 3. 20. Whence we look for a Saviour : Many may talk of that day, but do not look for it. 4. Keep thefe four fundamental radical Graces lively and active in the Soul ; Faith, Fear, Hope and Love. Faith prefents things to us as they are, and puts them in being Love confiraineth us, 2 Cor. 5. 14. Fear maketh God every where prefent : And Hope worketh in us a defirous expe cation of Bleífednefs to come, and this keeps the Soul awake. 5. Keep a fenfe of the Love of God upon your hearts ; when your drowfie fits are coming on you, fay as they in Ter. 35. 6. I dare not, my Father kath command- ed me the contrary : Hath not God forbidden this ? how can I reff in fuels a tem- per of Soul ? 6. Improve the Death of Chrift for the deffroying this fleepy temper. The great defign of Sathan is to lull us afleep ; now Chrift came to defray the works pf the Devil, t yob. 3.. 8. Now fhall we tye thole knots the faller that Chrift came to unloole ?,and tear open thole wounds that Chrift came to bind up and heal? Therefore let this -evil frame of Soul be far from you. SERMON f