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Ver,23. the i7th Chapter of Si-. JOH Ni 347 And, P.P. 519. t 32. Look thou, sepan me, and be niercifiil unto me, as thou stets to do sit- to thole that love thy Name. (3.) Thou lovett and preferreft Chrifl's People; aiid that for their Holinefs, and therefore feekeft to difcountenance all forts of Wi_kednefa Pfal. t 5. 4. In whofi Eyes a vile Perfon is contemned q but he hoseoureth them that fear the Lord. He laboureth td difcountenance all forts of Wickednefs, and defireth to bring Goodnefs and Godlinefs into a creditable Efteem and Reputation, and payeth an hearty honour and refpel td thofe that excel therein. So, Pfal. 16. 3. But to the Saints that are in the Earth, and to the Excellent, in whom is all my delight. He doth value theta]; and efteeni them', above the greateft Men in the World, becaufe they are fo loved, prized, and let apart by God. (4.) You labour more and more to be fuch, whom God loveth as he loved Chrift: Jefus Chrift was the exprefs Image of his Perlon ; we ftrive to be fuch in the World as Chrift was, t John 4. 17. hating what God hateth, and loving what God loveth then we make it our buftnefs to walk as he walked, a John 2. 6. doing his Will, leek= ing his Glory. God loved Chrift, for that Spirit of Obedience that was in him; who; tbrunk not in the hardeft Duties, but whatever it colt him, was faithful in his Work. 3. Obferve 5 That God would have the World know fo much, and be convinced of this great Love which he beareth to the'Saints : that the World may know that thou haft loved them, &e. e. The Neceliity of the World's Knowledg. (r.) Becaufethe World is blinded with Ignorance and Prejúdiée againft the Chili dren of God, they cannot, or rather will not fee. t Cor. 2. 14. But the natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for' they are foolifhnefs unto him : neither can he know them, becaufe they are f iriteeally difierned. They will not fee, becaufe they have a mind to hate. (2.) The Life that floweth from this Union, is a hidden thing ; Col. 3.3. Por our Life is hidwith Chrift in God. It is hidden, becaufe maintained by an Invifible Power; the Spiritual Life is hidden under the Vail of the Natural Life. Gal. 2. 20. The Life which I now live in the Flefls, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himfilf for me. It is obfcured by Infirmities. The belt thew forth too much of Adam, and too little of Mefus. It is hidden under Af hi &ions : Heb. t a. 37, 38. They were Honed, they were fawn afunder, were tempted, were (lain with the Sword : they wan- dred about in Sheep - skins, and Goat-skins, being deflitute, afitled, tormented. Of whom the World was not worthy, &c. and the World's Reproaches. 2 Cor. 6.8. By Honour and Difhonour, by evil Report and good Report, as Deceivers and yet true, 2. The Means whereby the World is convinced. (t.) The Promifes of the Word (hew God's great Love to the Saints ; and hereby he hash engaged himfelf to do great things for them. 2 Pet.i.4. Whereby are given sin, to as exceeding great and precious Promifes, that by thefe ye might be partakers of the Di- vine Nature. He hath engaged to pardon their Sins, accept their Perlons, fanâify their Natures, keep them blamelefs to his Heavenly Kingdom, and finally, to tranflate them to Glory. Deut.33.29. Happy art thou, 0 Ifrael: who is like unto thee, O People faved by the Lord, and who is the Shield of thy Excellency ! thy Enemies fball be found Liars unto thee, and thou (halt tread upon their high Places. Pfal. t44. 15. Happy is that People that is in fach a Cafe : yea, happy is that People whole God is the Lord. (2.) By the vifibleFruits of the Myflical Union. The Gift of the Spirit cannot be hidden, they have a Power and Prefence with them which others have not. 1 Pet. 4. 14. The-Spirit of Glory, and of God, refteth upon you. They live contrary to the courfe of this World, fo as to become the World's Wonder. t Pet. 4.4. Wherein they think it firange, that you run not with them to the, fame excels of ?iot. And Reproof, Heb. t 1. 7. By Faith Noah, being warned of God of things not lien as yet, moved with fear, prepared an Ark for the faving of his Houfi, by the which he condemned the World. (3.) By the wonderful Blefngsof God's Providence, they are hidden in the fecret of his Prefence, firangely preferved. Pfal. 4.3. But know that the Lord bath fit apart him that is Godly for himfelf; not only as Infteuments of his Glory, but as Objefts of his fpecial Favour and Grace. (4.) This is more fully teen, for the utter conflation of the Wicked at the laft Day. 2 Tbefl e. to. When be fhall come to be glorified in his Saints, and to be admired in all XXXX 2 tbegt