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Serm.44. 384 SERMONS tipdn 4. Obferve again ; God's Love is in us two ways, in the Effe &s, and in the Senfe and Feeling. There mutt be alCo di(iñnguilhed ; for God's Love may be in us in regard of the Effe &s, when it is not in us in regard of Senfe and Feeling. It is in us in the Effe &s of it at Converfion, as loon as we begin to live in Chrift. Where Chrift liveth and dwelleth in us by Faith,the Love of Chrift is there too. His Love may be in us in, the Senfe and Feeling, when we have the afìurance of it. Rom.5. 5. The Love of God is flied abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghofi, which he bath given to us, that they may feel it in their Hearts, that God loved them in Chrift. There is the Work of the Spirit, and the Witnels of the Spirit, both are intended in that Expreffion ; chiefly the lat- ter, fuch a Senfe of God's Love as ftirreth up Joy, and Thankfulnefs, and Hope. The precious Ointment gave no favour, while it was (hut up in a Box,till it was poured out : So God's Love, while it is kept fecret, it yieldeth no reviving Fragrancy. There two differ, for many have the Effe &s of God's Love, but not the Senfe 5 and the Ef- fe&s of Love do always abide, for it is an Immortal Seed; but the Senfe of Love is flitting and changeable : Nothing can feparate us from the Love of God in Chrin, yet the Love of God in Chrift is often beclouded, overcall, and interrupted : and Come have more Effe &s, tho lelo Senfe 5 the molt (pining Years are not always the molt Fruitful; a Man may have greater increafe of Grace, tho lefs comfort. Obferve for your Comfort, that Chrift prayeth for both ; he hath prayed, not only for Grace, but for Affurance, that we may feel our felves beloved by the Father. The Lord delight - eth not only to love us, but to affure es of his Love. It is no comfort to a blind Man to hear of a glorious Sun, or brave Shews, he cannot fee them. God would not leave us in the dark, but give us an Experience of his Love. If. How this arifeth from the Manifeftation of God's Name in the Gofpel. r. The Knowledg of God, is a means to kindle our Refpeth to God. 2. To convey the Influence of his Grace to us. r. It is a means to kindle our Refpe &s to God ; as Trutt, Pfd. 9. ro. They that know thy Name, will put their Trufi in thee. Men are ignorant of God's Goodnefs, Mercy, and Truth, and therefore they make fo little ufe of him. Ufually Fears are in the Night, Doubts come from Ignorance of the Tenour of the Gofpel ; if we did believe thole Things to be true which.are revealed concerning his Mercy and Love to Sinners, we thould truft in him. Fire once kindled, would burn out of it felf into a Flame : fo did we once favingly know God's Name, there would be more Trutt and Confidence in God. Ifa. 5o. to. Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obey the Voice of his Servant, that walketh in Darknefs, and hath no Light ? let him trufi in the Name of the Lord, and flay upon his God. We are overwhelmed with Difficulties and Straits, for want of fludying God's Name. So alto for Love, Cant. r. 3. Thy JCame is as Oint- ment poured forth, therefore do the Virgins love thee. Ignoti nulla cupido. Love fpringeth from Knowledg. In the Beams of the Sun, there is a mixture of Warmth and Light. We know not the Gift of God, and therefore our Bowels are not troubled. Did we but fee him as he is, it would let us all on Fire. 2. It is the means to convey all the Influences of Grace to us. 2 Pet, I. 2. Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you, through the Knowledg of God, and of fefus our Lord. God worketh upon us ,as rational Creatures, agreeably to an intelligent Nature; and fo no- thing can be wrought, unlefs Knowledg go before. An Houle, the more the Win- dows Rand open, the more it is filled with Light; fo the more Knowledg, the more is the capacity of the Soul inlarged to receive Comfort and Grace. Guilty Nature is full of Fears, more prefagious of Evil than of' Good, and therefore it mutt have clear grounds of Comfort and Hope. But you will fay, How comes it to pals, that Perlons of great Knowledgwant Comfort, and have no fenfe of God's Love ? I Anfwer, It is not the Light of Parts, but of the Spirit. I have declared, &c. It is God's Prerogative to fettle the Confcience. I create the Fruit of the Lips ; Peace, Peace, &c. Ifa. 57. 19. The Gofpel is a Sovereign Plainer, but God maketh it work. Our own Thoughts do nothing, unlefs God put in with them. Üfe r. It informeth us of a double Duty. r. To, nudy God's Name. It would fettle the Confcience to meditate upon thofe De- clarations which Chrift hath made of his Will. Deep Thoughts fatten things uponthe Spirit, and muting maketh the Fire to burn. How path God declared himfelf ! we may true him upon his Word. Pfal. ro4. 34. My Meditation of him fhall be fceet ; I will