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Ver. 25. the 17th Chapter of St: J OH N. 37i fhiineth more and more unto the perfect day. Look, as the juff do increafe, and go on from Knowledg to Knowledg, till they attain the Light of Glory, as the Sun dimbetl up to the top of the Meridian by degrees; fo the May of the Wiçked is Daiknefs,they go on from Darknefsto Darknefs, and,the Miff of. Darknefs is referved for them ; ig- norance makes way for Sin, and Siri for Hell. They are haftning downwards from Darknefs to Darknefs, and we haften to the perfect Day, from Grace to Glory. 2. There is no ferving or enjoying of Gcid but by Knowledg. Í do not plead For a naked Knowledg, and an una&ive Speculation, but fuch as is accompanied with Faith, Love, and Obedience; otherwife it is no true Knotledg. No Knowledg, nd Faith. 'Row. so. 14. HOW (hall they believe in him of whom they have nót heard ? We mutt know what Chrift is, before we can tràft him with our Souls. Would a Wo- man accept of a Man, when (he knows not what he is, nor from whence he cattle Can the Soul reft it felf with Chrift, and venture its Salvation upon biro, till it knows what he is ? a Tim r. 12. I know nhoni I have believed, and I aüì perfuèaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him againfi .that Day. Faith is an advi= fèd Aá, it is a Child of Light ; Prefumption is but a blind Adventure, an Mt that is done hand over -head, without Advice and Care ; but Faith certainly prefuppofetii Knowledg. The blind Man fpeaks Éteafon in this, when Chrift asked him, Doff thou believe on the Son of God ? John 9.35. He anfwered, Verf. 36. Who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him? And then for Love; No Knowledg, no Love; anunknowñ Objeec never afetts us : Love proceeds from Sight, thofe that have a fight of the Excellenciesof God, by the Light of the Spirit accompanying the Word, they love the Lord. And then where there is no Love, there is no Knowledg. i Jahn 4.8. Re that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is Lave. And then for Worship and Obe= dience, that is alfo the Fruit of Knowledg; that Worship which is performed to the unknown God, is never right. As thofe Fruits that grow out of the Sun, are crabbed and fowr; fo all fuch Ada of Worship as proceed not from Light and Knowledg, and not right and genuine. There cannot be a greater Prefervative from Sin, than Know- ledg. 3 Epift. John r r. He that Both Evil, hath not fen God. Certainly he that makes a trade and courfe of Sin, was never acquainted with God. i John 2.4. Hi that faith, I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments, is a Lyar, and the Truth it not in him. And there can be no enjoiment of God without Knowledg, neither in a way of Grace, nor in a way of Comfort. Not in a way of Grace : there can be no Grace without Knowledg; if we be renewed and changed; it is by Knowledg ; COL 3. to. And have put on the Nem Man, which is renewed in Knowledg after the Imago of him that created him. If we be ftrengthned in A(HiCtion, and enabled for the Duties of every Condition, it is by Knowledg. Phil. 4. 12. I know both how to be abafed, and 1 know how to abound ; every where and in all things Í am infirue7ed, both to be full, and to be hungry, both to abound, and to fufr need. All Communications of Grace are eon- . veyed by Light Nor can there be any enjoiment of God in a way of Comfort, with- out Light and Knowledg : Fears are in the dark, till we have a diftina Knowledg of the Nature and Tenor of the Covenant ; we are full of Fears and Doubts, which va- at as a Mitt before the Sun, when Knowledg is wrought. 2. Propofition; There is no Knowledg of the True God, without the l(,nowledg ofChrifi as Mediator. For two Éteafons. r. Becaufe God will accept no Honour from the Creature, but in and through Jefas Chrift. John S. 23. That all e>Wen fliould honour the Son, even at they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father that bath fent him. God hath re- vealed himfelf in Chrift, and you make God an Ídol if you think of hit].) otherwife. 2. Becaufe God out of Chrift is not comfortable, but terrible. The fallen Creature cannot converfe with God without a Mediator. As Waters which are fait in the Sea, ftrained through the Earth, are fweet in Rivers : So are the Attributes of God, in and through Chrift, fweet and comfortable to the Soul; for we cannot draw nigh to God without a Screen. 21íe. To prefs us to get Knowledg. The more Knowledg, the more a Man; the more Ignorant, the more Brutith. Pfal. 49. 20. Man that is in Honour, and void of Vnderflanding, is like the Beafis that peril li. And again ; as Knowledg doth diftingui(h you fromBeafts; fo the Knowledg of God doth diftinguilh you fromother Men ; to Aaaaa 2 know