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$cs SE1&1VtONS upon Serai.,}q. my Name, feezng zt zs fecreet ? There was little known of the Trinity, of the Sort of God, the Incarnation of the Son of god, &c. 1. Point ; That one great Priviledg of the Gofpel, is to know God by his right Name. I. I (hall thew you how God's Name and Title hath been often changed and altered, becaufe he would acquaint his People with his full Name by degrees. Exod. 6. 3. I appeared unto Abraham, unto ICac, and unto Jacob, by the Name of God Almighty, but by my Name TER O F A H was I not known to them. Firn, to Abraham, to diffinguifh him from Idols and falfe Gods, El Shaddai 3 then, Jehovah, as giving Being to his People, making good his Promifes ; after, God of Abraham, God of Ifaac, and God of Jacob, as relating more to the Covenant ; then, God that brought them out of the Land of Egypt, Exod. 20.2. then, God that brought them out of the Land of the North; then, the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrifl ; before that, The Lord our Righteoufnefs, Jet. 23. The Jewith Church knew tittle of the Dot-trine of the Trinity, dittin &ion of the Perfons, quality of the Mediator. God proclaimed his Name; Exod. 34. 6, 7. The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-freer- ins, and abundant in Goodne ¡s and Truth, keeping Mercy for thoufands, forgiving Iniquity, andTranfgreJon, and Sin : but the way of Pardon was not then fo fully difcovered. Some Names God bath from Everlafting, as Eternal, Infinite; Tome relate to the pre- lent State; as Creàtdr, Lord, God in Covenant, the God of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob. 2. What the Gofpel efpecially doth difcover more of God. i. ThtuDiftin &ion of the Perfons in the Godhead. At the Baptifm of Chrift the whole Trinity was fenfih'y prefent 5 the Son in the Body, the Father in the Voice, and the Holy Ghoft in the (le in of a Dove. This was the Myftery brought upon the Stage. 2. The Incarnation of Chrift r Tim. 3. 16. God manifeft in the Flefli. The World was acquainted with this great help to Piety. The Jews had a Temple ; here is a Tem- ple Wherein the Godhead dwelleth bodily; Col. 2. g. For in him dwelletb all the Feelnefs of the Godhead.bodily. 3. The Attributes of God are more amply declared. Every Excellency of God bath its proper Theater, where it is feen. In the Gofpel all are difcovered, but chiefly Mer- cy, Jtínice, and Truth. His Power and his Wifdom are leen in the World, but more in the Gofpel ; the Heavens do not declare half fo much of the Glory of God, as the Word and Dolrine which Chrift brought out of the- Father's Bofom ; a Cor. a. 24. Chrifi the Wifdom of God, and the Power of God. There is Truth, 2 Cor. r. 20. FoP all the Promifes of God in him are Tea, and in him Amen. The greaten Affurance of his Faithfulnefs was his fending Chrift ; that which we expel, is nothing to difficult to be- lieve, as the Incarnation of the Son of God ; his fecond coming is not fo unlikely as his fun ; if he came to Suffer, and to Purclìafe, he will come to Reign. His Wifdom in joining God and Man together in the Perlon of Chrift, Juftice and Mercy together, Comfort and Duty together in the Covenant of Grace; two Natures, two.Attributes; God lofeth no Honour, Man wanteth no Encouragement. God theweth his Jollier; Rom. 3.26. To declare, I fay, at this time his Righte tfnefs, that he might be Nufi; and the Juftifzer of him which believeth in Nis. While the Sacrifices continued, God only Chewed Patience and Forbearance. His Hol'tnefs and Hatred of Sin, by laying it on Chrift, punifhing it in Chrift. His Wrath, the moll dreadful fight of God's Wrath is upon Golgotha, God fpared not his Son. But his Grace, that was on the top; Tit. 3, 4. But after that the kindnefi and love of God our Saviour toward, Man appeared. This is the Attribute that beareth fway in the GoCpel. Mercy is in Office ever once the Fall there was not fo much Kind nefs to Man difcovered in Innocency; God did good to a good Man, there was no Mercy to Enemies then ; there Man was made after God's Image, here God is made after our Image and Liikenefs. Mercy and Grace comes now to (hew it felt to the World. PP. Let us admire and nudy more the Name of God in the Gofpel. The fire Let- ter of Chrin's Name is Wonderful. He is a Myftery that is worthy our Contemplation. The Angels have known more of God line Chrift was revealed. Eph. 3. td. To the intent that now unto the Principalities and Powers in Heavenly Places, might be known by the Church the manifold Wifdom of God. Let it take up your Thoughts, let your Minds a work : Heb. 3. t. Wherefore, Holy Brethren, partakers of the Heavenly Calling, confider the "'polite and High- Prieff of our Profefon, yefizs Chrift. There cannot be a more al- feQive, humbling and Heart-changing Confederation: 2. Point;