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Ver.24. the 17thChàpterof St. JOHM. ;63 nefs is the Ground of Love; God.loves Chrilt, not only as like him, but as being of the fame Effence with himfelf. 1 John -5.7. For there are Three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Ward, and the Holy Ghoft, and there Three are One. : There is no created Initance to anfwer it ; all that we love are without us, but Chrift is of the fame Eflence with God. Then he loveth him as Mediator, and, Head of the Church, he doth not only love usin Chrift, but in a fort he loveth Chri(t in us, becaufe of the complacency that he took in his Obedience. John to. t 7. Therefore doth my Father lave me, becaufe I lay down my Life, that I might take it again. God did therefore eternally love him, and glorify his Manhood for his Love to us. . 2. In God's loving Chrift, he loved us. We are ele&ed in hint before the Founda- tion of the World. EpheC L. 4. According as. he bath chofe us in him before the Founda- tion of the World. When-God chofe Chritt to be Mediator, he chore, us in Chrift. This is the Method of the Divine Decrees. God from all Eternity tefolved to create Man pure and innocent, but with a changeable Will, to permit biro to fall; and he refolved on the Remedy, Chrift, and in Chrift to receive them to Grace, and acceht them to Life again. Firft he loveth Chrift, and then us in him ; as a King doth not only love a Subjeít that bath done him Service, but all his Friends and Kindred they are brought to Court, and preferred for_his fake. 3. This Love to us was Eternal alto. a Tim. r. 9. Who bath Paved us, and called tit with an Holy Calling; not according to our Works, but according to his own Purpdfe and Grace, which was given us in Chrift Jefes before the World began. So, Titus r. 2. In hope of Eternal Life, which God, that cannot lie, promifed before the World began:. 13uí hoW then are we Children of Wrath by Nature, the Elect as well as others ? EpheC_2. 3. And were by Nature Children of Wrath, even as others. Anfw. That fheweth the Merit of the natural Eftate, not the Purpofe and Decree of God. There are Veffels of Wrath, viz. the Reprobate ; and Children of Wrath, viz. the Unregenerate Ele& g. and Children under Wrath, viz. Children of God under defertion. It notes not what God bath determined in his Everlafting Counfel, but what we deferve by Nature; and in the courfe of his Juftice. 2J1ß I. It is a ground of Hope, why we may look for Everlafting Life, becaufe of God's Eternal Love. So it h urged here. There are two Grounds of Hope, The Eternity of his Love, and his Love to Chrilt. . t. The Eternity of his Love : From Eternity it began, and to Eternity it continua eth; before the World was, and when the World (hall be no more. Pfal. 103. 17. The Mercy of the Lord is from Everlafling to Ever/offing, upon them that fear him and his kighteoufnefs unto Children! Children. It is the weaknefs of . Man to change Purpofes God's.Love is not fickle and unconftant. We have good Purpofes, but they are fpee dily blotted, but certainly God's Eternal Purpofe (hall (land. So that the great Foun- dation of our Hope is, the immutable Love of God the Father. He that feeth all things at once, cannot be deceived; we are ignorant of Futurity, and therefore upon new Events change our Minds. Whatever falleth..out, God repenteth not ; Rom. t r. 29. For the Gifts and Calling of God are without Repentance. His Ancient Love conti- nues (till. We have many back - (tiding Thoughts; we think to love God, but new Temptations carry us away, and fo we are fickle and changeable ; but God changeth not, he cannot deny himfelf. 2. His Love to Chrift, which is the ground of his Love to ùs. It is the Wifdom of God, that the Reafons why Man should be loved, thould be dut of Man himfelf, in and among the Perlons of the Godhead. The Son lòveth us, becaufe the. Father.reqquireth it ; and the Father loveth us, becaufe the Son Merited it ; and the Holy Ghoil, that proceedeth from the Father and the Son, loveth us, becaufe of the Father's Purpofe, and the Son's Putchafe : And then the Holy Gholt's Work ii a. new Ground of Love: As long as the Son is faithful to the Father, and God regardeth the Obedience ofQuilt, and the Work of the Spirit, we are Cure to be loved. But will not fuch an abfolute Certainty make way for loofnefs ? It is pofftble it may with a Carnal Heart, for the ve- ry Gofpel is to fome the favour of Death unto Death ; but to the Ele& it cannot be, the great Gift of God's Eternal Love is ,Holinefs : EpheC t. 4. lccording as he bath oho- fin tee in him, before the Foundation of the World, that we fherild be holy and without blame before him in Love. And fo for aria's Lev. Ephef. 5. 25, 76. Chrift loved the Church; and gave himfelf for it, that he might fanlaify and clean(, it by the wafhing of Writer bJ the Word. And the Holy Ghoft worketh us to this very thing, a They: a, 13. Through' Z z z z a fdnai; 7