40 SERMONS upon the S E R M. VI. . ders of Corruption within, and Temptations and Perfecutions without : wait for his coming. The People tarryed without for the High Prieff, 'till he came forth to biefs them : fo muff we look for his return, when he will come to blets us. SERMON VI. MATT H. XXV. V. 7, 8. Then all thofe Virgins arofe and trimmed their Lamps. And the foolifh faid unto the wife, Give us of your Oyl, for our Lamps are gone out. He meaning of this part of the Parable, is, that the Virgins being roufed by the Cry made, went to trim their Lamps, and fit them - felves for their March ; while they were fo doing, force of them had Oyl left ; but others had fpent all their !lore, and their Lamps were going, or gone out. Three things are remarkable in thefe Pa- rabolical Exprefíions. r. That which is common to them all: All thofe Virgins arofe and trimmed their Lamps, which muft be differently interpreted of the wife and the foolifh : The arifing and trimming their Lamps, noteth in the wife their aaual preparation for the Lords coming ; in the foolifh it noteth the ftrength of their Confidence and Self - conceit : The foolrfh think they are as prepared and ready for Chrifls com- ing as the wife ; they arife and Addrefs themfelves to meet the Bridegroom. 2. On the part of the fàolifh, they found their Oyl fpent. 3. That they go to the wife for a fupply ; give us of your Oyl. Firft, The Effect of the Cry that is common to them all, They arofe and trim- med their Lamps : Which is firfl to be confidered on the wife Virgins part, and fo it will teach us this Note : Doff : That the Faithful as often as they think of the coming of the Lord, fbould more route up themfelves, and prepare themfelves to meet him with Ioy and Com- fort. For the trimming of the Lamps, on their part it noteth the routing up of them - felves out of their negligence and fecurity, and a ferious preparation for his com- ing. To evidence this to you, we fhall confider, t. How the Scripture preffeth this upon us. 2. What reafons there are in the thing it felf, to awaken us to this ferious Pre- paration. Firff, Flow the Scripture preffeth this upon us : In the Word of God we have not only the lloflrine of Chrifls coming to Judgment, but the Ufes and Inferences built thereupon ; I (hall inflance in two places in one Chapter, z Pet. 3. t r, and 14. What manner of perfns ought we to be in all holy Converfation and Godlinefs ! Where Obferve, r. That 'tie not enough to believe the Doítrine of Chr f s coming, but we muft im_ prove it to the ale of holy Living. The Improvement is preffed in Scripture, as well as the Doflrine is revealed. fn Gods account no Faith will go for Faith, but the working Faith; all elfe is but Opinion and cold Speculation ; whatever Truths we believe,