356 SERMONS upon Senn 4r; we ever be with the Lord. Thus Chrift is never fatisfied, till our Communion be perfeót and perpetual, till we are all with hies in one Affembly and Congregation. Pfal. a. 5. Therefore the ungodly fhall not fend in the Judgment, nor Sinners in the Congregation of the Righteous. Then all the Eleat thall meet in one General Affembly, that Chrill's My- ftical Body may be fully compleat, not one Member of his Myftical Body is wanting: ' II. Reafons. r. Negatively ; there is not any want in himfelf, nor any worth 'iii us. We/are worthlefs and wretched. Pfal. 14.3. They are all gone afide, they are altogether heihme filthy, there is none that doth good, no not one. Titus 3. 3. For we our (elves alfo were f metimes foolifls, difabedient, deceived; fining divers Lufis and Pleafures, living in Ma- lice and Envy, hateful and hating one another. Chrift hash no need of us, he was hap- py without us, he lieth in the Bofom of his Father, and hath been his Delight from all Eternity, and hath ten thoufand times ten thoufand Angels to attend him; what want bath he of poor Worms ? 2. Po(tively ; his Affe &ion and Relation to them: Affe &ion, and Self-Inclination, they are the Members of his Body. John 13. 1. yefua having loved his own, that were in the World, he loved them to the end. There are both Motives, he bath loved them, and they are his own. (r.) He bath loved them, and Love is all for Union and near Communion. Deut. 7. 7, 8. The Lord did not fee his Love on you, nor chufe you, becaufe ye were more in num- ber than any People, but becaufe the Lord loved you. He bath no other Reafon but his own Love; and therefore he will not leave, till he hath brought them to their final Happinefs. (2.) They are his own by Ele&ion, Purchafe, ReQgnation. They rèfign themfelves to him, and fo he hath a peculiar Intereft in them. He provideth for his own, they are Members of his Myflical Body, The fulnefs of him that fzlleth all in all, Eph.t.23. Mvflical Chrift is not compleat and full without them, tho Chrift Perfonal be every way full and compleat. Vfe r. Reproof. You fee how Chrift ftandeth affe &ed to the Society of his Peo- ple, and fo are all that have Chrift's Spirit ; as Moles chofe rather to Alit. afjlielion with the People of God, than to enjoy the Pleafures of Sin for a Seafon, Heb. r r. 25. It is better to be afiti&ed for a Seafon with God's People, than to live with the Wicked in Pleafure for a feafon ; both are for a feafon. But there are a fort of Met, whole Spi- rit and Pra &ice is very contrary to this of Chrilt; who cannot abide the Prefence, much lefs the Company and Communion of the Saints. Chrift cannot reft in Heaven without the Saints; and there Men count themfelves in a Prifon when they are in good Company 5-it is their burden and trouble to have a reftraint upon their Lulls, to be confined to gracious Difcourfe about Heaven and Heavenly Things. Nay, their very Pretence is an eve-fore. As in Come of the Common - Wealths of Greece, they had their Petalifm and Oftradfm for Men, when they grew eminent and worthy, the bate nefs of popular Governnient not confifbng with confpicuousVertue : So thefe Gan- net endure holy' ftri&nefs, or a faze of Grace above their dead - hearted Profeffion. Vfe 2. Comfort againft the fcorn and 'contempt of the World ; tho you are call forth as the fweepings of the Streets, yet' you are dear and precious with Chrift ; that Company which is fo difdained andreje&ed in the Wórld, is longed for by Chrift. Therefore let us go forth to him without the Camp, bearing his Reproach, Heb. 13. 13. The World cults us out, but Chrift takes us to himfelf. Vfe 3. Let us prize the Communion and .Fellowlhip of Chrift. It is but reafon that we fhould prize that Company that is fo neceffary for us, fuch a Bleffing to us: If he value pars, he is worthy of Love, and he is our Head, let us long to be with him. But wherein ? a. By looking after Communion with him for the prefent. Certainly there is fuch a thing, the World looketh upon Communion with Chrift but as a Fancy ; as many a- mong the Heathens pretended to a Secrecy with their Gods, but the Saints know the Reality of it. r John a. 3. And truly our Fellowfhip is with the Father, and with his Son Jefus Chrif.. Certainly 'there is fuch a thing as. this. Now this is either Confiant and Habitual, or Solemn and Special. (r.) Confiant