Ver.23. the 17th Chapter of St. JOHN. 333 is it not the Communion of the Body of Chrift? Under the Law, the People could not eat of the Sin- Offering, but only the Priest; for the fame Reafon they were forbidden to eat Sacrifice, and drink Blood. Levit. 17. I I, I a. For the Life of the Fief!) is in the Blood : and I have given it to you upon the Altar, to make an atonement fir your Souls ; for it is the Blood that maketh an atonement for the Soul. Therefore I faid unto the Children of lfrael, No Soul of you (ball eat Blood : compared with Mat. 26. a6. This is my Blood of the New Teftament, which is feed for many for the Ytemifon of Sins. The Priest was to become one with the Sacrifice, to figure Chrift's Perlon 5 but now Atonement being made, another Union is neceffary of Sinners with the Sacrifice. Nothing is fo one with us, as that we eat and drink, it becometh a part of our Substance ; it re- fembleth that ftreight and near conjun &ion between us and Chrift. This is a means ap- pointed to engage us to look after this Union, here wg come to profefs it, to promote it, it is a Means under a Bleffrng. 3. Receive him thankfully. Oh what am I, and whence is it to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me ? Luke 1.43. that Chrift Could come to me, and dwell in my Heart ! 4. Entertain him kindly : be careful to preferve the Motions, Quicknings, Com- forts of his Spirit. This is the refpe& we fbould (how, to be fenfible of Acceffes and Receffes, and accordingly fuit our Carriage. Rejoice in his Prefence ; fuch a precious Quell muff be obferved : Grieve when you do not feel the Comforts of ir. Cant. g. 4. r%Yly 'Beloved put in his Hand at the bole of the Door, and my Bowels were moved for him. Vfe 3. Examine whether Chrift be in you or no. You may know it ; I. By his manner of Entrance. Chrift is not wont to come into the Heart without Oppofition. The Devil is loth to be difpoffeffed ; Luke 11.2 t. When a strong Man armed keepeth his Palace, his Goods are in Peace. Chrift came into the Temple with a Whip to drive out the Mony changers. He cometh to Rule alone. 2. By the Fruits of his Abode; Life, Fruitfulnefs, Tendency. (1.) Life. It will fir and quicken you to good Duties ; Gal.3. 20. Rive, yet not I but Cbrifi liveth in me. He is a Living Fountain of Vital Union. (2.) Fruitfulnefs of Soul. John 15. 2. Every Branch in me that beareth not Fruit, he tallth away : and every Branch that beareth Fruit, he purgeth it, that it mat bring forth more Fruit. And, Vert: 4. Abide in me, and I in you : As the Branch cannot bear Fruit of it felf, except it abide in the Vine ; no more can you, except you abide in me. (3.) Tendency (1.) to Heaven. Heaven is the place of our full enjoiment of him. They do not admire Worldly Excellencies. Luke 59. 8. Behold, Lord, the half of my Goods I give to the Poor ; and if I have taken any thing from any Man by falfe Accufation, I restore him four fold. The Woman left her Pitcher, John 4. a8. Matthew followed Chrift. (2.) To God's Glory as our lait Aim; their Aim is according to their Prin- ciple, Secondly ; I come to the End of this Union. I. With refpe& to Believers ; That they may be made perfelo', &c. H. With refpe& to the World, and their Convi &ion ; That the World may know that thou haft font me, and haft loved them as thou haft loved me. I. With refpe& to Believers; that they may be made perfeá in One, -sgeh otshot This Onenefs is either with God, or with one another. Both are included in the My- focal Union ; we cannot be united to the Head, but we mull alfo be united to the Members. êxad. 25. 2o. The Golden Cherubims did fo look to the Ark and Mercy - Seat, that they did allo look one towards another: So in this Union, as we refpe& God and Chrift, fo we mutt alto look to our Fellow- Members ; Let them be perfeef in One, let them all center in God, which is the Creature's Perfe &ion. Obferve ; Our perfeil Happinef lieth in Onenefs, in being one with God through Chrß. I (hall evidence it to you in a few Particulars. 1. Since the Fall, Man's Affe &ions and Thoughts are scattered. Eccles. 7. 29. God bath made Man upright; but they have fought out many Inventions, When Man loft his Happiness, he fought out many Inventions. A Sinner is full of Wandrings, as a wayfaring 1