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S ON upon Sérm. 39. Vfe t. It giveth us confidence in ljoth Parts of Chrift's Prieflly Office, his Oblation and Intert`elfion. His Oblation, Mat. 3. 17. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well- ?leafed. God hath proclaimed it from Heaven, that he is well - pleated with Chrill's funding in dur room, tho fo highly offended with us, and with him for our fake. Eph. I. 6. To the praife of the Glory of his Grace, wherein he bath made us accepted in the Beloved. All that come under his Shadow, will be accepted with God. He is belo- ved, and will be accepted in all that he doth ; his being beloved, anfwereth our being unworthy of Love; Purely he will love us for his fake, who hath purchafed Love for us. His Interceffion ; if the Father loveth Chrift, we may be confident of thole Pe- titions we put up in his Name. John a6. 23. Whatfoever ye Jhall ask the Father in my Name, he will give it you. Our Advocate is beloved of God. When we pray in the Name of Chrifl,according to the Will of God,our Prayer is in effect Chriffs Prayer. If you fend a Child or a Servant to a Friend, for any Thing in your Name, the Re- queft is yours; and he that denieth the Child or Servant, denieth you. When we come in a fence of our own Unworthinefs, on the fcore and account of being Chrift n Difciples, and with an high eftimation of Chrifis Worth and Credit with the Father, and that he will own us, that Prayer will get a good Anfwer. 2Jfe 2. It is a Pledg of the Father's Love to us; and if God gave Chrift that was fo dear to him, what can he with-hold ? Rom. 8.32. He that feared not his own SA, but gave him up to the Death for to all : how will he not with him alfa freely give ut all things ? He fpared him not, the Son of his Love was forfaken and under Wtath 5 and will he then flick at any thing ? God's Love is like himfelf, infinite, it is not to be mea- Cured by the affection of a Carnal Parent. Yet he gave up Chrift; Love goeth to the utmoft ; had he a greater Gift, he would have given it : How could he thew us Love more, than in giving fuch a Gift as Chrift? John 16. 22. The Father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed that Leame forth from God. God hath a re- fpeft for thofe that believe in Chrift, and receive him as the Son of God. 7_7fe 3. It is an Engagement to us to love the Lord Jefus. 1 Cor.16.22. If any Man love not the Lord Jefus Chrift, let him be' Anathema Maranatha. Shall we undervalue Chrift, who is fo dear and precious with God ? Let us love him, as od loved him. a. God loved him fo, as to put all Things into his Hands. John .3 5. The Father loveth the Son, and bath put all things into his Hand. Let us own him in his Perfon and Office, and truft him with our Souls. He is intrufled with a Charge concerning the Elehl, in whole Hands are your Souls. 2 Tim. 1. 12. I know whom I have believed, and I am perfwaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him againfi that day. 2. God bath loved him, fo as to make him the great Mediator to end all Differences between God and Man. God bath owned him from Heaven. Mat. 3. 17. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleafed. Do you love him fo, as to make ufe of him in your Communion with God ? Heb. 7. 25. Wherefore he is able to fave to the uttermoji all that come unto God through him, feting be ever liveth to make intercéon for us. That is the fum of all Religion. 3. God loveth him, fo as-to glorify him in the Eyes of the World. John 5.22, 23. The Father judgeth no Man ; but hath committed all Judgment to the Son, that all Men fbould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, ho- noureth not the Father that bath lint him. Do you honour him ? Phil. r. 21. i,uoì rl ïív xe,es-a`s, To me to live is Chrift, should be every Chriftian's Motto. This is Love, and not an empty Profeffion. Chrift will take notice of it, and report it in Heaven ; it is an endearing Argument, when the Father's Ends are complied- with. John 17. to. And all thine are mine, and mine are thine, and I am glorified in them. SERM.