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Ver.24. the 17th chapter of St. J O HN. 349 Firfi; The Compellation, Father. The Titles of God are ufually faked to the Matter in Hand. Chrift is now ruing for a Child's Portion for all his Members, and therefore he faith, Father. God is Chrifl's Father by Eternal Generation, and ours by gracious Adoption, whence our Title to Heaven arifeth. And therefore it is called an Interitance ; Col. 3. 24. Knowing that of the Lord ye 'hall receive the Reward of the Inheritance. It is not fimply Wager, fuch as a Servant receiveth from his Matter; but an Inheritance, or a Child's Portion, fuch as Children receive from Parents. And it is very notable, the Apoltle there fpeaketh of Servants, who are Caved as God's Sons. So our waiting for Glory, is expreffed by waiting for the 4doption, Rom. 8. 23. becaufe then we have the Fruit of it. We hold Heaven, not by Merit, nor by our Purchafe, nor by Privilege of Birth, but by Adoption : The Ground of Expe&ation, is put for the Matter of Expeaation, waiting for the Adoption, And now we wait, becaufe now we have jua haredrtatis, then we have Poffellion. Vfe r. This Notion reprefents the freenefs of Grace in giving us Glory, we do not receive it as a Debt, but as a Gift. Nothing is more free than an Inheritance; It WAS pnrchafed by Chrift, but it was given to us, we receive it by vertue of his Tefta- went, and the Father's Promife. It is called an .Inheritance, Ephef t. s8. What it the Riches of the Glory of his Inheritance in the Saints 5 an Inheritance cometh freely, and without Burden and Encumbrance. Thus we hold Heaven by all kind of Titles, we have it by Purchafe, and we have it freely : Chrift maketh the Purchafe, and we pot= feis the Gift. le. is a greater Security to our Hopes, when we can look for Heaven from a Merciful Father and a Righteous Judg; it is Juft, ,Ghritt having paid the Price. Therefore it is called, the Gift of God through fefua Chrifi our Lord, ,Rom. 6. 20. it is the Father's Gift, but for the greater Honour to God, and fecurity to us, it is Chrift's Purchafe. life 2. It fheweth the Neceflity of becoming Sons to God, if we expe& Heaven. Children can only look for a Child's Portion. The World is a common Inn for Sons and Baftards 5 but Heaven is called our Father's Houle, none but Children are admitted there : John 3.3. Except a Man be horn again, be cannot fee the Kingdom of God. See- ing is often put for enjoying ; yet the Word is emphatical, they {hall not have fo much as a glimpfe of Heaven, but are calf into everdi fting Darknefs. A Man thould never be quiet, tilt he be one of the, Family, and can evidence his New Birth. As they were put from the Priefthood as polluted, that could not find their Genealogy, Ezra 2. 62. So if you cannot prove your defeent from God, you are difclaimed, and reckoned not to God's, but to Satan's Family. Zife 3. It teacheth God's Children, with Patience and Comfort, to wait for thiè happy Elate. Rom. 8. 23. And not only they, but our films alfa, who have the firfi Fruits of the Spirit, even we our feints groan within our [elves, waiting for the Adoption, to wit, the kedemption of our Bodies. You do not yet know what Adoption meaneth, the Day of the Manifettation of the Sons of God is to come. r John 3.3. Behold, now are we the Sons of God; but it doth not appear what we fhall be. It -doth not appear, therefore wait. There is the Spirit of an Heir, and the Spirit of a Servant, as we read of the Spirit of Adoption. A Servant mutt have fomething in Hand, Pay from Quarter to Qiarter; they do not ufe to expe& their Matter's Pof3ef ion ; but an Heir waiteth till it fall. You may look upon the Compellation, as an Expre{fion of Chrift's hearty good- Will. When he fueth for our Glorification, he improveth all his Interefr in God; Father, I will. When he pleadeth for himfelf, he ufeth the fame Compellation, f'erf t, Father, glorify thy Son. Verf. 5. And now, O Father, glorify thou vie with thine owe felf. Thus here, Chrift's Heart is much fee upon the Happinefs of his Members ; if there be any more endearing Title, the Spirit of God here will ufe it ; Father, if I can do any thing, or have any room in thy Heart or Affe &ion, Father, I will, &c. When we would prevail, Chrift biddeth us urge our Intereft ; When we pray, fay, Our Father, ¿ulte r t. 2. fo doth he. When we mediate fpr others, we are wont to mention our Relation, as a Circumftanceof Endearment : So doth Chrift exprefly mention his Re- lation, when his Requefts are of great Concernment. Secondly 5