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Ver.24. the 17th Chapter of St. J O H N. 355 affured you, and will you not truft his Word ? You love him little; when you have no Cónfidence in his Word. Or elfe contempt of things to come ; then why was all this colt to prepare a Place for you ? Why came Chrift to lay down his Life to purchafe that which we care not for ? what needeth all this wale ? Chriftians ! hear for the time to come, we know not how loon we may be lent for and put to the trial; it is good to be refolved, that we may fay, the sooner the better. 2. Obferve; Chrift taketh great delight in his People's Company and Fellowflüp. His Heart is much fet upon it. I. I thall give you Tome Demonfirations and Evidences of it II. Reafons. I. Evidences.. I. His longing for the Society of Men before the Creation of the World. Prov. 8. 31. I rejoiced in the habitable parts of the Earth,and my Delights were with the Sons of Men. Tho Chrift delighted in all the Creatures, as they were the Effelts of his Wifdoní; Power, and Goodnefs ; yet chiefly with Men that are capable of God's Image, and up- on whom he Ihould lay out the Riches of his Grace. He thought on us before the World was, and longed for the time of his Incarnation, when will it come ! 2. In that he delighted to convene in humane thape before the Incarnation. Zech. L re, The Man among the Myrtle Trees : who is alto called, The Angel of the Lord, Verf. s1. 3. He took pleafure to (pend time busily among them, whilst he was with them in the days of his Flesh. John 9. 4 5. I mull work the Works of him that feet me, while it is Day : the Night cometh, when no Man can work. As long as I am in the World, I am theLight of the World. His Affeltion to the Service, made him go up and down doing good to Meng he would not leave this Miniftration to his Servants, but would do it in Perlon as long as he was in the World. John s. 14. The Word was made Refit, and dwelt among us. Chrlft did not affume our Nature, as Angels affumed Bodies for the prefent turn, but lived a good fpace of time, and converted with Men. 4. When it was neceffary he should depart, he had a mind Of returning before he went away, and removed his bodily Pretence from us; his Heart is upon Meeting and Fellowship again, of getting his People up to him, as in the Text, or his coming down to us : John 14. 3. And if I go and prepare a Place for you, I will come again, and re4 ceive you tomy self, that where I am, there ye may be alfa. S. Until the time that that Meeting cometh, he vouchfafefh us his Spiritual Pretence. Mat. 28. 20. Lo, I am with yea always to the end of the World. Whatfoever Part or Age of the World we fall into in this Life, we are with Chrift, and Chrift with us not only with the Church in general, but with every Believer. With the Church or Affemblies of his People, Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, I am in the midtl of them, Mat. 18.20. With every particular Believer, Christ is faid to dwell in our Hearts by Faith, Ephef. 3.17. There is a near familiarity between Chrift and every Believer; every fandified Heart is a Temple wherein he keepeth his Residence: As God he is every where; as to his Humane Nature, the Heaven of Heavens contain it ; as to his gracious Operation, and efpecial Influence, fo he dwelleth in the Hearts of his People. He is with us in our Duties ; Exod.2o.24. In all places where I record my' Name, I will come unto thee, and lief; thee. Chrift is prefent to entertain us,we go to meet with Chrift. In our Dangers, Ifa.43.2. When thou pajft through the Waters,l will be with thee; and through the Rivers, they ¡hall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the Fire, thou (halt not be burnt, neither fhhallhe Flames kindle upon thee. The Son of God was with the three Children in the Furnace. When left alonei they are not alone. He would never have gone from us, if our Neceffities did not require it. It was neceffa. ry that he should die for our Sins, that they might not hinder our believing an4 corny ing Ito him. It was neceffary he should go to Heaven; if our Happinefs lay here, he would be with us here, but it doth not, it is referved for us in the Heavens ; there-, fore he muff go there to prepare a Place for us, that we may be ever with him. 6. When gone away, he will tarry no longer than our Affairs require; as loon as he hath done his Work, he will come again and fetch us. When our Souls are with him, that doth not fully content Christ, he will cape and fetch us into Heaven in our whole Perlons, and then Chrift and we !hall never part more. a Thef£ 4. 17. And then (hall YYY Y 2 tvé