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Ver.24. the 17th Chapter of St-40 H N. 361 in the midft of Angels, and Bleffed Saints, Face to 'Face ! he is another Manner of Chrift than ever we thought him to be. It is ravifhing to behold him in Ordinances; Feafts are poor things to be fpoken of to that, but yet there is a Vail upon his Glory. O that there (hould be fuch a glorious Spectacle provided for us ! It is God's own B1ef fednefs to fee himfelf, and enjoy himfelC 2. That we are able to behold it, and that with Comfort. That we are able to be- hold it : The World is a dark Plaee,and we are weak Creaturess; our Eyes now ire like the Eyes oran Owl before the Sun, we cannot take in a ,full Reprefentation of his Greatnefs, nor bear the Luftre of his Majefty. God is fometimes reprefented as dwel- ling in Light, to (how the Luftre of his Majefty. 1 Tim. 6. s6. Who only háth Immor- tality, dwelling in the Light, which no. Man can approach unto. And fometimes as dwel- ling in Darknefs, as noting the weaknefs of our Apprehenfions. Prat. 18: 11. He made' Darknef, his f eret Place 5 his Pavilion round about him were dark Waters,and thickClouda of the Sky. We are dark Creatures, and-can but gueis, all is Myfterÿ and Riddle to us. The Children of Ifrael cried out, We cannot fee God and live. Deut. 5.25. N.ow therefore why fliould we die ? for this great Fire will confume us ; If ire hear thé Voice of the Lord our God anymore, then we Hiatt die. God is, fain to dwell in the Heavens, and fix his Throne there ; his Glory would drive us to our Wits end, the very Happinefs of Heaven would- not be a Mercy upon Earth. And then that we may behold it with Comfort.. God in Chrift is not formidable. Wicked Men (hall fee Chrift, but they (hall fee him as a Judg; but, faith yob, with thefe Eyes (hall I fee my Redeemer Job 19. 25, 26, 27. 1 know that my Redeemer livetü, and that he (hall fand at the latter day upon the Earth. And tho after my Skin, Worms defray this Body, yet in my Flefb (hall I fee God : Whom mine Eyes (Ball behold, and not another,. Every Time we' löok upon Chrift, we have the livelieft and fweetelt fenfe of God's Love, it bringeth to remem- brance his Paffion and Sufferings. Wicked Men (hall fee him as a Judg to their Ter-, ror; as 1ofeph's Brethren were afhamed to look on him, they cannot hold up their guilty Heads : But we come to behold our belt and beloved Friend, to fee him that laid down his Life for us. John 15. 13. Greater Love than this hath no Man, that a Matt lay down his Life for his Friend. To fee fuch a Friend will be comfortable. of 2. Strive to get an Intereft in fo great a Privilege. Who are thofe that (half have an Intereft in it ? e. They that are careful to ferve Chrift here. John ea. 26. if any Man ferüe me; let him follow me ; and where I am, there a fo (hall my Servant be. His Servants Thal ferve him, and they (hall fie his Face, &c. Rev. 22. 3, 4. Thofe that have fuffered with him, and fighed with him, that have owned him now, an hidden Chrift, (hall have the ho- nour to`behold him a glorious Chrift ; they that incourage themfelves with thefe Hopes; One day I ?hall fee Chrift : Pfal.27.13. I had fainted, uniefs I had believed to fee the Good-, tuft of the Lord in the Land of the Living. The true Land of the Living is Heaven 5 the World is but the Valley of the Dead, or the place of Mortality. The Queen of Sheba took a long Journey to behold the Glory of Solomon, which yet was but a tea, poral, fading and earthly - Glory. 2. They that begin their Happinefs here, make it their ftudy to know Chrift. John 17.3. This is Life Eternal, to know thee the only True God, and Jefssmare whom thou haft fine ; there is the Foundation and the beginning of it. Study Chrift in hisNatures, Perfon,Olfices; this is fit Work for Saints. Saith Mofes,Exod.33.18. Show me thy Glory. 1. It is an Increafing Light, but to the Wicked it is a growing Darknefs; exbros i dmty, outer Darknefs, Mat. 25.30. there they are held in Chains of Dark- nefs : you love Darknefs better than Light, and yqu (hall have Darknefs enough one Day. Now there is a thick Curtain and Vail drawn between you and Chrift, and hereafter there will be a deep Gulph ; but our work in Heaven is to behold Chrift's Glory. Can a Man look for it, and not follow on to know the Lord ? None (hall have a fight of Chrift hereafter, that do not know him now. 2. It muff be fuch a Light, as carries proportion' with the Light of Glory, that is, an Affehtive, transforming Light. e. An Affective Light. Many may fudy to warm the Brain, but not the Hearts Rom. 2. 20. Which haft µóq¢ov zîis yvdotrns, the Form of Knowledg, and of the Truth in the Law. They may difcourfe more exaftly than a good Chriftian, have a Map and Model of Truth in the Brain, they dig in the Mines of Knowledg, that Chriftians may have the Gold. Do you fee him with any Affeaion ? Do you firive, above all things, Zzzz to