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354 S E S upon Serm.41i Servants may Rand in the prefence of Princes ; but they do not make their Followers Fellows and Conforts with them in the fame Glory. Solomon could only thew his Glory to the Queen of Sheba, but Christ giveth it us to be enjoyed. And all this is perpetual and without change and interruption. t Theff. 4. 17. We pall be for ever with the Lord. We are then above Fears, no more Eclipfes of God's Face, no more trouble becaufe of God's ablence. Here we complain; the Spoufe fought Chris a- bout the City, Cant. 3.3. Saw ye him whom my Soul loveth ? Here we are forlorn Or- phans, and often without his Society. Upon Earth his Converse was fo acceptable, that the Apoftles were loth to hear of his departure. Now it is for a few days, he is not always abiding with us : Then we (hall never be glutted, God is always frelh and new to the glorified Saints. 7..1fe I. To (hew us the Love of Chrift, his Heart is not fatisfied till we be in like condition with himfelf. Luke 22. 30. Te Jhall eat and drink at my Table in my King- dom. The greatelt Love that David could thew to his Friend, was, to admit 'his Children to his Table 5 2 Sam. 9. 7. Thou Jbalt eat Bread at my Table continually, faid David to Mephibojheth 5 and to 'Barzillai, 2 Sam. 19.33. Come over with me, and I will feed thee with me in Jerufalem. And when he would honour Solomon, t Kings 1. 33,. 35. He put him upon his own Male, and caufed him to fit on his Throne. So we be at his Table, and on his Throne; Rev. 3.2I. To him that overcometh, will I grant to fit with me in my Throne, even as I atfo overcame, and am fit down with my Father in his Throne. We enjoy the fame bleffednefs which Chrift doth. Adam was in Paradise, wein Hea- ven ; ./Adam with the Beafts of the Earth, we with God and Holy Angels ; Adam might be thrown out, we never. It is no matter if the World deny us a room to live among them, they cart us out many times, but Chrift will take us to himfelf. 7Jfe 2. If the Pretence of Chrift be no fmall part of our Happinefs, let us more de- light in it here. We enjoy his pretence in Ordinances : Pfal. 17.15. As for me, I will behold thy Face in Righteuífnefs: 1 Jlsall be fatisfied, when I awake with thy likenefs. Ffal. 84. to. A day in thy Courts is better thana thoufand ; I had rather be a Door - keeper 'in the Houle of my God, than to dwell in the Tents of Wiclednefs. This is Heaven begun, to be familiar with Chrift in Prayer, and Hearing, Vic. Let us often give him a vific Oh fhame thy fell, when thou art loth to draw near to God. Dof.. thou look for Heaven ? Vfe 3.. Be willing to die. Why art thou backward to go to Chrift ? Would Chrift pray foran Inconvenience ? You Chun his Company, when he defireth yours, add he defireth your prefence for your own fakes, that you may be happy. Love brought Christ out of Heaven, that he might be with us, he thought of it before the World was. Prov. 8. 31. My delight was with the Sons of Men ; he longed for the time, when will it come ! We are to go from Earth to Heaven, from converfing with Men, to con- verse with Angels, why are we fo loth to remove? What could Chrift expel but hard Ufage, Labour, Griefs, and Death ? He came to tame the Vinegar and the Gall : We are called to the Feaft of Loves, to the hidden Manna, to Rivers of Pleafures; if you love Chrift, why should you be unwilling to be in the Arms of Chrift ? Let him be unwilling to die, that is loth to be there where Chrift is. Love is an Affelion of Union, it defireth to be with the Party loved, and can you be unwilling to die ? Death is the Chariot, that is to carry you to Chrift. Gen. 45.27. When Jacob faro the Wa- gons which Joseph had f nt to carry him, the Spirit of Jacob revived. What is there in the World to be comparedwith Heaven? Either there mutt be fomething in the World to detain us, or it is the terriblenefs of the Paffage, or elfe a contempt of what is to come, that you are unwilling to die. If you have any thing in the World more wor- thy than Chrift, Father, or Mother, or Wife, or Friend, or Brother, or prefent De- lights, it is a fign of a Carnal Heart. Pfal. 73. 25. Whom have I in Heaven but thee ? and there is none on Earth I delire betides thee. Can you fay fo without eliffembling ? quit them all then. It is not the company of Angels, but Chrift; it is not Wife, Children, Relations, (thefe mull be loved in God, and after God) nothing within the Circuit of Nature, none fo worthy as Chrift. Now you are put to the trial, when ftcknels cometh, and you fee Death a coming ; Chrift hath fent his Wagons, his Cha- riots, to fee if we be real. Or is it the terribleness of the Paffage ? doth Nature recoil at our difïolution ? Where's your Faith ? Death is yours, t Cor. 3.22. Chrift hath affured