ï,Ter,25. the 17th Chapter of St. JC3HN. 373 there was leaning on Jets Bofors one of the Difeiples whom kefur loved, Simon Peter therefère beckoned to him, that he /lorded ark who it fianld be of whom he ake. 2. It is an Argument of our Sincerity, to owo God in Times of publick Conteft; when it is dangerous to own him. There are Crete times when God crieth, i$ho is on my fide z Exod. 32. z6. when he calleth upan us to máoifeft our (elves, and Provi; Bence calleth for a Publick Acknowledgment. Errors by .God's Permitlion. are Pent into the World to try us : The Lord trieth you, to fee if you will be led by every Fancy, and fwim with the Stream. Many times the. Delufion is very (trong, that our Trial may be the greater; fo, t Car, c t. r9.. There mull be Hereres, that, e they which are approved may be made manifefi among yon. Winds are let joofe to try who are Chaff, who are folid Grain; efpecially an Error hacked with Power, as when the Tree is ( haken, rotten Apples fall down, fuch Times difcover Hypocrites. Prov, 26. 26. Whofe Hatred is covered by Deceit, his Wickedneft ,/hall be (hewed Before the whole. Congregation. But now it is a great Argument of Sincerity to own the Truth, when the Error is fo plaufible, and the inconvenience is great. s Kings 19. Io. I have been very jealous for the Lord God of Hofs, becaufe the Children of Ifrael have forf ken thy' Covenant, thrown down thine Altars, and fain thy Prophets with the Sword, and I, even .1 only am left, and they fiek my Life to take it away: When we are left alone to Con, tees, that is a great trial. Vie t. Information. T. That true Zeal is not-feen fo much in fighting with antiquated Errors, as in being eflablifbedinthe prefent Truth, 2 Pet. t. 22. v Tïi vvpisrii äNn6el : The prefent Truth of that Age, was to acknowledgChrift to be the MeíIith. When Truths are upon the Stage, then to give our Teftimony to them, this is to be God's W itnefles. To declaim againft the Errors of former Ages, is but a fife and wary Zeal. The Jews that oppofed Chrift, yet pleaded fdr the Prophets Clain by their Fathers 5. Corgh, Datban, and ram, were as hateful to them, as Judas to us, but they had no Eyes to fee for the pre- fent. Chrift taxeth the Hypocrtly of them that maligned the living Prophets, and garnifbed the Tombs of the Dead, Mat. 23. 29. It is no thank to own Chrift in the Day of his Exaltation, as when he is oppofed and flighted. Old Truths are only op- pofed by Natural Prejudices, but prefent Truths by carnal Interdits. z. That it is a great Fplly in them that will profefs nothing till the World be agreed. Lazinefs is apt to pretend want of Certainty. This is the old Prejudice. Chryfflowe bringeth in an Heathen difputing ; ' I would fain become a Chrifiian, but there are fo `many Divifions among you, that I know not what to chufe. Men are loth to put themfelvesto the trouble of Prayer and fearch, and would have all fitted to their Hands; and therefore till all be agreed, keep themfelves in a wary refervation. Should a Traveller (land 11111, becaufe he meeteth with many Ways ? Jet. 6. 16. Thus faith the Lord, Stand ye in the way and fee, and ask for the old Paths, Where is the good Way ? and walk therein and ye full find tell for your Souls. Or Chould a Manthat is lick, refute Phyfick, till all Phyfciansbe of one Mind ? It is your Duty to fearch, and it is praife- worthy to own Chrift in Times of Coneell. 3. It informed' us that a Multitude is no excufe,becaufe all went that way. We Ihould own Chrift, tho the World know him not, tho it hate him, rho it perfecute him. We Mould have an Eagle-Eye ; The old World was not fpared for the Multitude; there were but eight Perlons of another Judgment. We often prefume, that many Eyes fee More than one, and fo fpare the labour of Examination : but one Man that bath the thfe of his Eyes, Teeth more than a thoufand blind Men; and often -times it Talleth our, that afew find the true way. Mat. 7. 14. Strait is the Gate, and narrow is the Way that leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it. Therefore it is brutifh to follow the Track. We fhould examine, becaufe molily the World is out, and the Multitude fol- loweth that which is Evil; nay, it is rather a ground of fufpicion, the molt are not the belt. Vfe z. It preffeth us to be.more earneft to get a clear and fatisfaítory Knowledg the Controverfies of the Age, in the Truths that are now.upon the Stage. To that end, r. Delire the direction of Chrift, and confult with him. As the Woman of Sama- ria, John 4. 20. Our Fathers worfripped in this Mountain ; and ye fay, that in Jerufaletn is the Pre where Men ought to worfnp. Whether Zion or Gerizinr. Prefent it often to Chril}.