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Ver.25. the I7tb Chapter of St. J q H N: 35 fuppofed Occafion, it mattereth not. Many in fpightand fomach have turned Átheifts or Hereticks : Carnal.Cham, when turfed of his Father, began the way of Atheifm. 2. Obferve ; That the Reprobate World can never have any true Knowledg of God. The World bath not known thee. I. The Reprobate World can g4 as far as Nature can go. i Cor. á. 14. The Natural .Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for Mey are foolìfbnefr unto him, neither can he !snow them, becaufe they are fpiritually dif erred ; xv0ecizr©a sla3x.v.0-, not azee taap<: There are two Keafons urged by the Apoltle, a Natural Incapacity, and a PolitiveEn- mity. 1. A Natural Incapacity. He fuppofeth a fufficient Revelation ; they are fpiri- tually dfrerned. There mutt be a cognation between the Objeht and the Faculty. Spi- ritual Things mutt be feen by a Spiritual Light. Senfe, which is the Light of hearts; cannot trace the workings and flights of Reafon 5 we cannot fee a Soul, or an Angel,' by the Light of a Candle. So that the Object mutt not only be revealed, but there mutt be an anfwerable Light in the Faculty. There is Light enough, but we have not Eyes. There needeth not a plainer Revelation ; David plays not that God would make a plainer Rule, but open his Eyes, Pfal. r 19. 18. Open thon mine Eyes, that I may behold wondrous Things out of thy Law. The Underltanding mull be opened, as well as the Scriptures. Luke 24.45. Then openedhe their Underf%anding, that they might un- derfland the Scriptures. 2. Pofitive Enmity. They are foolrnef, to him. He looketh upon the Things of God, and folid Piety, as frivolous and vain. When Paul came to Athens, they called him Bohlen, Alts 17. 18. What will this Balder fay s The fame Difpofrtion Hill remaineth in Natural Men. Tho the Truths of Religion, by long traft of Time, and by the confent of many Ages, have obtained Credit, yet Men naufeate Spiritual Truths, and the Power of Godlinefs. A Stomach, ill- affeâed by Choler, rafts up wholefome Meats ; to do they fcorn Striltnefs, and the Holy Ways of God. 2. Experience (bows it. Take mere Nature it felf, and like Plants negleeled, it foort runneth wild 5 as the Nations that are barbarous, and not polifhed with Arts and Ci- vility, have more of the Bea1t, thantof the Man in them. Jude aò. What they know not naturally, as brute Beaffs, in thofe things they corrupt themfelves. Suppofe they ufe the Spetlacles of Art, to help the Native Light of Reafon with lnduftry, yet their Eyes are blind : How erroneous in Religion were the Civil Nations ? Rom. r. 22. Profej fing themfelves to be wife, they became Fools 5 very foolifh in Matters of Worfhip. The Romans placed Fear, Humane Pafüons, and every paltry thing among their Gods. The ruder and more brutish Nations, worfhipped only the Sun and Thunder, thinga great and wonderful. And (íi11 now we fee great Scholars given over to fond Superf i. Lions. Nay, go higher, fuppofe, befides the Spelacles of Art, Nature be furnifhed with the Glafs of the Word, yet we fee great Scholars very defeftive in the moil ufe- ful and praétical Points. Nicodemus a Teacher in Ifrael, knew not Regeneration. John 3. to. Ufually they delight rather in Moral Strains, than Myfteries of Faith, and err ist one Point or another ; ufually the Controverfies of their Age, they are blinded by Pride or Interest, are loth to troop to Truth revealed, and fo are outllarted by the Vulgar. Surgunt indoí7i & rapiunt Crelant, &c. they difpute away Heaven, while others furprize it. Nay, fuppofe they had an exaú Model and Proportion of Faith, and do pry into all the Secrets of Religion, as it is poffible to do with the common Light and Help of the Spirit, which is as far as a Reprobate can go; yet all this is without any change of Affe &ion, without any favour or relifh of Truth. This Spe- culative and Artificial Knowledg cloth not change the Heart. But here is an Objeûion ; Many Carnal Men have great Parts, and profefs theKnow- ledg of the True God. I Anfwer; r. The greaten part of the World lieth in Ignorance 5 they are born in Darknefs, live in Darknefs, love Darknefs more than Light, and are under the Pow- ers of Darknefs 5 Ephef 6. 12. The Rulers of the Darknef of this World. The Devil hath a large Territory over all the blind Nations. 2. Carnal Men, that own the True God, and profefs him, yet in a Scripture -fenfe they do not know him. For Knowledg not being affeetive, it is reputed Ignorance. John 8. 54, 55. Of Whom ye fay, that he is your God. Tet ye have not lemown him, but I know him : and if I fbauld fay, Anne him not, I Pall be a Liar like unto you ; but I know him, and keep his Saying. It is a Lie to prétend to Knowledg without Obedience. r John 2. 4, 5. ,Ind hereby we know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that faith, Ilejeow him, and keepeth not his Commandments, is a Liar, and the Truth is not in