V er. 26. the i jth Chapter of St-.1 0 H Ns 38i 2. Point ; That none can difcover this Name of God but Chrift, none Authdrita- tively, none perte &ly. s. None Authoritatively can fis his Name, by which he (hall be known atüong the Creatures. The impofition of Names implieth Superiority, the lefs is named of the greater. Adam had this favour to naine the Beafts, as having Authority over them. Gen. 2. 59, 2o. And ont of the Ground the Lord formed every Beafl Of the Field, and every Fowl of the Air, and brought them to Adatti to fie What he Would call them, and what= (Dever Adam called every Living Creature, that Was the Name thereof And Adam gave Names to all Cane!, and to the Fowl of the Air, and to every Beafi of the Field. Now God is over all, there is no higher to name him, therefore he nameth himfelf. Jefus Chrift, who is the very Image of God, he cometh and déclareth his Name. hly ante is in him, Exod. 23. 21. He is God, and therefdre Authoritatively fixeth the Name of God, eflablifbeth the Gofpel as the Rule and Dire &ion of the Church. 2. None can fo perfedtly difcover him. Our Hearts are too narrow to Conceive of God, and our Tongues too weak to exprefs him. Prov. 30.4. What is his Name? and what is his Sois Name ? if thou canif tell. Who knoweth his Pedigree exa&ly ? Who knoweth his Being? Who bath been in his Bofom to difcover hitnt fo as Chrift bath done? we'muft have a borrowed Light to fee him. Vfe T. Sit down With this Revelation which Chrift bath left in the Church; there is enough to inftruet Faith, tho not to fatisfy Curiofity. In things not revealed, a fimple Nefcience is better than a bold Inquiry ; there is enough for Service and Adoration. Let not Reafon prefcribe to Faith. He were not God, if he were not incomprehenfi, bic. Should Worms make their own Apprehenfion the meafure of Divine Truth ? It is not fo, becaufe I cannot underftand it, by a Candle in the Night I cannot fee it, there- fore it is not. Some things are to be received from Divine Teftimony, tho we cannot fully conceive of them. Let us blefs God for the Word, and take heed unto it, as to à Light thining in a dark Place. It is God's Metcy that Chrift came from Heaven with a Commiffion to difcover fo much to us. It is a Ray of the Face of God in Chrift Here is God's Heart difcovered to us, and our Hearts to our felves. Üfe 2. When you confult with the Gofpel, make ufe of Chrift. He is to difcover his Father's Name g he taught the Gofpel, not only on Earth, but in Heaven ; I have declared thy Name, and will declare it. Non loquendum de Deo fine lumina. There is no Saving- knowledg of God from our felves. Chrift is called t,oyós, the Interpreter of Isis Father's Mind. it is dangerous to fet upon the Knowledg of the Myftery of the Gofpel, in the flrength of our own Gifts and Parts, to refs meetly on the Rudy of Books and Humane Helps. The Gofpel is God's Riddle, which none but himfelf can expound ; beg the Spirit of Revelation, you cannot have a knowledg of it without a Revelation from Chrift. We do not improve Chrift's Prophetical Office fo much as we Ihould : we think he mutt pacify our Confclences, fubdue our Affe&ions ; but we do not look after Knowledg, but think to get it by Our own induttry: 3. Point ; Chrift Both not convey all Knowledg, or the full notice Of God's Name at once. The Knowledg that is origi'nálly in Chrift, is not communicated to ui but by degrees, that it may increafe more. Like the good Houfholder, that brought out the bett at 'aft. John t. 5o. Becaufi I faid unto thee, I fasii thee under the Fig -tree, believefi thou? thou fsalt fie greater things than the f. Partly, to keep up our Dependance and Refpe&, left a Satiety grow upon us. When there is rio more ufe of a thing, then we contemn it. Man is a Creature that is led by Hope, rather than by Memory. Still God keepeth the beR till tall, there is a perpetual ufe of Chrift's Prophetical Office, that he may declare more. Partly, to conform us to himfelf, and to the Church. Chrift in creafid in Wifdom and Stature, &c. Luke 2.40, 52. his Humane Capacity was inlarged by degrees. The Church grew by degrees. There was a Non -age ; then it was the Seed of the Woman; afterwards, In thy Seed, &c. To Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob. Then . it was told what Tribe, The Scepter (ball not depart from Judah, Gen. 49. to. afterwards of what Family, to David; that a Virgin fball conceive, and fhall bear a Son, and flsal! call his Name Immanuel, /fit. 7. 14. At lait, 'Behold the Lamb of God, John I. 29, Partly, that he might fuit his Difpenfations to our Capacity. God will not violate the Courfe of Nature. Our Life is hidden in Chrift. You do not teach Univerfty- Learn- ing to a Boy ; Chrift dealeth with us as we aretapable, according to our receptivity: We are made meet to be parta/¿ers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, Col. E. 12; Vf i,