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42 , SERMONS upon the S E R M. VI. commands at every túrn, Pfal. 119. 1. Bleffed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord : not only undefiled in the rule, but undefiled in the way. A fincere, confiant, uniform obedience to Gods Law, or a careful endeavour' to approve our felves to God' in all our wayes, is the mark of true blelfednefs. A man is judged by the tenour of his life, not by one a&ion. 5. This holinefs mull be in all the parts of our Converfation : In all holy converfation. In our outward carriage, and fecret pra &ice ; common affairs, and religious du- ties -, In the duties of Gods immediate Worlhip, and the duties of Relations, to- wards Superiors, Inferiors, and Equals, 1 Pet. 1. 5. in every creek and turning of our lives ; there is no part of a Chriftian converfation, but fhould favour of Holinefs and Godlinefs : His common and civil anions, in adverfity, profperity, at home and abroad. So Tit. 2. 12, I 3. The grace of God which bringeth Salvation, bath appeared to all men; teaching us, that denying all ungodlinefs, we fhould live foberly, righ- teou/y, and godly in thisprefent world. Soberly, as to our felves : Rigbteoufly, as to our Neighbour : Godly, as to God. To reft in a partial pra &ice of holineís, will not become the expe&ation of Chrifts coming, who will examine us upon every point of duty. 6. Godlinefs is added to Holinefs, to increafe the fenfe and lignification. There is force formal difference between there two. Holinefs fignifieth the purity of our a &ions ; and Godlinefs the refpe& they have to God ; that He be eyed and aim- ed at in all that we do : That all things fhould be done in and to the Lord, or for his glory. This fhould be the .íùpream end of all our wayes and allions. If we confider Grace as it provideth for the reaitude of our a &ions, pofitively it is called Holinefs. If relatively, with refpe& to our dedication to God, cis called God- linefs : Well then, we fhould be fuels manner of perfons, not only in all holy con- verfation, but Godlinefs. We fhould ftir up our felves to do more for God in the World, and love him, and fear him, and honour him in all that we do. 7. In both we fhould endeavour the highefl pitch that pollibly we can attain unto : For 'cis in the Original, all holy converfation and godlineffes : which doth not only imply the extention, (as we render it ) in all hoy converfation and godlinefs ; but the intention and degree, as well as all the parts and points of Godlinefs. Thofe that have made moll progrefs in Godlinefs, fhould íü11 afpire after higher degrees: the more will our comfort be now, and the more our glory when Chrift cometh. We cannot be over, 'cis eafie to be ghost. The molt férious, and the moft pain- ful do exceedingly lament their negligence when they come to die ;' but none ever begrudged their pains, or bewailed their diligence. There fhould be Holineffes and Godlineffes. Therefore we fhould not only keep what we have, but Peek to get more. This is the Apoflles ufe of the Refurre&ion of the dead, and fo by confequence of Chrifts fecond coming, 1 Cor. 15. 18, 19, So Phil. ;. n. Secondly; The next place is ver. rq. Wherefore BelovedPeeing ye look for fuck things, be diligent, that you may be found of him in peace, without fpot, and blamelefs. In which words obferve, Firft, The Exhortation is generally propounded : Be diligent. Secondly, Particularly; In what this diligence is to be exercifed, and laid out. (t.) With refpe& to the Means. That ye may be without fpot, and blamelefs. (a.) With refpe& to the End. That ye may be found of him in peace. In the Original the pofture of the words is thus : That ye being without fpot, and blamelefs, may be found of him in peace. All there circumftances deferve to be confidered by us. Firff, The General Exhortation: Be diligent. Rouze up your felves, let fpeedily and earneílly about it. We are apt to delay, therefore make hafte : we are too flight and fluggilh ; therefore be earneft, and zealous, and hard at work : Every flight endeavour will not ferve the turn. The Wife that looketh for lier Huí- bands coming home, will put all things in readinefs: the Servant that expe&s his Matters coming will ply his work. Therefore let us not be remits and negligent, but make ferious preparation. A loytering Profeffron will fail us in our greateft need ; and when the Bridegroom cometh, our Lamps will be gone out. The.De- vils Bondfiaves fpare no coft to ferve their lulls ; their faulty felf- denial may put Chriftians to fhame. Ifa. 5. 17. They draw on iniquity with Cart - ropes. The men of the World ufe all poffible Diligence to obtain the good things of this life, Pfal.127.2. Rife