Ver 24. the 17rh Chapter of St. J O H N. 35# Obferve ; That there is a certain number given to Chrifi, which cannot finally mifcarry4 brit (Pall come to Glory. But of that in former Verfes. I. Who are given, heth been already. difcuffed. The E1e& are given, thofe that come to him from the Father. John 6. 37. All that the Father giveth me, (hall come to me. They are given before all Time, and therefore in Time they come, and a&ua]1y accept of Grace. And as they come to him, fo they keep there, for of thofe he can lofe nothing : Verf. 39. And this is the Father's Will that bath fiat me,that of all which he bath given me, I fhoeld lofe nothing. 2. But how are they given ? By way of Reward, and by way of Charge; the one as his Work, the other as his Wages. I. By way of Reward. John 17. 6. Thine they were, and thou gaveft them me. They were given to be Members of his Body, Subje &s of his Kingdom, Children of his Family ; Chrift bath a fpecial and peculiar Intereft in them. This was the Bargain which he made with God, that he fhould be Head of the renewed State. This was all the Honour and Benefit accruing to Chrift by the Covenant of Redemption. Tf.$, r r. He Pall fee bis Seed, he frill prolong his Days, and the Pleafere of the Lord fisall profper in his Hands ; He (hallfee of the travel of his Soul, and fall be fatisfted. Chrift was pleafed with the Bargain. Nothing could be added to the greatnefs of his Perron, who was the Eternal Son of God, equal with the Father in Glory and Honour; yet he was pleafed to account it a good Purchafe, to have a fpecial Title and Intereft in us, and refted fa- tisfied, having gained fufficient by all his expence of Blood and Merit. We are all Benoni s, Sons of Sorrow to him. a. BY way of Charge. John 6. 37, 38, 39. .ill that the Fathergivetb me, fdallcome to me ;. and he that cometh to me, I will in no wife call out. For I came down from Heaven, not to do mine own Will, but the Will of him that feat me. And this is the Father's Will, which bath f nt me, that of all which he bath given me, I fhould lofe nothing, but fhould reif it up again at the laf Day. God calleth Chrift to account for the Ele&, and his Number and Tale mutt be full. The Eleet are given to Chrift, not by way of Alie- nation, but Oppignoration, that be may guide them fafe to Glory ; as the Shepherd mull give an account of the Sheep to the Owner that Pets him awork. And fo Both Chrift at the latt Day. Heb. a. 13. Behold, I, and the Children which God bath given me. God looketh narrowly what is become of the Elea, not one of the Tale is wanting. Z1fe. Are you of this Number ? If you be given by God, you give up your (elves to him. Our Faith is nothing elfe but our Confent to God's Eternal Decrees. All the Father's A &s are ratified in time by the Creatures Confent : God givéth by way of Reward and Charge ; fo there is a Committing, and a Confecrating, both together. I. Committing your felves to Chriff. 2 Tim. a. r a. I know whom I have believed, and I am perfwaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him againfi that day; usé vsrg scce -ru fwav µis, by an advifed All of Trutt. Can you put your Souls into his Hands ? The Father is wirer than we, he knew well enough what he did, when he left us in Charge with Chrift. It argueth a fenfe of Danger, a follicitous Care about the Soul; and then an advifed Trutt, grounded on the belief of Chrifs Sufficiency. Many think their Souls were never in danger, therefore they are not careful about put- ting them into fafe Hands. Canft thou venture upon Eternity on Cuch Affurances ? Well, I have trufted Chrift with my Soul. Oh it is the hardelt matter in the World, to craft Chrift with our Souls advifedly and knowingly. Prefumption is an ineonfide- rate Alt, a Fruit of Incogitancy, and therefore very eafy. s. Confecrating. Rom. 12.1. I befeech you, Brethren, by the Mercies of God, that ye prefent your Bodies a living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reafonable Service; yield up your felves to Chiiß. So David, Pfal. 119. 94. 1 am thine, fave me. Perfonal Dedication Iheweth God's All is not fruitlefs. In a ferious Pelf- furrender, we mull give up our felves to God ; not with any refervation, to úfe our felves as our. own, but abfolutely to be at God's difpofe, to live and a& for him. O Chriftians ! if you would clear up your Intereft, this is your Duty, for this is but making good his Grant to Chrift. It goeth under the Name of our Deed, but it is God's Work ill- us. The Altar, the Sacrifice, the Fire is Cent down from Heaven. It is God's giving, dill the receiving is on our part ; for by renouncing Self, we enjoy Self moll. Do we