Ver.26. the 17th Chapter of St. JOHN. 379 Wifdom, but we cannot want thefe. And therefore you are more concerned in the getting of Saving-Knowledg than you are aware of. Light was the firft Creature, that God made ; fo it is the way by which all Grace is wrought in the Soul; for in all Communications of God beginneth with the Underftanding. Jer. 31. 19. After I was infirulled, 1 Jmote upon my Thigh. He makes the Creature to fubmit to his Provi- dence, to be contented in all Eltates and Conditions. Phil. 4. 12. In all things 1 am in- ftruEled, both to be full, and to be hungry; both to abound, and to fufer need. God draws you to Chrift, but his drawing is accompanied with a Teaching ; John 6.44. No Man can come to me, except the Father which bath fens me, draw him. Ver.45. -- And they Jhall be all taught of God. Every Man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. God's drawing is not a blind Force, but there is a teaching with it ; God loves rational Service, not blind Obedience : And therefore cry for Knowledg, and run to Chrift that he may teach you, and lead you into the 'Paths of Righteoufnefs. SERMON XLIV. JOHN XVII.26. And I have declared unto them thy Name, and will declare it : that the Love where with thou hall loved me, may be in them, and 1 in them. THIS is the fecond Reafon, taken from the Benefits Chrift had be- flowed upon them. Here is his Gift, and his Aim. In the firlt, what he had done, what he will do. Where (1.) mid, the Manifeflation of his Father's Name. (2.) Ruibus, to whom, principally to the Apoliles, and from them to Believers. (3.) guomado, 1 have, that is, by his Miniftry upon Earth; and 1 will, in the pouring out the Spirit, and his Difcourfes with them after the Refurre &ion. All that needeth Expli- cation, is, What is meant by God's Name ? 4nfw. The ufe of Names from the be- ginning, was a diftin&ion to feparate Creature from Creature by their Appellations. At brat Adam gave Names to the Beafts, that their Species and Kinds might be diftin -' guifhed, for Beaus are diftinguifhed only by their Herds and Kinds. But the Names which Men bear are individual and particular ; Man being an excellent Creature, made for Rule and Commerce, and therefore is to be known not by his Kind, but Name. But now what is God's Name ? Where there are many, there is need of Names ; but where there is but one, the fingularity is diftin&ion enough. But yet God hath his Name, by way of diftin&ion from Creatures; fo we have a Negative Name, removing the lmperfe &ions of the Creature; and to diftinguifh him from chofe, Tayóµovoi ,9eó,ä Gods that are fo called, and his Name is a Jealous God : Exod. 34. 14. For thou (halt worfhip no other God ; for the Lord whofe Name is jealous, is a Jealous God. And by way of Notification, that we may conceive of him aright, as Names are not only di- ftin &ive, but bWalwo T v g ylsdirmv, as Damafcen. So all that by which he is known, or diftinguifhed, that is his Name : and fo God bath many Names, becaufe one cannot enough exprefs him; his Works are a part of his Name, but chiefly his Word, the Do- ¿trine concerning his Effence and Will ; Pfal. 138. 2. Thou haft magnified thy Word above all thy Name : there he bath made himfelf mpft known. In Creation and Providence, We may read much of God, but in the Bible more; and chiefly his Word of Promife and Covenant, which is that Theater upon which his Mercy and Truth is difcdvered, which is the Reprefentation wherein God delighteth. And again, the Covenant, as it is revealed in the Gofpel, is a chief part of h-v Name, for his Naíne was fecret, before the New- Teftament- Difpenfation was lit afoot; 'Judg.13. 18. Why askeft thou thus after Bbbbb a mg iFl