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Ver.22. the 17th Chapter of Si. J O H N. 327 and the_Saints more delight in God, as being freed from Sin God loveth to look oil what he hath made, when he hath railed a Worm to fuch an Excellency. It is there continued without Interruption; here our Communion with God is tweet, but short, it cometh by glimpses; but there it is for and ever, not only in regard of Duration, but Continuance, without tearing. The Spirit of God came on Samson at times; in Heaven there is nothing to divert us from the fight of God, we are with- drawn from all other Obje &s, that we may Rudy him alone without wearinef. Via 3. It dïrelketh us in what order we should reek there Things ; firfl,Grace ;then, Glory. Pfal. 84. t I. The Lord will give Grace and Glory. Peal. 73. 24. Thou (halt guide me with thy Counsel, and afterwards receive toe to Glory. EpheC g. 26, 27. That he might fanllify and cleanse it by the washing of Water, by the Word, that he might prefect it to himself á Orions Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any fisch thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Here the first Lineaments are drawn by the Spirit of Sanitification, whilst the Soul remaineth in the Body, as a Pledg of a more perfefk State. God bath called us to Glory and Vertue, 2 Pet. I. 3. As they were to go through the Temple of Vertue, to the Temple of Honour. 4. Observe. There is no Privilege which we have, but what Chrift enjoyed frrfi. Chrift had it all, and froth him we have it; he wit the Purchafer and the Natural Heir ; it is in us at the fecond Hand, we are EleLted, Sanhlified, Glorified, in and through him. Whatever is in us that are Members, it is in our Head first ; firsi God, then Chrift as Mediator, and then We. All Good is firit in atilt, he receiveth it, and conveyettì it ; We attend : Why ? Becaufe he afcended first ; we fit in Heavenly Places, becaufe he did first. ZJfi r. In Times of Defertion, when we fee nothing in our felves, look upon Chrift as a Depofitory, the first Receptacle of Grace; he is luflified, fanCtified, afcended, glorified ; and encourage thy felf to take hold of Chrift, that thou ntayeft have all there things in him. Zjfe 2. To be thañkfal tó God for Chrift. Bleff d 6e the dot! and Farber of our Lord )'efus Chrift, who bath Weld us with all Spiritual 13lefngs in Heavenly Places in Chris, EpheC a. 3. Let us never biefs God for what we enjoy, but still remember Chrift. Vfe 3. It preffeth us to get an Union with Chrift : r Cor. 3.22, 23. 1311 are yours,. for you are Chrifl's, and Chrill is God's. that fit :hay tint look on Chrift as an abltra- Lied Head. All that Chrift hath, he hath it for us. Obferv. From thole words,, I have given Meth. , if may be Ob*tled, that we fee no fuch Matter, Chriffs Members are poor, defpicable, Duft and Mlles, more affliCted than others. How then can it be Paid, This Glory I have given them? Anfw. Chrift hash acquired a Right. ObC The Glory that is given to us by,Chrifl,, is as first, ours, as if we were iw the ahinal pot fEton of it. John 3.36. He that beliéveth err the So I of God path Everlafing Life. How bath he it ? r. He bath it in Capite, it is done in regard of Chrift, with whotir we make ort Myftical Body ; the molt worthy part of the Body is in Heaven, the Head is theff. EpheC 2.6. And bath railed sit up together, and modems fist together in Heaved, Placer its Chrift We are already glorified in Chrift, tho not itr our tikes. Chriftiaijf take polfsfftowin their Head, as Chrift bath taken poffeffronin their Names. 2. They have it in the Promises. The Promise is the Root of the Blefíing; you have a fair Charter to (hew for it. God ftandeth bound in point of Promise. God is verytënder of his Word, yowwill fee it in all the other P'romlfës; wheat you put him to Trial. The Promife.of God is but the Declaration of his Purpose. Heb. 6. 117;48.- Wherein God trilling' more abundantly tè Hide unto tfe Heirs Of P /onhfe the toothed- Wit), of° hit' Courtfel, cenf it by ate' Oath : That lay twit imtnittallfì thing; in which it mar irnpo able= for Gash o lie, ye may ho n. firing Confalation. You Katie a' Lease tw thew fbt its;, A Man d'othmoteavey his Itnheritahee'upon his Back. 3. They have the FirfaFruirsof it, ci*hiéhdiffer'only in degree from Glöry Rohl: 8. 23. ../Ind not only they, but our felves alfa, which have the Firfl- Fruits of the Spirit ; 6. eu+tse our felves groan within our felves, waiting for the ldoption, to wit, the Redemption of