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4¢ _ Ë k M O' N S upof Serm. 4a. 2. God's Jufice had a Q.iarrel aglfnf us. God dealt with Man by way of Cove- nant ;' and fo hated Man, not only out of tle Purity of his Nature, but out of Jufice 3 his Righteous. Anger was kindled, becaufe of the breach of the Covenant. When Sabjec`ks are fallen- into difpleafare with their Prince, fuch an one as the- -King lover] mull mediate for them : So God was in Chrif, reconciling the World unto himfelf, 2 Cor. 5. 19. How cometh God, who-- feemed to be bound in point of. Honour to avenge himfelf on Sinners, to be reconciled ? In Chrift he received fatisfaCtion. God was re- folved to manifef an infinite Love to Man, but he would í}i11 manifeft an infinite Ha- tred againf Sin ; which could not be more fully manifefed, than by making Chrift the ground of our Reconciliation. Thus the Wifdom of God hath taken up thediffe- rence between us and his Holinefs, and between us and his Jufice, that fo Divine Love may be like it fell,' not blind, but rational :- This was the great Prejudice ; how could the Holy God, the Juf God, who is not overcome with any Paffror', love fuch vile Mid unworthy Creatures as we are ? The Quefion is anfwered, he loveth. us in Chrift, and for Chrif's fake. ' Secondly; Take the Particle x« °rJs, as, in the ordinary Acceptation. So it fignifieth Similitude and Likenefs; but then it fignifieth not an cxa& Equality, but fome kind of Refemblance; Be ye perf rI, as your Heavenly Father is perfety, Mat. 5. 42. One as we are One. So here ; 1. There is a Difparity. 2. A Likenefs. r. A Difparity 5 for in all Things Chrift hath the preheminence, as God, and as Mediator. (s.) As God ; he is moli perfeâ, in whom God hath found all Complacency and Delight : Prov. 8. 3o. Then I was by him, ai one brought up with him : and I was daily his Delight, rejoicing.always before him. He was God, we are Creatures ; He the natu- ral Son. Pfal.a. 7. Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. We the adopted Children. John i. i 2. To as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of. God. God's Love to Chrift was necefáry, ours is a free difpenfation : John 3. 16. God fo loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in hint, fhould not peril!), but have Everlafiing Life. (2) As Mediator; fo he is the firft Beloved. God loves Chrift as the fit Objet of his Love 5 after Chrift, he loveth thofe that are Chrif's. The Relati n begins with him. John 20.17. Go to my Brethren, and fay unto them, I afcend unto my Father, and your Father, unto my God, and your God. He is loved, as the Head of the Myfical Body, we as Members; the Head.fin i, then the Members. He is loved for his own fake, we for his 2. Yet there is a Likenefs ; God loveth us with a like Love. 1. Upon the fame Grounds ; Nearnefs, and Likenefs. (1.) Nearnefs. He loveth Chrift as his Son, fo he loveth us as his Children. 1 John 3. I. Behold what manner of Love the Father bath bellowed upon ua, that we fhould be cal - led the Sons of God. There is a three -fold Ecce in Scripture. (r.) Ecce demonfirantis; as pointing with the Finger. John I. 29. The next day John flesh :efiis coming unto him, and faith, Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the Sin of the World. It re- f ireth to a Thing, or Perron prefent, noteth the certainty of Senf there he pointed at him as prefent; or to a Do&rine, and then it noteth the certa of Faith. Job 5. 27. Lo, this we have fearched, fo it is ; hear it, `and know thou it or thy good : believe it as a certain Truth. (2.) There is Ecce admirantis, as awakening our drowfy Minds more attentively to confider of the Matter ; as, Lam. I. 12. Behold and fee, if there b'e any farrow liAe unto my farrow ! So here, entertain it with Wonder and Reve- rence, as an important Truth. (3.) Ecce exultantis, vel gratulantis, as rejoicing and blefling our felves in the Privilege. Pfal. 121. 4. Behold, he that keepeth Ifrael, he nei- ther !lumbers nor fleep.e. Now all thefe take place here. Behold it with Faith and 'Confidence, as a certain Truth; behold it with Reverence and Wonder, as an high Dignity ; behold it with Joy and Delight,, as a Bleffed Privilege : as it is a. certain ' Truth, we fiould believe it more firmly ; as it is an important Truth, we ihould con- fider it more ferioufy ; is it is a comfortable Truth, we ihould improve it more effe- lually to our great Joy and Satisfaifion in all Conditions. The Wifdom of God find- eth out Relations between God and us, to efabli(h a mutual Love between us. He would be known, not only as our Creator, but our Father ; and indeed none is fo much