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Ver.. 24. the 17th chapter of St. J° ó H N: 357 (1.) Confiant and Habitual ; as he dwelleth in our Hearts by Faith, where Chrift doth take up his abode and dwelling in the Heart, renewing them by his Spirit, as the Fountaimof Life. Gal: 2. zo. Ideverthelefs I live, yet not I, but Chrift liveth in me And- the Seed_ and_H.opeofGlory.; ivyouu the Hope of Glory: main- mining and defending themagainft all Temptations. 1 Joh.4.4.Greater is he that is in yon; than he that is in the World, There is no neseffity ill ord to type S ritual UCe, that his Body be in the Sacrament, received into ont¢tian. trn h fns Humane Nature is lócally prefent in Heaven, but his Spirit is in us as a Well o`F Lif ¿. This is our con- ftant Communion with him. (2.) Solemn and Special in Holy Ordinances. Our Souls fliould run upon this,. How we may find Chrift there; as the Spoufe fought her Beloved throughout the whole Ci -. ty. Cant. 3. 2, 3. I will arefe nab and ga abs»ft tb& i4y, in the Streets, and in the broad Ways, I will feek him whom my Soul loveth ; I fought him, but I found him not. The Watchmen that got hut: the,Ci{lc. flutni iw, »7A9114. I AA át ye A*, , nib my, t'oul love*. So doth the belieuiug;Soul long tp,fçe Chrift. If, tip)ppgerst&plur pretence, we (hould delire his Pretence, áttd'to enjoy as much, aá we can, of it here in the World: It is Heaven begun, 4s for me, I shall behóld his Face in Ri'hteaufnef "Pral. 17. r5. Not only to have bare Ordinances, but to meet with God there, that we may never go from hivn without him. This is to begin Heaven, to give Chrift a Vifit, to be Iii miliar'with Chrift in Prayer, to feek after hitn.ïn the Lords Supper, and never go from God without God. Pfal. 63. 1, 2. 0 God, thou art my God, early will I fie( thee : my Soul thirfleth for thee, my Fle fh longeth for `Liee, in a dry and thirfly. Land, wl.*re no Water is Tit fee thy Power and thy Glory, fo as I have fen thee in t'he.SantIuary. 7 hat glimpse he had once found, made him tong for more: Pfal. 84. e, 2.. How amiable-ar'a -thy Taber- nacles, O Lord of Hof s ! My Sono la;geth, yea, even funteth for the Courts öf the Lord; my, Heart and my Refit cried: out for the Living God. Spiritual Communion Will at lath end in Glory : You may change Place, but not Company. 2. Long to be with him, and to have immediate Communion with him in Heaven. Phil. t. 23. I defre to depart, and to be with Chrift ; not to with for Death in a pet, to put an end to your Troubles. Men look upon Heaven as a Retreat. Nay, do not meerly look upon Heaven, as it freeth you from the Torments of Hell, or the Curie and Vengeance of God, but as it giveth you Communion With Chrill. 2 Cor. 5. 8. We are confident, I fay, and willing, .rather to be absent from thg Body,. and to be prefent with the Lord. Therefore upon this account, be more willing to depart. You that are Old, and within fight of Shore, wait for the happy Hour ; you that are Sick, be.for- ward to prepare for:Home ; you'that are Young, you may live long, but you cannot live better than with Chrift, be ready when God (hall call you. (1.) There is far more Reason why we (hould long for Chrift, than Chrift for us, He defireth your Pretence -for your own fakes, that you may be happy 5 he is not fo- litary without you. You have 411 the reason in the World to be willing to go toChríá, the sooner the better. (a.) If you have the Hearts of Christians, you will do fo. Rev. 22. 17. The Spirit and the Bride fay, Come. If you have heartily contented to Chrift, you will do fo. Gen. 24. 58. They called Rebekah, and rid unto her, Wilt thou go with this Man? and fhe faid, I will go. Chrift faith, I will that they. shall be where I am : and the, I will be ever in a posture, longing, waiting for this happy Time. The Children of If- rael eat the Paffover with Staves in their Hands. (3.) Experience puts us to this 5 such as have any Communion with Chrift here,will long after the compleating of it in Heaven. Rom. 8. 23. And not only they, but our flues alfo, who bave the firfi Fruits of the Spirit ; even we our films groan within our films, waiting for the Adoption, to wit, the Redemption of our Body. (4.) if we delire it not, it is a fign of Come Corruption, too great an inclination to the Pleafures and Contentments of the World. Lot lingred in Sodom, Gen. 19. 16. Or that you have loft your Evidences, and fo think to appear before him, as Male fa&ors before a Judg. SER1Vi,