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Ver.25. the i7th Chapter of St. JOHN. 377 revealed them unto Babes. Whatever parts they have, they have no raving- Knówledgg of God. The Godly Min is the only knowing and wife Man, all others they are but Fools, however they fwell with an opinion of Knowledg, and count it a reproach to be fo called. Ii. The fecond 111 ftration is by the Efficient and Exemplary Caufe of our Knoty- ledg, but I have known thee, &c. All along'our Likenefs to Chrift, and Unlikenefs to the World is afferted. Obferve ; That Chr j's Knowledg is the Pattern and Caufe of Ours. We have all thins at the fecond hand. I have known, and they have known. All the Candles are lighted at this Torch. Or, to life a companion more Celeftial, all the Stars receive their Light from the Sun. Therefore he is called, The Father of Lights, James r. 17. and the Sim of Nighteoufnefs, Mal. 4. 2. Chrift giveth us Knowledg two ways, by his Word, and bÿ his Spirit : Now none is fit to eftablifh a Word, none to pour out the Spirit but Chrift. s. None can give us a fufficient Revelation of the Father, but Chrift that came out of his Bofom, that knew all his Counfels. John a. 18. No Man bath feen God at any time, the only begotten Son, 'which is in the Bofam of the Father, he hath declared him. Our Knowledg is by the Senfes, by Sight and Hear -fay. Now no Man hath feen God, but Chrift, that was God -Man, who came out of his Bofom. So, Mat. 1 r. 27. No Man knoweth the Son but the Father 5 neither knoweth any Man the Father fate the Son, and he to svhomfoever the Son ni/l reveal him. To know him perfe&ly and contprehen- fively, fo neither Men nor Angels know him. To know him originally, fo as to eftá- blifh a Revelation with Authority, and fo as lit to offer the Light and Knowledg of him to the Creature, fo none but Chrift knows him, our Faith is built on God. Hu- mane Authority begets but an Humane Faith and Credulity. It was neceffary, that in the Bedroll of Gofpel- Preachers, the Son of God fhould have the firft place ; that in the latter Times, he thould preach to us by.his Son, that the ultimate Refolut -ion Of Faith might be into Divine Authority. John 7.29. But I know him, - for I am from him, and he hath feet me. And chap. ro. t j. As the Father knoweth me, even fo know I the Father. It is for our Confidence, that the full difcovery of this DoEtrine was re- ferved for the Son of God. 2. None elfe can give us a capacity to learn. Jefus Chrift is fuch a Teacher, that he doth not only give the Lefton, but the Wit and Skill to learn. 1 John 5. 20. We know that the Son of God is come, and bath given us an 2lnderJlanding, that we may know him that is true. No matter what the Scholar is, when we have fuch a Mafier. We ufe to inquire whether any one hath a Capacity to learn. He openeth the Scriptures, and openeth the Underftanding to learn. Luke 24.27. And beginning at Mores, and all the Prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures, the things concerning bimfelf. And I/erf 45: Then opened he their Vnderflandings, that they might underhand the Scrip- tures. There is a double Vail upon the Do&rine, and upon the Heart, Chrift removed both. 21f 1. If that'the true Knowledg of God is only to be had from Chrift, it dire&eth . us in the ufe of all Ordinances to look up to him, there mull our Truft be fixed in Reading, Hearing, Meditating. We muff ufe Helps and Means, elfe we tempt God, but our Truft mull be elfewhere. In Reading, Pfd. 119.18. Open thou mine Eyes, that- ' may behold wondrous things out of thy Law. There are wonders in the Law, but our- Eyes mull be opened to fee them, otherwife we (hall have but a fuperficial and literal Knowledg, when Men think to find more in Books than in Chrift. So in Hearing ; Cathedram habet in Colis. Ira. 2.3. Come ye, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the Houfe of the God of Jacob, and he Will teach us of his Ways. You come td the Word to be taught by Man,and yet not to be taught byMan; in Obedience you ufe the Means, but your Confidence is on Chrift,that you may hear his Voice to the Soul; that be that brought the Gofpel out of the Bofom of God,may bring it into your Hearts. The Dial is of no ufe without the Sun ; except the Sun (hine,you cannot fee what is a Clock by the Dial. So in Meditation and Study,Chrift is Wonderful Counfellor, Ifa.9.6. Prov.8.14. Cosen- fel is mine, and found Wsfdom; 7 am Vnderflanding, I have hrength. How are Men be- fooled, that go forth in the confidence of theitiown Wit ! Fle(h and Blood are apt to humble in God's plainelt Ways. Carnal Hearts turn all to a Carnal Purpofe. Prov. 26.9. As a Thorn goeth up into the Hand of a Drunkard ; fo is a parable in the Mouth of Bbbbb Fools,