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Ver. 2 3. the i nth ChapteP bf St. J OH lire 3 3 and our right tò Glo ry. 2 Cor. t. 22. Who path feàled nr, and ,given the eärneft of his Spirit in air Hearts. 2 Cor. 5. 5. New he that path wrought us for the felf -fane using it God, who alto bath given unto us the Burnell of the Spirit. As . the End of his Love tó Chrift's Hùmane Nature, was sd bring it to Heaven ; fd the End of God's Love to us, is to fan&ify us, and fo to make way few Glóry. . 3. Suftentation, and gracious Prote &ion during our Work and Service. This was his Love to Christ: Ifa. 42.1. 'Behold my Servant .whom I uphold. I am not alone, my Father is with me, John 8.16. His Enemies could not touch him, till his time came: John sr. 9. ,fire there not twelve hours in the day ? If any Man walk in the day, he flum- bleth not, becaufe he feeth the light of this World. As long as the time of exerci(ing his Fun &ion here Tatted, there was fuch a Providence about him, as did fecure him from all danger ; and till that time was paff, and the Providence withdrawn, he was fafe 5 and when that time was out, and he Teemed to be delivered to the Will of his Enemies, all the Creatures were in a rout, the Sun was (truck blind with a(tonilhment, the Earth ftaggered and reeled. So God will carry us through our Work, and keep us blame - lefs to his Heavenly Kingdom; but if we are cut off by the violence of Men, all the Affairs of Mankind are put in confuflon, and carried headlong, betides the confedera- cies of Nature difturbed, and divers Judgments (as in Egypt, and the Land of the Phil fines) enfue Odium in Religionis Pròferes, the World (hall know how dear and precious they are to God. 4. Acceptance of what we do. God accepted all that Christ did, it was very plea - fing to God: EpheC 5.2. Wallt in Love, as Cbrifl a f path loved us, and given himfelf for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a fweet-fmelling Savour. In every folemn Sacrifice for the Congregation, the Blood of it was brought unto the Mercy-Seat with a perfume; but Chrift's Sacrifice received value from his Perfon, he being one fo dear. to God, fo excellent in himfelf. This kind of Love God (heweth to us, the Perfons of the Upright are God's delight, and then their Prayers. Cant. 5. I. I am come into my Garden, my Sifter, my Spotsfe; I have gathered my Myrrh with my Spice, I have eaten my Hong -comb with my Hony. Tho our Services are mingled with Weakne(fes and Imper- fe &ion, they (hall be ace¢ ted : But the Sacrifice of the Wicked it an Abomination to the Lord, much more when he bringeth it with an evil Mind, Prov. 15. 8. 5. Reward. thrift was glorioufly exalted ; after his Sufferings he entred into Glory, and was condu &ed to Heaven by Angels, and welcomed by the Father, who, as it were, took him by the Hand. Pfal. 2. 7, 8. Those art my Son, this day have I begotten thee: ,Ask of me, and I will give thee the Heathen for thine Inheritance, .and the uttermoft parts of the Earth for thy Pojeffion. So if we do what he did, we [hall fare as be fated. John 12. 26. If any Man fit-ye me, let him follow me, and where I am, there (hall my Ser- vant be: If any Men ferve me, him will my Father honour. When we die, We (hall be conveyed to Heaven by Angels. Luke i 6. 22. The Beggar died, ,and was carried bj Angels into Abrahams Bofom; our Souls first, then our Bodies. Phil. 3.21. Who Elsall change our vile Bodies, that they may be like, unto his glorious `Body, according to the wonting, whereby he is able even to fubdue all things to himfelf. And at lait we thall have a folemíi Welcome into Heaven. Mat. 25.21. Well done good and faithful Servant, thou haft been faithful over a few things, 1 will make thee Ruler over many things ; enter thon into' the Joy of thy Lord. Christ is not only Purchafer, but first Poftelfor, and is gone in- to Heaven to prepare a place for us, to which he will at Tait bring us. John s4. 2, 3. In my Father's Houfe are many Man (ions; if it were not fo, I would have told you, I get to prepare a Place for you. And if I go to prepare a Place; I will come again and receive' you unto my Jiff, that where 1 am, there ye may be alfa. 7.1fe r. Information, to thew what ground we have of Patience, Comfort, and Confidence. r. Of Patience in Añli&ions from God. Would we be loved etherwi(e than thrift was loved ? We fee in the Perfon of Chr1ft, that Love may Rand with FatherlyCor- , re &ion; Christ was beloved by God, yet under Poverty, Difgrace, Perfecution, Hunger, Thrift, &c. When Christ was hungry, the Devil came unto him. Mat. 4: 3. If thou be the Son of God, command that thefe Stones be made Bread. So he taketh ad- ' vantage of our Troubles and Mali &ions, to make us queftion our Adoption : but we may retort the Argument; Heb. 12. 7, 8. If ye endure Chaflifiment, God dealeth with you as with Sons ; for what Son is he whom the Cher chafleneth not 2 Put if ye be without Chaflifement, whereof all are Partakers, then are ye Baf#ardi, and not Sons: Brambles' á.e