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-7. 566 S E k M ON S upon Serm. q.. which are not feen 5 j» the things which re feen are Temporal; but the things which are not feenare Eternal, 1.43 auovèvTrav 414î5v, Vithat is your Heart let upon ? and what do you make your Scope and Aim ? A Child of God prayeth, profeffeth, in order to Eter- nity. A Man (hall know his general Scope by what fatisfieth him. Are you contented with theWorld, to have your Names written in Earth, to have your whole Portion in this Life ? for other things you will give Goda Difcharge. Luther would not give God an Acquittance, Valde protefiatus femme nolle fic à Deo fatiati. Grace mutt have Eternity, for it would fain anfwer God's Love; it would live for ever, for ever to praife God, and ferve God. All the World will not fatisfy it,. without this eternal en- joiment of God. 2. Have you an Eternal Principle? Is there a Life.begun that cannot be quenched ? Is the Immortal Seed conveyed into your Hearts ? r Pet. r. 23. Being born again, not of Corruptible Seed, but of Incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abidetb for ever. Then certainly thou art loved from Eternity, for thou haft a Pledg of it. Firft or laft there is a Work wrought in their Souls, that can never be undone and difan nulled, fomething that is of an Everlafting Nature. And therefore what Seeds of Eter- nity hath God planted in your Hearts ? Common Graces and Moral Vertues, thefe are of no long continuance, the Soul mutt have an abiding Work, an immortal Work. 3. You may know it by this, you will be much in Trial, whether this be wrought in you or no, whether there be fuch an Eternal Principle conveyed into your Hearts. Morality is puffed up, never fufpeâs it felt, and common Grace puts us into good Moods, now and then gives Come tafts and flalbes. Heb. 6. 4, 5. They were once en- lightned, and have taled of the Heavenly Gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghof{ g and have tafled the good Word of God, and, the Powers of the World to come. Morality doth not labour to fee that all is lure and Cafe, and Common Grace only gives us fome Tafle and Flafhes. But a Child of God is looking after the Undion that will abide, the Seed that remaineth ; and is careful to fee that there is Grace, and to be in creating Grace, and is always examining whether it-be real. SERM,