Ver.23. the i7thChapter of St. J O H N. 337 convinced ? and how ? I thall anfwer both together, in part here, and fully here- after. a. In part here, by Chrill's being and working in them, by the Life of Chrift ap- pearing in their Converfations. 2. Fully and finally at the laut Judgment, by the Glory put upon them. The Re- probate World thall know, to their colt, when they thall fee them inverted with filch Glory, that they were the Darlings of God. But of what (hall the World be convinced? Of Chritt's Million, and the Saints Privileges, that Chrift was authorized by God as the Do &or of the Church, and the Saints are dearly beloved of God. Obferve ; There are two things God is tender of and two things the World ii ignorant of his Truth, and his Saints. s. God prizeth thefe above all things. (t.) His Gofpel, and therefore would have the World convinced, that Chrift was rent as a Meffenger from the Bofom of God. (2.) His Saints; and therefore he would have them convinced of his Love to them; and that he bath taken them into his Prote &ion, as he did the Perron of Chrift. What Ihould People regard but thefe two, efpecially fine God hath put his little Ones to Nurfe, and bid them be wife to learn his Truths. 2. The World is moli ignorant of there two : Of the. Divine Authority of the Go- fpel, and therefore they flight it, and refute it as much as they do ; And of the dearnefs of his Saints, therefore they perfecute and motet them, and ufe them hardly. The World may be well called Darknefs, Ephef. 5. 8. becaufe they are ignorant of two things which do molt concern them. But let us fpeak more particularly of that wonderful and my tetious Expreulion, That thon haft loved them, as :boa haft loved me.% Obferve three things. r. That God loveth Chrift. 2. That God loveth the Saints, as he loved Chrift. 3. That Chrift would have the World know fo much, and be convinced of it. t. Obferve ; That God loveth Chrift, as the firnt Objeft of his Love. This it my be- loved Son, in whom I am well - pleated, Mat. 3.17. He is his dear Son ; Col. a. 13. Who bath delivered us from the Power of Darknefs, and bath tranfiated as into the Kingdom of his dear Son. God taw all the Works of his Hands, that they were Good : He de- lighteth in the Creatures, much more in his Son. He loveth Chrift as God, and as Me- diator as God -Man. r. As God; fo he is primant amabile, the firnt Obje& of his Love, as his own exprefs Image, that reprefents his Attributes exa&ly. He is the Firft Son, the Natural Son, as we are Adopted Ones ; and fo his Soul taketh an infinite contentment in Chrift; before Hill or Mountain were brought forth. Prov. 8. 3o, 31. Then was I with him, as one brought up with him, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing alway before him : Rejoicing its the habitable part of his Earth, &e. As two that are bred up together; rake delight in one another. 2. As Mediator ; he loveth the Humane Nature of Chrift freely ; the firnt Obje& of Eleâtion, was the Flefh of Chrift affumed into the Divine Perlon. Col. a. 59. It pleated the Father, that in him Honed all Fulnefs dwell; .it deferved not to be united to the Divine Perlon. When it was united, the Dignity and Holinefs of his Perfora deferved Love. There was the Fulnefs of the Godhead in himbodily, the Spirit with- out meafure, all that is lovely. And then, befides the Excellency of his Perlon, there was the Merit of his Obedience, he deferved to be loved by the Father for doing his Work. John to. 17. Therefore loth my Father love me, becaufe I lay down my Life, that I might tale it again ; that was a new ground of Love ; Chrift's Love to us, was a farther califs of God's Love to him. Thus you fee how God loveth Chrift. Vvvv of