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Serm.3 332 SERMONS upon 9, God knocketh at the Door of a Wicked Man's Heart, but doth not enter, much lets have his Abode and Refidenee there. 41 ere is the Father as a Fountain of Grace, Chrift as Mediator, and the Spirit as Chrift's Deputy, to work all in us. This is his fecond Heaven, one above the Clouds, and another in our Hearts. Oh, what a condefcention is it, that God (hould not only pardon us, and admit us into his Prefence hereafter, be familiarwith us, when we have put on our Robes of Glory, but dwell in us here ! When Chrift was about to go to Heaven, and his Difciples were troubled at it, then he leaveth us this Promife. We cannot go to God, but God will come to us, not only give us a Vifit, but take up his Abode in us. 3. Where -ever the Trinity are, there is a Bleffing left behind. The prefence of Earthly Princes is corny and burdenfome, becaufe of their Train, and the Charges of Entertainment. But the Trinity are Bleffed Guefts, they never come but bring their Welcome with them, and a Bleffing in their Hands. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, do not come empty - handed. Gen.18. The Son of God came to Abraham with two Angels; but he came not without a Gift, a Promife of a Child, tho their Bodies were dry and dead. Wherefoever Chrift came in the days of his Flefh, he left tome Mercy behind : While in the Womb of the Virgin, he came into the Houfe of Zacha- rias, and Zacharias and Elizabeth his Wife were both filled with the Holy Ghoft. Like 1.41. He came into Peter's Houle, and brought deliverance for Peter's Wive's Mother from a Feaver. Mat. 8. 15. He came to Capernaum, and brought with him to the Man tick of the Palfie, Health for his Body, and a Pardon for his Soul. Mat. 9.2. He came to the Houle of 7airua, and raifed his Daughter. Verf 23. He came to the Houle of Zacheui, and brought Salvationwith him, Ls ke 59.9. Every where where - ever he went, trace him, you will find he left a Bleffing behind him. Laban thrived better for Jacob ; the Houle of Obed -Edom for the Ark. In there (hors vifits, Chrift left a Bleffing 5 but in a Gracious Soul, they have a perpetual Refidence ; it is fit there Bleffed Guefts fhould have good Entertainment. 4. It is a Pledg that we (hall have more. Chrifi in us the Hope of Glory, Col. 1.29. He dwelleth in us, to fit us for Heaven. It is Heaven begun, it makes our Exile a Paradile. It is 11111 growing, till it cometh to a compleat Pretence in Heaven. Where he is once in Truth, there he is for ever. Temples built, may ftand forfaken ; but God never forfaketh his Spiritual Temples. Vfe 2. Dire &ion; What mutt we do that Chrift may be in us? 1. Make way for him. Empty the Heart of all Self - confidence. When the Heart is full of Self, there is no room for Chrift. Phil. 3. 8, g. Tea doubtlefr I count all things but lofs for the Excellency of the Knowledg of Chrifl yeti's my Lord, for whom I have fef- fered the loft' of all things; and do count them but Dung, that I may win Chrifi, and be friend in him, not having mine own Righteoufnefr, which is of the Lam, but that which is through the Faith of Chrifi, the Iighteoufnefr which is of God by Faith. Firft, There muff be a cutting off from the wild Olive -Tree by a found Convi &ion, we muff know what Strangers we are to the Life of God. Was there a Time when we were convinced of this ? Ephef.4.18. Having the Vnderflanding darkned, being alienated from the Life of God, through the Ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blindnefr of their Heart. How can a Man, that was never convinced of the fadnefs of his Elate, fay, Not I, but Chrift ? 2. Wait for him in the Ordinances. Where fhould aMan meet with Chrift, but in his Ordinances, in the Shepherds Tents ? All the Ordinances have an Afpe& upon our Union with Chrift, either to begin or continue it. God offereth him to us in the Word. a Cor. 1. 9. God is faithful, by whom ye are called to the Fellowfhip of his Son yeti's Chrifi our Lord. We are intreated to take him. As long as they fee nothing but Man in it, it cometh to nothing, but many times in hearing, they fee God in the Of- fer: the Matter is of the Lord, as Rebekah yielded out of an over - ruling Inflin&. So for the Religious ufe of the Seals. We are baptized into Chrifi, Gal. 3.27. It is the Pledg of our Admiffion ihto that Body, whereof Chrift is the Head. God is afore - hand with us; we were engaged to make a profeffion of this Union, before we had li- berty to chufe our own way. Let us not retra& our Vows, and make Baptifm only a Memorial of our Hypocrily, to profefs Union, when there is no fuch Matter, I profefs to be planted into Chrift byBaptifm,but I feel no fuch Matter: O you fhould groan for this ! Therefor the Supper of.the Lord. 1 Cor. io. 16. The Cup of Bleffing which we blefr, isre uowcovra, Is it not the Communion of the `Blood of Chr ? The Bread which we break, is